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On the Mac Sonos Controller, in the right most column (Music Source), say if you’re already looking at tracks inside an album and you want scroll to see more songs below (2-finger up motion on the trackpad, which is Mac’s default “Natural Scrolling” setting), if your fingers drifts to the right side while moving upwards, the app immediately takes you back one level up - back to the album level, as if you’ve pressed the < button. The same is true whatever you’re scrolling through, e.g. it would go from album back to artist, playlist back to streaming service, etc. Typically if an area can only scroll up or down, any left or right 2-finger motion is ignored (this is true for both Mac and Windows), this makes for very swift scrolling a flick action. This bug makes scrolling through anything much more laborious as you now have to be careful with the scrolling motion all the time!


Could the dev team please take a look at the issue? It’s been there for some time but now I can finally reproduce it repeatedly so I thought I’d report it here. I believe it also occurs while using the Magic Mouse.


The versions of my Mac and app are:

Sonos Controller for Mac 16.5 build 82259204

MacOS Sequoia 15.2 


Possibly same as this:


Hi ​@designplease 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

I am not sure we can do anything about this behaviour - a two-finger swipe to the side is a Back command in MacOS and iOS, and it works this way in most, if not all, apps. Assuming there even is a setting to disable this gesture in the MacOS settings, it would affect all apps and not just Sonos.

I hope this helps.

Hi Corry, I understand your reasoning, but even then it would be swiping left that takes you back, not swiping right. Even if this is intended, the direction is wrong.

What I am describing is an unintended back gesture trigger WHILE scrolling, i.e. the scroll gesture and back gesture became intertwined. And the back gesture is triggered in the wrong direction.

You can see the correct behavior in Safari, which uses MacOS’s built-in libraries, if you’re scrolling a page up and down, however imprecise you are, you will never trigger the back gesture. The back gesture needs to be performed as a standalone action, after you’ve released your fingers from scrolling.

Hi ​@designplease 

Understood! And, I missed that the swipe was in the wrong direction for Back. 

I will report this behaviour, and let you know once I have an update for you.

Hi ​@designplease 

Apologies - I forgot that there is a standard response for issues such as these now. Because we are planning to End-of-Life the desktop controllers in favour of the Web App very soon, issues such as the one you have reported will not be addressed.

I hope this helps.

Hi ​@designplease 

Apologies - I forgot that there is a standard response for issues such as these now. Because we are planning to End-of-Life the desktop controllers in favour of the Web App very soon, issues such as the one you have reported will not be addressed.

I hope this helps.

Oh I see, yea I can see how that makes more sense in terms of resources.

Just a suggestion, maybe allow Macs to run the iOS/iPadOS app on the App Store, many apps run with virtually no code changes. Thanks for your help in anyways!


BTW these Gainsight support pages don’t always load properly overseas, I’ve tried in Japan and Hong Kong, it would often hang trying to load web fonts from, maybe there’s some kind of geo-block.

Hi ​@designplease 

BTW these Gainsight support pages don’t always load properly overseas, I’ve tried in Japan and Hong Kong, it would often hang trying to load web fonts from, maybe there’s some kind of geo-block.

We just now tried accessing these Community pages via VPNs going to Japan and Hong Kong and did not see any issues with loading the pages. Perhaps clearing the cache on your browser will clear the issue?

I hope this helps.

Emptying the cache from the Develop menu in Safari (18.2) didn’t help. But switching to Edge or Chrome I didn’t run into any problems. I’ll access with these browsers then. Thanks for looking into this!


Hi ​@designplease 

Apologies - I forgot that there is a standard response for issues such as these now. Because we are planning to End-of-Life the desktop controllers in favour of the Web App very soon, issues such as the one you have reported will not be addressed.

If I can make some feedback, I certainly do not look forward to the day the desktop controllers will be EOL. Using them alongside the current smartphone apps or the web app remind me how better they are. So it is certainly not a good time to EOL them.

Hi ​@Cochonou 

As I understand it, that will not happen until there is nothing anyone needs the Desktop controllers for.

That’s good to know, thank you Corry.
