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Is there way to play podcasts at 1.5x or 2x speed?

  • 7 February 2013
  • 7 replies

I am able to play back podcasts from either my computer or from the device itself using sonos software. But I would like to be able to play them at x1.5 or x2.0 speed so that I can get through them faster. Is there anyway to do with Sonos software? I have Sonos on my Windows7 device and on iPad and iPod Touch and iPad mini. Right now, I have one sonos speaker and one connect:amp input from a receiver attached to speakers.
Unfortunately Jeff, we do not have that feature at this time. I have moved your questions over to the ideas section so that others may vote on it.
has this been implemented?

is this possible now?
Dear Sonos, I would love this option as well! Thanks!
I have a 5.1 Sonos system and look forward to 2x feature. Just provide a TBD such as quarter, 1 year or 2 years or more. Thanks
I have a 5.1 Sonos system and look forward to 2x feature. Just provide a TBD such as quarter, 1 year or 2 years or more. Thanks

Hi baiyar

Sonos do not typically speak about what they are working on or anticipated delivery times (although the current Amazon integration appears to be a departure from this.) so I doubt you will hear anything even if it is in the development roadmap. They do typically take this type of input and promote to their internal departments regarding design/interface requests where it would be assessed.. so not a bad process for a larger organization, but the level of consideration actually given I suspect varies greatly by idea presented.
I am disappointed that this feature does not yet exist! Increasing speed is crucial for podcast listening!
Sonos, this is an option that the community would find useful. It is standard fare for podcasts apps. Without it, Sonos is not a reasonable choice for many users.