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I have been a Sonos user, and have spent a LOT of money on their products since 2005.

I have posted a few high priority, low difficulty suggestions over the years, and have watched *many, many* others do the same, and have not ever seen a SINGLE suggestion implemented.

Can anyone name a single user-submitted suggestion that has been implemented by Sonos ?

User submitted suggestions that have come to fruition:

Rhapsody client for ZP

Song/artist display in queue

"Are you sure you..." messages

Search Mode in the Controller

That 50K limit...

iTunes Integration with Sonos

"Replace Queue" Button/Menu option

Selective queue clearing.

Lower Cost Controller


More information on Internet Radio screen

Sonos approved wireless range extender (Bridge)

ZP100 / ZP80 bundle

Feature request: Play Now "OR" Add to Queue

Clock - LED - Bedroom

PETITION - "Rhapsody Search" - Please Sign

PETITION - "Replace Queue" - Please Sign

Ability to remove multiple tracks from the queue

Support Last.FM

Deeper Rhapsody integration, please?

Rhapsody - Search current artist

FEATURE SUGGESTION: Artwork for Internet Radio Stations

Please “Play Next!!!”…

Isn't it about time for a new Controller..

New controller feature with Rhapsody?

Radio Logos

Ditching my Sonos Controllers for iPod Touch

Request to Add Last FM capability

Controller software for wifi enabled iPhone / iPod

Countdown Timer for iPod Application?

Timer and Alarm with iPod

Address book of main URL Internet radios

Can I see the TIME somewhere always?

Smaller, lighter controller

iphone - album and tracks view to show artist and album/track title

Touch screen controller?


S5 pairing

Easy Zone Switching

Individual Daily Alarms

Color options for Sonos hardware (Black)


i button

Android controller

MOG support

Alarm/Timer Support (Android)



Auto line-in

Smaller version of S5

Slacker support

Sirius Canada support

Color options for Sonos hardware (Partially implemented)

Android support for Amazon Kindle Fire

Deezer support in AUS and NZ

New Desktop Controller

Better search in Desktop Controller

Ctrl-click select in Desktop Controller

Drag and drop in Desktop Controller

Better Link/Unlink in Desktop Controller


See Album Art Without Hovering

Consistent Look/Feel With Handhelds

Android connect to Sonosnet

Transport bar (at the top of the app) has been brightened to make it easier to read (Desktop Controller)

Mini Controller can now be resized (Desktop Controller)

Better support for small-screen desktop and laptop computers (Desktop Controller)

Queue pane size can now be expanded or collapsed (Desktop Controller)

Folder-level music share support allows you to point Sonos to a specific music folder on your computer

Sonos brand subwoofer

Songza support

Android user interface has been optimized for both 7” and 10” tablets, including full landscape mode support.

Supports Retina display for the new iPad, iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S.

Hardware button volume support is available for Apple devices running iOS 4.3 or higher. Support

Amazon Cloud support

Ask.sonos cutomer feedback site.

Stream music content straight from your iOS device to your Sonos system

7Digital Music Service now available on Sonos

Pandora support in AU, NZ

Sonos Favorites

Pandora Radio Genre stations

3rd Party App Integration

Sonos Controller for Android Widget

Sonos Controller for Android Notifications

Sonos Controller for Android Omnipresent Search

Sonos Controller for iPhone now optimized for iPhone 5

More Alarm Sources - All Sonos Music Services are now available as selections for Sonos Alarms

New Playbar

Create playlists without using the queue—simply select Sonos Playlists and choose New Playlist

Add tracks to a playlist from any available source by choosing a track and selecting Add to… Sonos Playlist

Easily edit playlists by selecting a Sonos playlist and choosing Edit to delete or move tracks within the playlist

Create and edit Spotify playlists using a Sonos controller

Access and play music from Spotify playlist folders directly using a Sonos controller.

When setting an alarm, now you can select a music service you’re subscribed to in addition to the music choices you already have

The Android notification feature has been improved

Demo video. Select Show Demo from the Sonos app when you’re away from your Sonos system

Stream music content straight from your Android device to your Sonos system.

The list continues at ask.Sonos:[status]=complete&topics[type]=idea

Requests in Sound Ideas that have come to fruition:


This really needs to be made into a "Sticky" and updated as additional features are incorporated.

I've spent too much time searching for this list in the past months.

Thanks, jgatie.

