I've a Sonos ONE SL pair using the Sonos S2 app with a weekday alarm. I have "Virgin Radio UK" set to come on at 07:27 Mon-Fri which is set through the Sonos Radio Station service.
However, one or two days in the week, a completely different (random?) radio station plays instead. Or, the Sonos chime. Today, I had Radio X, another time I had the BBC World service. The app incorrectly reports that I am playing my chosen station. It is not a particular day it happens. It always seems to be one or two days in the week it happens, or the whole week passes through playing my chosen station as expected.
Is there a known issue/bug as to why a different station to the one defined is played at the set alarm time? It appears that this is a long running issue that is now probably ignored as an agravation to many others.
Also, this issue appears to be repeated across your community channels for the past 2 years! Network interference has been cited as a cause. My system is fully ethernet wired back to my router. Plus, if there was a network issue/outage I would expect no music at all rather than a random staton that does play/stream successfully. A lack of understanding of the app and connections has also been offered by Sonos as a cause as well. I'm sure someone having the ability to set radio alarms would show an adept level of usage.
I do think you have a real issue here in that the Radio Alarm feature is not functioning as expected. Please can this be investigated?
Diagnostic information: 352464017