Maybe the firmware fixes the weird attribute naming so artist = artist tag, contributing artists is gone and a new album artist attribute exists, but the app code to support the renaming isn’t released yet 
This is what my 16.1 devices expose as attributes.
Hello again,@sigh .
I recall noticing a while ago when I had a look at Music Library/Artists in the WebApp that the listing there contained the contents of both the Artist and Contributing Artist fields and thought nothing of it, but I looked again today and that is the case so it bears out your conjecture above.
If this is to be the future for the way artists are listed it’s a right PITA as you get literally hundreds of artists who often only have one track to their name (generally in compilation albums) appearing in the index. If you can’t search it becomes a nightmare - try scrolling down to Yo-Yo Ma in the WebApp!
Fingers crossed for today’s app drop…..
Has anyone from Sonos acknowledged these issues or resolved to fix them?
I was forced to download this update and now can’t use my music library as the majority of it is in compilation albums. Seems a pretty obvious error and presumably easy enough to fix.
Was the update not tested before release?
I think we all know the answer to both your questions.
No and no.
And no apparent prospect of change.
Not quite… There is an app update meant to roll out from today which addresses library search and playback, amongst other things.
hi @Rhonny any clue as to whose timezone this rollout is going to be in?
Asking for a friend.
Maybe the firmware fixes the weird attribute naming so artist = artist tag, contributing artists is gone and a new album artist attribute exists, but the app code to support the renaming isn’t released yet 
This is what my 16.1 devices expose as attributes.
Hello again,@sigh .
I recall noticing a while ago when I had a look at Music Library/Artists in the WebApp that the listing there contained the contents of both the Artist and Contributing Artist fields and thought nothing of it, but I looked again today and that is the case so it bears out your conjecture above.
If this is to be the future for the way artists are listed it’s a right PITA as you get literally hundreds of artists who often only have one track to their name (generally in compilation albums) appearing in the index. If you can’t search it becomes a nightmare - try scrolling down to Yo-Yo Ma in the WebApp!
Fingers crossed for today’s app drop…..
Hi yet again, @sigh
I should have looked more carefully. The two fields are Album Artist and Artist, not Artist and Contributing Artist as above.
In Win 10 V16.2, which I think is the only place where you can still see the “Contributing Artists” list, the content is the same as in the WinApp “Artists” list; entries in the Album Artist and the Artist fields are conflated into a single list which has been there all along with the option of viewing it or not.
That list has never been searchable. I wonder why.
Has anyone from Sonos acknowledged these issues or resolved to fix them?
I was forced to download this update and now can’t use my music library as the majority of it is in compilation albums. Seems a pretty obvious error and presumably easy enough to fix.
Was the update not tested before release?
I think we all know the answer to both your questions.
No and no.
And no apparent prospect of change.
Not quite… There is an app update meant to roll out from today which addresses library search and playback, amongst other things.
hi @Rhonny any clue as to whose timezone this rollout is going to be in?
Asking for a friend.
It’s live now.
Yep, I’ve just been pointed at your thread.
I think I’ve narrowed it down to
Where an album has a single Album Artist and multiple different Artists, I am seeing a pseudo-album for each Artist. The contents of all the pseudo-albums is the same, and is listed in alphabetical order of the Artists, rather than disc-no, track-no.
Windows desktop and Android.
Hi @rosswells127
I’m not sure why you posted this twice (please don’t), but we are aware of this issue and are now investigating. Thanks for flagging!
@Corry P . Sorry, I incorrectly posted this under the “Talk Sonos Products” section and immediately tried to delete but it wouldn’t let me. Ross.
After many weeks of not being able to use my music library at all due to the recent update, it is now not possible to play compilation albums (and must swipe up sometimes over a hundred times to access non-compilation albums). Quite agree that if other purchases (cars, fridges) suddenly stopped working, we would be demanding someone to fix it immediately or money back.
And still no response from SONOS. The only answer is to find a new working system, but the SONOS hardware cost hundreds of pounds. Do warn others against investing in this.
P.S. And appears to be no way to return to the same position in the album lists when one finishes - so you have to swipe from the top everything single time!!!
Hi @rosswells127
No worries, but should you post in the wrong section again, don’t worry too much about it - we will usually spot it and change it. Or, report your own post and say where you meant to put it, and that will make it 100% likely that we will see it.
Both threads are being left open as they both have numerous replies, but we’d prefer it if it was just one thread.
