Vinyl distortion

  • 8 September 2023
  • 22 replies

Hi Sonos Timelords. I have a great Sonos system. Connect:amp series 2. player sub mini and two architectural speakers hard wired to  the connect:amp. Does everything as promised. I have a massive vinyl collection and purchased Project turntable,Project e pre-amp and Port. Run the TT and CD player through Port as line-in.  CD. fidelity is perfect,  TT so distorted as to be unlistenable. I lie to vinyl experience. Should I seperate the analogy and digital systems completely or is there something I am missing. I note the TT-Port issue is common. Please help before I have a stroke.

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22 replies

Does this turntable include a “preamp”? Is the stylus force set correctly? It’s possible that the stylus has been damaged. Try different Source Level settings.

It's fantastic that you've got such a great Sonos setup and a massive vinyl collection. Vinyl has its unique charm that many audiophiles adore, so let's troubleshoot the distortion issue you're facing with your Project turntable and Port. 

The distortion problem you're encountering with your turntable could be due to a few factors: 

Grounding Issue: Vinyl setups often require proper grounding to prevent interference and distortion. Make sure that the turntable is correctly grounded to the pre-amp or receiver. 

Cartridge Alignment and Tracking Force: Ensure that your cartridge is correctly aligned and that the tracking force (the weight at which the stylus contacts the record) is properly set according to your turntable's specifications. Incorrect settings can lead to distortion. 

Pre-Amp Settings: Double-check the settings on your Project e pre-amp. It should be set to the appropriate gain level for your cartridge. If it's set too high, it can cause distortion. 

Cables and Connections: Check all the cables and connections between your turntable, pre-amp, Port, and your Sonos system. Ensure they are securely connected and not damaged. 

Port Settings: The Sonos Port may have settings that affect the audio input. Make sure the input source is configured correctly and that no EQ or other audio processing settings are causing the distortion. 

Ground Loop Isolation: If you suspect a ground loop issue is causing the distortion, you can try a ground loop isolator to see if it improves the sound quality. 

I hope that it will help


Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Is the preamp set to phono mode and is the cartridge type (MC - MM) set correctly?

Actually, the preamp should be in Line mode.  Phono mode is for a phono input.  

Userlevel 7

Are you using a “switch” to connect both the CD and TT to the Port?

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Actually, the preamp should be in Line mode.  Phono mode is for a phono input.  

I’m confused.

Above, he says Phono input is distorted so shouldn’t the preamp be in phono mode to listen to the phono?


@Roger Ramjet,

Have you tried adjusting the line-in ‘source level’ in the Connect:Amps room settings in the Sonos App, to see if that makes any difference and eradicates the distortion? I’m assuming here that the TT/Pre-Amp is set to ‘line-level’ audio-output.

Actually, the preamp should be in Line mode.  Phono mode is for a phono input.  

I’m confused.

Above, he says Phono input is distorted so shouldn’t the preamp be in phono mode to listen to the phono?



The turntable is going into the line-in on the Port, so the preamp should be set to Line, because the input on the Port is line level. 

Thank you all for your help. The cartridge is MM Ortofon. The Phone box e preamp is plugged straight into the Port input. I have fiddled with source level  and audio delay with no substantial improvment in quality.  Are there any people out there that are 100% satisfied with the performance of TT through Port in their Sonos setup? Would be interested to know. Starting to get desperate considering replacing components at expense without any reasonable chance of success if the setup is intrinsically flawed?

Thank you all for your help. The cartridge is MM Ortofon. The Phone box e preamp is plugged straight into the Port input. I have fiddled with source level  and audio delay with no substantial improvment in quality.  Are there any people out there that are 100% satisfied with the performance of TT through Port in their Sonos setup? Would be interested to know. Starting to get desperate considering replacing components at expense without any reasonable chance of success if the setup is intrinsically flawed?


What model Project turntable?

Hi Jgatie. It is a Pro-ject primary e. Thanks for your interest

I don't see anything that stands out.  Since the CD player works, I'd consult Pro-Ject.

Thanks Jgatie. I am going to hardwire the TT and preamp through connect:amp directly and play through the architectural speakers. I am hearing that my system should work, could problem with the TT????

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Actually, the preamp should be in Line mode.  Phono mode is for a phono input.  

I’m confused.

