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Apparently the executives of Sonos are frat boy so they don't understand the concept of informed consent.


A horrible update was forced upon me without my consent. And now the products that I spent thousands of dollars on are no longer worth a dime.


When I made a comment on this forum about that situation someone hid my comment in a much larger multi-page thread without my consent.


When I made that comment they also added that comment as one of my favorites without my consent so that now I have to go in and figure out a way to take it off of my favorites so that I will stop getting emails every single time someone else posts a comment on a thread that I had nothing to do with. I posted my own. My own comment was moved so that it would get it hidden and I would still receive email after email after email every time someone else makes a comment in someone else's thread that has nothing to do with me.


Informed consent is important in private life and public life and professional life. Spend less money giving bonuses to your frat boy executives and spend more on things like development and testing of the products themselves. Stop trying to shove your garbage up everyone's hole when they don't want your garbage. No means no.


You know the old saying, if it ain't broke bring in the Frat Boys to break it for you.

Wish I joined the forum yesterday to save the 2 hours I wasted on hold trying to determine what went wrong. Wish I  never ticked auto updates. I can’t even get the sonos web page to download and reinstall the app thinking that would resolve it after I unistalled it. (S2).Why not allow thet older software versions that can be downloaded either from their website or from third party websites. Guess I’ll pull out the old stuff when I have the time.

They are actively trying to hide the threads made about this subject. They put them all into one thread usually so that if new users come on they only see one thread talking about it and not understand the depth of the screw up.


If someone considering Sonos came to the Forum And five pages were filled with nothing but people pointing out all the issues that are in this terrible update They would definitely think twice about purchasing Sonos. Which is why they hide the threads. 

If the posts are all in one, two or maybe a couple more main threads, at least I do receive an email to go read those threads having subscribed/posted once or more to them. These smaller ‘side’ threads are two numerous to even read for the majority and in most cases they’re just repeating things that were mentuined yesterday, or the day before, or the day before that etc.

i can see why Sonos have chosen to cluster things - it makes sense and ensures everyone perhaps reads them. I can’t see anywhere near as many people reading this (or other) smaller threads.

Best to stick to the main core of threads on the new App issues, me thinks🤔?

Sure sure. It can't have anything at all to do with the fact that they don't want people to easily identify the fact that they destroyed the app.


Like I said, I think if the entire Forum was filled with nothing but threads about the fact that they destroyed the app people would not buy this product. To pretend that that's not a factor in a business decision by a business that wants to make a profit is a little silly to me.


But I'm glad you love the app update and have decided to put your support fully behind the company. Every Western needs a company man.

Sure sure. It can't have anything at all to do with the fact that they don't want people to easily identify the fact that they destroyed the app.


Like I said, I think if the entire Forum was filled with nothing but threads about the fact that they destroyed the app people would not buy this product. To pretend that that's not a factor in a business decision by a business that wants to make a profit is a little silly to me.


But I'm glad you love the app update and have decided to put your support fully behind the company. Every Western needs a company man.

It’s nothing to do with ‘support’ for anything - I just personally prefer to see the "wood from the trees”. The small forest of small threads will likely just disappear from view, whereas the main core threads will continue to ‘stand tall’ and rise repeatedly to the top of the forum - that’s what people will keep reading, at least whilst the various issues remain.

The forest of small threads just gets in the way of people who post to seek support about a variety of ‘other’ things important to them, or want to as a question etc.

So I still understand why the moderators here would cluster threads under a main topic heading. It makes far more sense, to me at least.

My contention is this issue should be the only thing Sonos focuses on until it's fixed. Executive bonuses should be paused until this issue is fixed. Executive vacations should be canceled until this is fixed. Executive should be required to be in office every single day until this is fixed. Executive salaries should be cut so that they could spend more money on development and testing until this issue is fixed and going forward to prevent this issue from ever ever happening again.


I don't care about any other problems with sonos. Sonos forced an update on me that destroyed a system I use. They did that. They destroyed my ability to use products that I purchased from them. They did that. They should focus on nothing else until I receive my reimbursement for wasted money or they return functionality. 


