Background: I have a Sonos One speaker set up in my toddler’s room to play white noise throughout the night. I found a playlist on Spotify that has worked perfectly for the past two years, and I play the playlist through the Sonos app. but suddenly beginning last month I’ve had a recurring issue.
Problem: Sometime in the middle of the night (after 6ish hours) the Sonos speaker will stop playing the white noise playlist, and start playing whatever song I last listened to on Spotify. Let’s say that, in the middle of the day away from home, while driving, I used Spotify on my phone to play some songs in my car. Later at night after I start the white noise through the Sonos app it makes it through 5-6 hours, but then suddenly stops playing the white noise and switches to whatever the last song I listened to when I was driving around. Understandibly this wakes up my kid, so I run into the room with my phone and open the sonos app. I try to connect to the One speaker to start the white noise playing again, but I keep getting a “Cannot connect” error. I have to wait 4-5 minutes before the sonos app can connect to the One speaker again.
Attempted Fixes: I’ve reset the speaker and re-added it to the home system (I have another One speaker and a Move speaker as well), but the problem persists. Any help is appreciated! I’ve downloaded the desktop Sonos app as well in case I need to get any diagnostic logs.