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Hi, I have a Sonos connect, connected to a Technics amplifier receiver vis red/white cable, a turntable connected to the receiver as well, then a playbar, a sub and two ones. I’ve used for many years this configuration perfectly so I turn on the receiver and the turntable, then on the Sonos app s2 I select Audio Component Line-in choosing the speakers and then it used to work perfectly. Recently this has changed, the Audio Component Line-in keeps dropping from the app constantly and recovers it self. The wifi network is 2.4hz. I recently changed the channel to 11 (I used to have channel 6) but is still the same, I’ve also done a factory reset on all the speakers. Pretty frustrating about this, such a bad experience in a well known and expensive audio system. Can someone help with this, any suggestion.

Have you perhaps tried increasing the Audio Delay (buffer) in the Connect ‘Room’ settings to see if that assists - you could also try setting the Line-In audio to ‘compressed’, but I suggest also keeping your eye on the Connect status LED when the audio drops to perhaps see if the device is rebooting, which might indicate an issue with the hardware.

Hi @Ken_Griffiths I’ll try increasing the buffer, and I’ll let you know. In terms of the lights, when It drops, it also disappears from the app for some time and then reappears, and yes in that interval the device light start blinking. Sometimes at night when I see the device and we are not using it it’s also blinking a lot. Thanks for the answer, I’ll let you know. 

Hi @Ken_Griffiths I’ve checked the delay buffer and it was already set to Max (2000 ms), I changed to High just to try but it was worst. I’m attaching the images about the configuration. Unfortunately I can’t attach a video of how the device blinks when it drops, but it’s constant until I see it again on the app.


I suspect the ‘Connect’ may quite-possibly have a hardware issue from your brief description, as it sounds like it is frequently rebooting, perhaps it’s overheating, were my initial thoughts.

Ideally, you perhaps should submit a system diagnostic report and post it’s reference back here and then chat/call the Sonos Support Team via this LINK and see if they can glean any information from the diagnostic to assist.

Anyhow, see what they say and I hope you are able to get the matter sorted.

Hi @Ken_Griffiths thanks for that, I’ll submit the report and then chat with support.

Thanks @Ken_Griffiths , I’ve contacted support and the device was faulty, I’ve delivered it and now I’m waiting for a new one, should I receive any email about when I receive the new one?

Thanks @Ken_Griffiths , I’ve contacted support and the device was faulty, I’ve delivered it and now I’m waiting for a new one, should I receive any email about when I receive the new one?

You should be able to see your order details and progress on the ‘Orders’ tab within your online Sonos Profile, by following the link below.

If an email has been sent, then perhaps also check your local spam folder, as it’s possible that some emails may occasionally get filtered out with some security software measures.



Thanks @Ken_Griffiths my address is up to date, I’ve checked the spam folder and nothing there. As I said I only received the email for sending the faulty device back, and then 3 days later I received one from the post office saying that the device was delivered, but nothing about the new one, my case number is 02699489.

Thanks @Ken_Griffiths my address is up to date, I’ve checked the spam folder and nothing there. As I said I only received the email for sending the faulty device back, and then 3 days later I received one from the post office saying that the device was delivered, but nothing about the new one, my case number is 02699489.

Just to say dterrier that I don’t work for Sonos, so you may be best to speak/chat to their customer care staff via the options at the page-link below to get the information you require. Hope that assists and that you can quickly find the information you are looking for.

Thanks @Ken_Griffiths I’ll do that