A few days ago, my Sonos app started being unstable.
- Most of their options are grayed out.
- I lost setup of my Sonos devices, they won’t load
- I can control them from any other app, such as Spotify, and the names appear correctly
- In some cases I’ve been able to see my local system, and grouped speakers.
- I restarted one of my speakers, to do configuration from zero, but it won’t let me finish the configuration.
I’m attaching screenshots of how my app looks. I’ve tried with multiple phones, and with on my 4G cellphone network, and they all stay the same, grayed out.
I restarted the app from zero, without adding a system to it, to see if my local system was the problem. But even when having the app started from zero, all these problems persist.

If I try to join my Sonos local system, it does find it and it does says “You are connected to your Sonos at WiFi Network”
I’ve seen the Sonos Service has some problems right now https://status.sonos.com/ but I don’t know if this is related to that.
Is there any issues on the Sonos servers that won’t let me proceed to use the app correctly?
As you can see on my Spotify, it does show everything correctly. These are my room names in my Sonos system.

On Sonos, I just manage to see this for my system. And as I stated before, if I try to restart a speaker and set it up from zero, the app does find the local speaker and configures the WiFi correctly to the system, but at last step it fails to add it to my system.

It suddenly started happening some days ago, I haven’t touched any of my WiFi settings nor my Sonos system. I just suddenly opened the app and everything was all like this.
My iOS devices are on 14.3 version. I own 1 Playbar, 5 Play-5 Gen:2, 2 Subs and 1 Play-3.