Best of Luck


BTW - The OP did request a "single user-submitted suggestion". Seems your post may be ignored as you failed to address the question correctly.

Second Edit:

Thanks, Mods for the "Sticky" Designation - Hope this helps.
I agree with the first post... I've been a user from the start. There may be many user requests satisfied... but most are the easy and obvious ones. But there is ALSO no denying that a lot of the original requests for enhancements from the original customers who helped make Sonos what it is today, have largely gone ignored. I havent seen a single update in a long long time that has been useful for me (yes.. I know thats selfish but... ) I am someone who uses the controllers and Sonos systems to listen to my music stored locally on a NAS and to radio. Enhancements that have been asked for since day 1, and referenced on every survey you issue me. Simple things like.... DISPLAY THE YEAR of a track when playing. Have an option to choose what Metadata to display. The INFO button gives NO INFO of any relevance.

All enhancements in recent years have been for Music Services. I know these are critical to your future...essential to the new customers.... I dont want you to ignore that, but lets get some balance. Please...

And what gives with the latest batch of relaeases. My Windows crashed 1st time in 2 years trying to install the desktop. My Sonos systems now hang regularly mid playlist. HAve done for about 6 weeks or so... Play for an hour or so then stop... just stop... NEVER has this happeed before. Tonight the Contrller (the orginal) just hung. Had to reset it. Then I got 'wireless buffer speed' issues Never seen these in years of SONSO and nothing has changed on my system that I can find.

And then I notice that many folders of music are being completely ignored. 1000's of tracks missing from the Sonos but still where they have always been on the NAS. Refresh Music Index fixes nothgin.. Something is not right guys.... what is going on ?
Funny you should say the enhancements listed are the easy ones, because most claim the ones that are outstanding are simple to implement. The truth is somewhere in between. The fact is, Sonos does listen, the suggestion process does work, and the OP was 100% wrong in saying it was of no use posting here. Also, since the API for music services, Sonos seems to be concentrating more and more on the UI, as seen by the new Desktop Controller and the coming Android iOS updates. Adding music services seems more of an afterthought now, showing up without the need for an update,

As to your wishes/needs, take heart in the fact many things like crossfade and folder level sharing were seemingly ignored, then showed up in an update one day.
And what gives with the latest batch of relaeases. My Windows crashed 1st time in 2 years trying to install the desktop.

The new style desktop controller requires .NET4/WPF, and the installer would have gone off to fetch these if they weren't already installed. There have been reports of the odd glitch -- not to mention excessive delay -- whilst this secondary operation takes place.

My Sonos systems now hang regularly mid playlist. HAve done for about 6 weeks or so... Play for an hour or so then stop... just stop... NEVER has this happeed before. Tonight the Contrller (the orginal) just hung. Had to reset it. Then I got 'wireless buffer speed' issues Never seen these in years of SONSO and nothing has changed on my system that I can find.

And then I notice that many folders of music are being completely ignored. 1000's of tracks missing from the Sonos but still where they have always been on the NAS. Refresh Music Index fixes nothgin.. Something is not right guys.... what is going on ?

As you're an experienced user I assume you've seen and resolved many of the common problems, but I have to say this does sound rather like a classic case of duplicated IP addresses. Have you been through the standard network restart procedure? If so, and problems remain, do work with Sonos Support to see what's going on.
I kind of have to agree with Q up there... Most of the last several updates are useless to me, and the only feature I need is the 65K barrier addressed. That is a must have feature, and of the several people I've recommended Sonos too that purchased it, there are several more that won't because of this limit.

Suggestions have been made on how to workaround it to Sonos, and several stated they would purchase an extra piece of Sonos gear to accommodate, others have tried writing workarounds, but yet there is still nothing from Sonos... not one word. Everyone steps up to the plate here... except Sonos.
Maybe the title of this thread should be changed to:

"Has any posting here EVER produced anything which is important to me"

Clearly the answer to the original question as stated is a resounding yes. Lots of things have.

What people are complaining about here is that their specific personal requests have not been addressed, which is an entirely different thing altogether.

Oh, and by the way, statements about the requests that have been implemented being "easy and obvious" are utterly dumb. That's basically a way of ignoring the evidence to try to make a broken argument work.


Maybe the title of this thread should be changed to:

"Has any posting here EVER produced anything which is important to me"

Clearly the answer to the original question as stated is a resounding yes. Lots of things have.

