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Background: I have a Sonos One speaker set up in my toddler’s room to play white noise throughout the night. I found a playlist on Spotify that has worked perfectly for the past two years, and I play the playlist through the Sonos app. but suddenly beginning last month I’ve had a recurring issue.

Problem: Sometime in the middle of the night (after 6ish hours) the Sonos speaker will stop playing the white noise playlist, and start playing whatever song I last listened to on Spotify. Let’s say that, in the middle of the day away from home, while driving, I used Spotify on my phone to play some songs in my car. Later at night after I start the white noise through the Sonos app it makes it through 5-6 hours, but then suddenly stops playing the white noise and switches to whatever the last song I listened to when I was driving around. Understandibly this wakes up my kid, so I run into the room with my phone and open the sonos app. I try to connect to the One speaker to start the white noise playing again, but I keep getting a “Cannot connect” error. I have to wait 4-5 minutes before the sonos app can connect to the One speaker again.

Attempted Fixes: I’ve reset the speaker and re-added it to the home system (I have another One speaker and a Move speaker as well), but the problem persists. Any help is appreciated! I’ve downloaded the desktop Sonos app as well in case I need to get any diagnostic logs.

Check the comments/answers in the thread below they may help:


Thank you AJ, I checked that link and there wasn’t any resolution to it.


Something I forgot to mention in my original post is that I’ve already reset my Spotify password and logged out of all devices through Spotify in case it was someone else playing the music, but the problem persisted and that’s when I noticed that it was switching to playing the same last song I listened to earlier in the day.