Above, he says Phono input is distorted so shouldn’t the preamp be in phono mode to listen to the phono?



The turntable is going into the line-in on the Port, so the preamp should be set to Line, because the input on the Port is line level. 


I think we are talking at cross purposes, I (in error) thought there was a switch on the external preamp while you may be addressing the built-in preamp of the E-1 Phono. The OP mentioned “ purchased Project turntable,Project e pre-amp and Port.” but not a specific version.

Went back to the Project website on a larger screen, what I thought was a switch on the preamp is a serial number label, there is no switch.

Looking at the Project turntables, the E-1 Standard requires the external preamp to convert to line levels. The E-1 Phono has a built in (switchable) preamp.

With the E-1 Standard there is no switching and it should be hooked up:

E-1 Standard → external preamp → Port

With the E-1 Phono there is a switch and it should be hooked up:

E-1 Phono (internal preamp set to phono) → external preamp → Port


E-1 Phono (internal preamp set to line) → Port  Without using the external preamp.


Having two phono preamps would lead to distortion as would having none.


User guide page 8:

Thank you Stanley_4. Your observation is entirely correct. The Project TT is manufactured as Primary-e without onboard preamp and Primary e Phono which DOES have onboard preamp built in . Mine is the model without and I have it configured as you described. The distortion is a kind of “clipping” of signal that comes and goes as almost in a cyclical pattern that makes the audio signal “muffled” I think is the best way to describe it.  I still haven't heard from anyone who is completely satisfied with their vinyl through Sonos experience?

Thank you Stanley_4. Your observation is entirely correct. The Project TT is manufactured as Primary-e without onboard preamp and Primary e Phono which DOES have onboard preamp built in . Mine is the model without and I have it configured as you described. The distortion is a kind of “clipping” of signal that comes and goes as almost in a cyclical pattern that makes the audio signal “muffled” I think is the best way to describe it.  I still haven't heard from anyone who is completely satisfied with their vinyl through Sonos experience?


We've had hundreds of posters here who are pleased with vinyl through Sonos.  If they weren't, I imagine there'd be a long running thread.  As stated above, if your CD sounds great, there's no reason a turntable wouldn't, as long as the source is clean.  Did you contact Pro-Ject yet?  Because if the CD player sounds fine, it's obvious Sonos is not the problem.

With all respect Jgatie the signal from a CD player is digital when presented to Port, it’s been designed for it. The signal coming from the TT via the preamp is completely analogue. Port has to deal with this analogue signal and digitise and present it to the Sonos system for digital audio reproduction   I should have realised this prior to my foray into vinyl through Sonos. You yourself on previous communications have commented Sonos is not for analogue. I should have done my due diligence. Mia Culpa. At any rate the digital and analogue are both beautiful in their own environments. Gotta keep ‘em separated.  I will on sell port and invest in a nice simple amp and robust speakers for my vinylling pleasure

With all respect Jgatie the signal from a CD player is digital when presented to Port, it’s been designed for it. The signal coming from the TT via the preamp is completely analogue. Port has to deal with this analogue signal and digitise and present it to the Sonos system for digital audio reproduction   I should have realised this prior to my foray into vinyl through Sonos. You yourself on previous communications have commented Sonos is not for analogue. I should have done my due diligence. Mia Culpa. At any rate the digital and analogue are both beautiful in their own environments. Gotta keep ‘em separated.  I will on sell port and invest in a nice simple amp and robust speakers for my vinylling pleasure


You couldn’t be more wrong.  The Port has no digital input.  The Line-In is analog only.   If you are playing the CD player into the Port, it is via analog. 

Thank you Jgatie that makes obvious sense my rant was unwarranted. Time to put my cross hairs on Pro-ject for faulty turntables

Thank you Jgatie that makes obvious sense my rant was unwarranted. Time to put my cross hairs on Pro-ject for faulty turntables

Assuming cables have been exchanged, it might just be the cartridge, or tonearm, alignment - this link is perhaps useful as a guide…

Hi Peeps. Thought I would close the loop. Purchased an expensive set of rca interconnect cables between phono box e and port. Problem solved!!! Wouldn’t have thought quality of cables so significant. Thank you all

More info that will be very helpful for those playing turntable via port. Neither the Project TT or phono box e are connected to earth. By earthing the ground terminal on the phono box all hum and distortion are gone. Very important issue that wasn’t discussed