
Losing Library Connection after Sleep (Mac)

  • 28 July 2017
  • 6 replies

After my Mac sleeps I lose connection to my music library and have to "Update Music Library" and it is fine. Network is wired from the Mac to the NAS drive where the library is stored.

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6 replies

I'm confused. You have the NAS hanging off the Mac, rather than the router? If that's the case, it will always get lost when the Mac goes to sleep. You need to set up your NAS so that it doesn't rely on network activity of the Mac, which means connecting it to your router.
Or, I suppose, set up your Mac to never go to sleep. Which is a possibility. I have one of my MacBook Pro's set up that way. System Preferences/Energy Saver. Huh, and it's not set up to not go to sleep these days. Wonder when I changed that? 🙂
I'm confused. You have the NAS hanging off the Mac, rather than the router? If that's the case, it will always get lost when the Mac goes to sleep. You need to set up your NAS so that it doesn't rely on network activity of the Mac, which means connecting it to your router.Indeed. This is why it is called a NAS, not a MAS.
Sorry you are correct, it is off my router. I meant it is mounted on my Mac via the network. The NAS does not go to sleep.

Setting up my desktop not to go to sleep is silly as I don't want to waste power. When my Mac wakes up the NAS is there but Sonos doesn't see it for some reason unless I update the Music Library.
OK, well, that makes more sense in the world that is my mind (it's a small world). But it also doesn't make the issue make a lot of sense, to be honest, because your setup sounds normal.

Have you double checked the settings on the NAS to make sure it's not going to sleep? That's the only reason I can think of for there to be any issue. Ummm, and maybe check in the controller app to be sure that it's not a pointer to something on your Mac, that then refers out to the NAS? I've never tried anything like that, so I'm unsure if it would even work, but you do want to double check the pointer to your music, to be sure it really is pointed at the NAS.

The other thing I'd recommend doing, since it's stumped me, is, immediately after running into the issue, you submit a system diagnostic, and post the number here, for the folks at Sonos to look at. There would be information in the log files that would be submitted which might have some information that would help them identify what is going.

There's other guys who post regularly who have more knowledge in this area than I do, they may chime in, much like John B did above. He's a smart cookie, to be sure 🙂
Well good news (or bad news). The issue went away. I'm not sure what caused it to go away but it has. If I figure it out, I'll let you know!