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Eq settings Preprogrammed

  • 20 June 2016
  • 7 replies

Hi , iam new here i have just bought a Play 5 - gen1. By any chance are you considering giving preset Equalisers in the app. Just could be good for different genres.

I love the product.
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7 replies

Sonos offers only one all genre valid preset - Trueplay.

I am afraid you will have to do the hard work involved in the next steps. I doubt changing that is a Sonos priority, but who is to say?!
I have seen that too many of us are requesting this feature. Let's hope Sonos takes care of it whenever they can.
We need at least 10 band equalizer
Userlevel 7
Badge +26
Thanks for the suggestion guys. I'll make sure to pass it on to the team for you. As Kumar suggested, we have a really advanced EQ called Trueplay, but if you're one to want to fiddle around with a 10 band and really get into the fine tuning it's not the same. Also, Trueplay tunes your speaker to sound the best it can in the room it's in, but it doesn't have different settings for various genres.
yes I understand the Trueplay concept but we need to able ply around with the frequencies it would be nice
Userlevel 1
For me it would be more than nice. I have noise induced high tone deafness from years in the aviation industry as do many current and ex factory / workshop employees. The introduction of the Playbase would have been an ideal opportunity to release a 10 band graphic equaliser to compensate for poor TV sound.
I agree with lujo 10 band is a must