What people are complaining about here is that their specific personal requests have not been addressed, which is an entirely different thing altogether.

Oh, and by the way, statements about the requests that have been implemented being "easy and obvious" are utterly dumb. That's basically a way of ignoring the evidence to try to make a broken argument work.



You're not wrong Keith, but..

SONOS used to add a few new features with every release. This hasn't been the case for a LONG time now.
You're not wrong Keith, but..

SONOS used to add a few new features with every release. This hasn't been the case for a LONG time now.

They've certainly added new features. Support for new hardware is a feature whether you decide to buy that hardware or not.

And as for user-requested features, ones I can think of that have been in recent releases include:

* Improved Desktop Controller

* Unified search (from DTC)

* Indexing below the share level

* Subwoofer

* Improved Android support


They've certainly added new features. Support for new hardware is a feature whether you decide to buy that hardware or not.

And as for user-requested features, ones I can think of that have been in recent releases include:

* Improved Desktop Controller

* Unified search (from DTC)

* Indexing below the share level

* Subwoofer

* Improved Android support



Actually, every item listed on the last release came from user requests in the Desktop Controller discussion threads, except for Android connection to Sonosnet, which was requested elsewhere. I consider the Android one to be most telling, because they certainly did not have to do it, but someone mentioned it in here as a possible help for their system, and there it was on the release.
My sonos system keeps telling me that it is denied sharing . i have checked every option i know and it is allowed. what am i doing wrong. i have a bridge setup and i used to be able to listen to my itunes library but it has stopped working?
They've certainly added new features. Support for new hardware is a feature whether you decide to buy that hardware or not.;)

The emphasis HAS changed..

I understand why they're concentating on hardware/music services/third-party controllers and I've bought into and use all of the above.

New software features are a lower priority and have been for a while.

I just accept it and wait patiently..

The emphasis HAS changed..

I understand why they're concentating on hardware/music services/third-party controllers and I've bought into and use all of the above.

New software features are a lower priority and have been for a while.

I just accept it and wait patiently..

Whaaaat!?? The last two updates before the SUB were exclusively dedicated to new software and new functionality. Specifically the new Desktop Controller, which was requested for a while here, and is by any measure a massive undertaking. As to Sonos concentrating on Music Services; as I said above, since the Music Partners program, Sonos has off-loaded most (all?) of the internal development of Music Services. They aren't even part of a formal release anymore, Music Service providers simply tap into Sonos and they appear on the menu. So saying Sonos is concentrated on Music Services is a stretch, being they have specifically streamlined the process so that Sonos doesn't have to invest much development time in order to add new services.
I consider the Android one to be most telling, because they certainly did not have to do it, but someone mentioned it in here as a possible help for their system, and there it was on the release.

Right, most telling, but it tells me quite a different story:

They just had to do it because they are dumping their controller.

Else we needed ordinary WIFI to control our Sonos kit.
The only thing i can really think i want bad is the ability to just hit play on a song in an album and have it play to the end of the album or possibly just keep playing through all albums after that in order. I hate the way everything has to be a playlist...audiogalaxy does this as well, they both have this wrong in my opinion (way too cumbersome). This has kept people i know from buying, almost kept me out and i still complain about this since the day i joined Sonos.
Right, most telling, but it tells me quite a different story:

They just had to do it because they are dumping their controller.

Else we needed ordinary WIFI to control our Sonos kit.

But as far as marketing goes, they have been emphasizing the Phone Controllers over the CR200 for years now. Also, the iOS does not allow connections to Sonosnet, so the WiFi requiement exists for Apple users (the alternative being trying to get Appleheads to buy an Android "controller" dedicated to Sonos. Mass suicides would entail, lol!). IMHO, if they were worried about people not having WiFi (a fairly ubiquitous entity in most homes nowadays) they wouldn't have developed any Phone apps.
The only thing i can really think i want bad is the ability to just hit play on a song in an album and have it play to the end of the album or possibly just keep playing through all albums after that in order. I hate the way everything has to be a playlist...audiogalaxy does this as well, they both have this wrong in my opinion (way too cumbersome). This has kept people i know from buying, almost kept me out and i still complain about this since the day i joined Sonos.

Argh, really? I'm not a Sonos user yet, but was about to buy a Connect to play Spotify and my iTunes library through my stereo, controlled by my iPhone. I listen almost exclusively to entire albums. What's the UX like for that?
I listen almost exclusively to entire albums. What's the UX like for that?

