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Hi, I have a sonos connect which I’ve run without any problems for a couple of years. Over the past month or so, it has started cutting out completely and just stopping whatever it was playing. It won’t start again or remember where it was. I’ll go on the app and it says it’s unable to find the sonos on my network. For a few minutes it’ll be dead to the world, then it will come back online. I’ll start again with whatever I was listening to, only for it to just do it all over again. Sometimes I get 20 minutes of playtime, sometimes 30 seconds. I’ve tried resetting it and redoing all the connections from scratch and now I’m running an ethernet cable all the way from my Sky Q hub into the connect, all to no avail. I’m at a bit of a loss for what to do with it. Any suggestions please?

There are a couple of potentials that leap to my mind, one resolvable easily, the other potentially not so much.

The easy one is a potential duplicate IP address, which can’t normally be “seen” by looking in the router’s DHCP table, as it only presents what is connected at the moment the report is run, and doesn’t show changes over time. An easy test would be to unplug the CONNECT from power, then reboot your router while it remains unplugged. Only once the router comes back up should you plug back in the CONNECT. Do some testing. Does it still cut out? If not, we’ve identified the issue, which is rare, in the grand scheme of things. You can do that process again if it happens again, or you can look at your router’s manual on how to set up reserved IP addresses in the router’s DHCP table, and do that, which will keep this issue from recurring. 

However, it’s also possible that there’s an issue in the electronics of the CONNECT that’s causing it to fail periodically. Could be overheating, could be some other issue, it’s hard to know without looking at a diagnostic, which is only available to the Sonos folks anyway. So I’d recommend that if the above paragraph doesn't fix the issue, you submit a system diagnostic within 10 minutes of experiencing/recovering from this problem, and call Sonos Support to discuss it.

There may be information included in the diagnostic that will help Sonos pinpoint the issue and help you find a solution.

When you speak directly to the phone folks, there are more options available beyond just the diagnostic analysis. 

Thanks for the response, Bruce. Much appreciated. I’ll give that a go now. Fingers crossed!