I have an AMP in an AV rack a long distance from the room with ceiling speakers that the AMP serves.
I’ve placed a Sonos SUB in the room itself and it’s connected to Wifi, and there are other Sonos units in nearby rooms (so the SonosNet signal strength in the room should be good), the room has good Wifi signal also).
The audio to the sub cuts in and out and sometimes there’s no audio from the SUB at all.
The AMP is wired to the network, so the system is in SonosNet mode.
My assumption was that the SUB would connect via SonosNet, or via Wifi, to the AMP. but it seems that the AMP is attempting to directly connect (i.e. not over Wifi, and not over SonosNet) to the SUB, and being some physical distance in the AV Cupboard, it’s intermittently failing to maintain it’s own direct wireless connection to the SUB - is that how it works?
I.e. you need to have the AMP and SUB physically near each other so they can connect via a direct non-Wifi, non-SonosNet wireless link?
As an aside, when I connect the SUB via ethernet to the network (even via a Wifi > ethernet converter like this - https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B093GZLKPH)) it seems to work correctly.
Any guidance would be much appreciated!