Seriously, Corry P / Sonos Staff
Our Sonos systems are not working. More than a week has passed since you release 16.3 (clearly untested) that broke them - and you’re conversation is about where to post the discusssion.
Where is your acknowledgement of the failure? Where is your fix?
Seriously, Corry P / Sonos Staff
Our Sonos systems are not working. More than a week has passed since you release 16.3 (clearly untested) that broke them - and you’re conversation is about where to post the discusssion.
Where is your acknowledgement of the failure? Where is your fix?
Presumably you didn’t update your app to the latest version released on Monday?
When are we going to get a fix for the compilation album issue, do Sonos even consider that there is a problem?
When are we going to get a fix for the compilation album issue, do Sonos even consider that there is a problem?
It has been acknowledged by the Sonos mods on here, but as yet no ETA. But it’s on the list.
Hi @scoott
Seriously, Corry P / Sonos Staff
Our Sonos systems are not working. More than a week has passed since you release 16.3 (clearly untested) that broke them - and you’re conversation is about where to post the discusssion.
Where is your acknowledgement of the failure? Where is your fix?
My acknowledgement of the issue is right here:
5 posts above your own.
And yes, as a forum moderator, I am moderating the forum.
Dear Corry P - If you are SONOS staff, please can you confirm whether there is a fix available in the UK. How can I get this fix? Is there any risk I will lose access to my music library again (i.e. has the fix been fully tested?). Thank you.
Dear Corry P - If you are SONOS staff, please can you confirm whether there is a fix available in the UK. How can I get this fix? Is there any risk I will lose access to my music library again (i.e. has the fix been fully tested?). Thank you.
There is a fix for music library issues in the app update that was released on Monday, which has had many positive responses. The compilation issue detailed here won’t be fixed yet though as it was only reported over the last week or so.
It all depends on what fix you might be referring to.
Thank you Rhonny for the response. By “fix”, I am just asking what I have to do to get my albums to list correctly. I have not received any messages about updates for many weeks and have no idea how to update without a specific prompt. So it sounds like either we have not had an update in the UK or it happened automatically without me knowing. But you seem to be suggesting that there is no update which fixes the album/compilation problem.
Could someone from SONOS confirm this?
I’m not Sonos
But, I’m with you GNP
Certainly - there’s been no update for either my Android app or the Windows Desktop app since 16.3 started this whole fiasco for me on July 18. I’m checking every day on both platforms.
I’m in the USA.
There will be nothing you can do to improve the situation reported here with Music Library albums showing one entry for each artist involved in the album - this will be up to us to fix with a software update. As @Rhonny mentioned, the issue only manifested late last week, and identified some time after that, so it will take more time yet to fix.
There will be nothing you can do to improve the situation reported here with Music Library albums showing one entry for each artist involved in the album - this will be up to us to fix with a software update. As @Rhonny mentioned, the issue only manifested late last week, and identified some time after that, so it will take more time yet to fix.
Thank you for confirming - your response answers my query. I will await the next update.
I’m not Sonos
But, I’m with you GNP
Certainly - there’s been no update for either my Android app or the Windows Desktop app since 16.3 started this whole fiasco for me on July 18. I’m checking every day on both platforms.
I’m in the USA.
Strange you’ve not had the app update when everyone else has. It went live on Monday, in the Play Store. Maybe yours already updated automatically. Check which version you have (Android latest is 80.05.06).
Thank you Rhonny for the response. By “fix”, I am just asking what I have to do to get my albums to list correctly. I have not received any messages about updates for many weeks and have no idea how to update without a specific prompt.
To update your phone app, you need to open either the Google Play app for Android or the App Store app on iOS. Search for Sonos and if it says “Update” next to the results, you have an app update to install.
To check your speakers/system is up to date, open the Sonos app, click the cog (settings) in the top right of the home screen, then tap Manage, then System Updates, then Check for Updates.
If no updates for either, then you are up-to-date.
I have 80.05.06 in Android - it was release on 07/17/2024 - that’s a week ago, Wednesday of last week. This update, along with 16.3 on the Desktop which came to me on 07/18/2024 were the start of the fiasco.
I have 80.05.06 in Android - it was release on 07/17/2024 - that’s a week ago, Wednesday of last week. This update, along with 16.3 on the Desktop which came to me on 07/18/2024 were the start of the fiasco.
80.05.06 for Android was released on Monday 22nd, along with the app update for iOS. It was not released on Weds of last week. Last week saw a system update only, which threw out a lot of Android phones until this week’s app update.