I don't care about seeing the forest or the trees when there's a fire burning up everything I own.

All those things for a software ‘remote’ App that controls Home audio speakers - it’s not even a music ‘player’ …and the Sonos hardware hasn’t changed in the slightest. I do see the wood from the trees and there are more important things in the world to worry about. It will get sorted eventually as mentioned here:

‘till then though, you can of course choose to keep scattering your seeds, I guess. I’m off to read the main threads instead.

Good. Sonos apologists matter not to me.


And if you don't know how music is played on Sonos then I'm not sure why you're on this thread to begin with. If you can't use the app you can't play the music. The two are tied together. It's like saying your car is perfectly fine even though the engine is broken. Because cars aren't engines and everyone knows that.


Were you just hired to post positive things about Sonos without actually using the product? Congratulations. Thank you for your service.

I was finally able to get the mobile app to work but I still have no windows app on my desktop nor access to the nearly 200 gb of music I have on one ssd. Stardog I’m with you 100%. I have spent easily 5k over the years and sent Sonos a lot of new people that trusted my opinion and recommendations. Btw I fell asleep last night when I was on hold and no-one even picked up after over 3 hours. Reminds me of the 90’s with M$ hold times. Fingers crossed they allow us to revert back soon if they can’t resolve it soon.

I've had six live agents disconnect with me after refusing to refund me for the speakers they broke today along. And I'm up to nine unanswered emails to the ceo.


I've been more than clear that the more they waste my time having to deal with this and refusing to give me my refund the more of their time I'm going to waste. I'm a disabled guy that's at home all day everyday so I'm just going to be talking to the live chat sales team and emailing the CEO over and over again.

Also, I have 92,000 songs of my own right now that I have been playing using sonos since the very first play 5 came out.


In the face of kickbacks from music streaming companies for funneling customers their way with this speaker breakage it's clear that brand Loyalty means absolutely nothing to Sonos or their AWOL ceo.

I just checked my orders list on sonos. I registered my first three Sonos products on 5/3/2013. Of my three newer models I registered the last of those on 2/23.


And in literally one days time I went from being able to use all of my current Sonos products to all of those Sonos products being paperweights. Simply because they forced an app update on me that took away the usability and functionality of all of my products.


So basically Sonos is making it perfectly clear that their products will barely last one year before they are useless paperweight. 15 months product life. Sonus is way too expensive for only getting 15 months of usage out of for hundreds of dollars each. That's frat boy quality right there.

I never resolved it by the fixes that were mentioned on the forum so I got it squared away by removing the old plex server and installed the newest plex media server and finally added one of my bigger music folders which took quite a while but it’s up and running. Give it a go it was pretty easy to do. Btw Stardock you’ve got a year on me lol. I made 5 purchases in 2014, 3 more in 2015 , 2 in 2016,  2 in 2017, and more recently added a beam, move, roam, and another Play5. 

It's sad that this is what Sonos thinks of our loyalty to them for a decade or more.

Not only Sonos ,corporate greed is rampant, not to mention the government doesn’t seem to care about  the scammers and criminals that steal and never get punished.

That's a fact. This whole update is a stinky stew of corporate greed and general incompetence.

Hopefully some “heads” will roll, and they will learn from this disastrous roll out.

I still like Sonos and now that the Plex media seems to be working fine I will add more from my library.

I will also redo my Nvidia Shield with Plex media.

If this is Sonos being courageous, I weep for the time when headphone sales are weaker than expected and they really start playing fast and loose with our stuff.


“Hey guys if we sell user analytics, we’ll make big money with the streaming services.”


Oh… right.  I guess we’re there.

This really started to be a fear last May when they took away the ability to play music from your device. It was apparent then that they're trying to force people to use for pay music streaming services instead of listening to their own music.


It's like the people that made your CD player showing up at your house to destroy the CD player's ability to play cd's and then telling you to try for pay movie streaming sites instead.


It's yet another Kickback scam that's The big rage in the corporate world these days.