No problem. Simply load one or more albums into the queue and Sonos will play them.

Unlike some media players (but in common with others) Sonos uses a queue which you explicitly load music into. Think of it as a temporary playlist where you can add/remove tracks, reorder them and save a snapshot if you wish. In addition to local music the queue can contain a mix of items from online services, radio shows, etc.
A few replies... since I posted a while back.


yes. checked network. Solution was to remove the link to the NAS (on the Sonos Controller) and re link and rebuild the library from scratch. That brought all the missing music back. But I shouldnt have to do that just cos a new release arrives.

Duplicate IP addresses. Not seen that yet. But windows has also changed something, somewhere... ie. how it reconnects mapped network drives at boot. It no longer works on my W7, Vista or XP, yet had been working for many years in this house. The forums are full of posts on that topic. This may be linked to the IP allocation you mention.. not sure.

.Net4 I didnt know about and hadnt tracked that as cause. But good to know ...thx. Twas possible that caused the crash. Seems stable now.


Yes,I'm moaning about features that I want. Of course I am. But to be fair, I suggest that anyone who has posted a new feature request has done it selfishly. Why else would you post it ? 🙂

As for the 'emphasis has changed and be patient'. I agree.. the emphasis has changed, and as my post stated that I get that. I understand their need and reasons.

But , that shouldnt mean we just sit and wait. Been waiting since 2005. Software features should still have a place and I've seen precious few in recent years.

Come on Sonos.

Put the YEAR into the INfo of a track.

Allow us to put Genre into Info displayed. or select what metadata is displayed ?

But , that shouldnt mean we just sit and wait. Been waiting since 2005. Software features should still have a place and I've seen precious few in recent years.

Again . . . whaaaat? The last two updates before the sub (and the upcoming Retina/Android Tablet release) have been software only. Specifically, 3.7 launched a brand new, created from scratch Desktop Controller that (by the count in this thread) addressed 7 very specific requests direct from the Sound Ideas forum. The following release addressed 5 very specific requests for changes to 3.7, plus added two more requests - Android connection to Sonosnet and non-root level sharing (which was requested almost from day one). Exactly how can you say we have to "sit and wait" or "be patient" when two out of the last three releases have been chock full of software changes? Are you really taking the position that software changes are not taking place in the face of irrefutable evidence that they are?

Look, I understand Sonos is not fixing or adding functionality that you hold dear. You are allowed that view, and I encourage you to state that fact. But please know it dilutes your argument when you state they are ignoring all software changes (except for the "precious few" you have seen since 2005 :rolleyes:) or are concentrating on nothing but hardware and music services, when the evidence is quite to the contrary.
Would be great if the absolute basic functionality of a music system already works!

The new desktop controller is not even able to deal with more than 1 album having the same name, but coming from different performers! Both album are listed under 1 performer… This is absolute basic functionality, not working, so clearly a bug! Service requests have been logged, but SONOS does nothing.

Maybe posting this on a public forum will make them write a stupid query that does the job.

Would be great if the absolute basic functionality of a music system already works!

The new desktop controller is not even able to deal with more than 1 album having the same name, but coming from different performers! Both album are listed under 1 performer… This is absolute basic functionality, not working, so clearly a bug! Service requests have been logged, but SONOS does nothing.

Maybe posting this on a public forum will make them write a stupid query that does the job.


Well I know such a polite and respectful request would go right to the top of my priority list. :rolleyes:

Put the YEAR into the INfo of a track.

Allow us to put Genre into Info displayed. or select what metadata is displayed ?

I do love the SONOS stuff and generally I'm very pleased with all the ins and outs of the system (due to sw updates currently my SONOS equipment can do more then when I bought it!), but....I do agree with the INFO button issue.

Besides that I do like to see the Composer displayed while playing a song 😉
Very quietly, the last version update added the ability to share below the root. This is a big deal for many users and it will save countless new users a lot of pain.

Any way, I notice that new hardware releases tie up the development staff for a while and there fewer new features added until the product is done. Between development cycles, more new features are released.
This last version update rendered my controllers (original iPhones) useless.

Congrats on your shares, but they've said "to hell" with other base customers. Why can't both be made happy?

TELL ME ABOUT IT! The PC software won't run on my 386 AT ALL!!! Gaah!