Desktop notifications for Mac Controller

  • 16 December 2013
  • 6 replies

iTunes shows a notification when a new track starts. Sonos Controller for Mac could do the same thing, it shouldn't be hard!

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6 replies

Sonos does show desktop notifications, but it uses third-party Growl for notifications instead of the Mac's native notifications, which can be reviewed or collectively silenced. I'd suggest that this should be changed to use native OS X notifications.
Same here. I do have Growl installed, but I've always wondered what the added benefit is of having two layers. An app like Sonos should not depend on third-party tools.
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I have the latest (Mac App Store) version of Growl installed, along with OS X 10.11.3, and the Sonos Controller isn't displaying any notifications. Is this still supposed to be working? if so, what's the trick to get it going?
Userlevel 3
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Have Growl notifications been removed from the newly updated Sonos controller software, version 6.1.1?

I'm unable to get any notifications from Sonos (even though Growl is installed and working fine) and I confirmed the same with a couple of friends who are also running the same new version. What gives?
I now get notifications via macOS Sierra but they are persistent. I.e. I get a notification that a song has started. Then I get another and another. It fills up the notification trey. With iTunes I get one notification about the song that is playing. It removes the old one. This should be the default behavior.
Userlevel 3
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I now get notifications via macOS Sierra but they are persistent. I.e. I get a notification that a song has started. Then I get another and another. It fills up the notification trey. With iTunes I get one notification about the song that is playing. It removes the old one. This should be the default behavior.

For what it's worth, that behavior is actually dictated by the "Keep All Song Changes in Notification Center" setting in iTunes (see attached.) With that option checked, it acts just like Sonos currently does. With it unchecked, it only shows the most recent track in Notification Center.

Perhaps it'd be nicer if Notification Center could be set to limit notifications (on a per-application basis.) Ideally I'd like to see the last 3-5 songs played...