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Looking for advice. Thanks in advance!

Recently moved homes from a house that we had SONOS arc, sub, and 2 Era100 speakers for surround sound system. The new house has 7 speakercraft in ceiling speakers (2 fronts, 1 center, 2 rears, and 2 in the master bedroom) I want to use my Sonos system (Arc & Sub) for the surround sound with the 2 rear in ceiling speakers connected through a Sonos AMP. This is already hooked up now and works well. But I want to be able to use the other in ceiling speakers (2 fronts, 1 center as well as the bedroom speakers) for music or TV while entertaining guests. My question is can I use a speaker selector and connect it to the Sonos Amp to my receiver and other speakers? Do I need a Sonos Port? Do I need another Sonos Amp? I am thinking the easiest way is to run the rear speakers from the Amp into the speaker selector then have all other speakers connected into that and connected to my receiver. That way I can use the rears for surround sound system and use all when playing music or football games, etc?

Any suggestions on this?

Any way that you go about this will be messy. The simplest scheme would be to ignore the center ceiling speaker and use a speaker switch to connect the front ceiling speakers to AMP when you want to play music. Including the center ceiling speaker will create more mess because it will probably result in AMP overload and you’ll need to decide if that speaker will be left or right. It’s possible to deal with this, but it adds much more mess.

That’s fine without the center speaker. Will that work for the other 2 speakers in the bedroom as well?

With much more hardware mess, along with operational mess, yes. A separate AMP for the bedroom would be better. 

Here’s another option: *

  • Sonos Amp to power the four (4) speakers formerly used as front and rears
  • Sonos Amp to power two (2) speakers in bedroom
  • All speakers can be grouped (including the Arc home theater) for music

Grouping with Arc for TV audio will result in a 75ms delay to All speakers powered by a Sonos amp. The delay to the Amp with the four (4) speakers in same room as Arc will create an echo effect (and viewable lip-sync issue); but probably not so with the speakers in the bedroom as there is no video screen to view a lip-sync issue and hopefully far enough away not to create a noticeable echo.

Out of curiosity...what would your receiver be used for that would necessitate a Sonos Port?

 * As was mentioned by ​@buzz you should ignore the heretofore center speaker.

EDIT:@buzz responded while I was typing 😂

Maybe like this?

2 fronts, 1 center - Sonos Amp in mono mode if all three are used, stereo if only left and right are used. Or swap the center speaker for a dual coil speaker and wire all three stereo.

2 rears - Amp Bonded as surrounds. Set to Full Mode for music.

2 in the master bedroom - Another Amp

Eras could go to other rooms.

Then you could listen to your TV in surround, Arc - Sub - Amp and rear ceiling.

Music, the above with surrounds set to full mode and Grouped with the Amp for the front ceiling speakers.
