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Since I bought the device the app is not working properly, despite dozens of updates.

When I play music from my device it stops playing after one or two songs, I have to turn the screen on to get it back playing. I excluded the Sonos app from suspension and other energy saving settings, to no avail.

Also the songs after a while don't update on the song screen, the buttons work, but the displayed song is still the same even after several songs have played.

The router has been updated, rebooted, is 20 cm from the Sonos, the problem is on all my Android devices, A11 and A12, everything updated.

In the whole the sound is great, but the app is a pain in the x, it never worked properly and probably never will. I'm so disappointed, I almost always use the phones speakers or the Galaxy buds to listen to music.

But if someone has more suggestions I'd be glad to try.

Which App are you using to play music to your Symfonisk speaker and what audio source are you playing from?

I assume the speaker is wired direct to the router as it’s only 20cm away from it, which is much too close for a connection to operate without the likelihood of wireless interference, so perhaps try a different cable.

Hi @drmtiede 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

I think @Ken_Griffiths has hit the nail on the head, but I’d like to add that regardless of whether an ethernet cable is used or not, 20cm is much too close as an ethernet-wired Sonos (or Symfonisk) player will broadcast it’s own WiFi signal which will interfere with your router’s signal, preventing all other WiFi devices from communicating well with your router.

I highly recommend having the speaker on WiFi and at least 1m away from the router. If the speaker absolutely must be so near the router, then use ethernet, but also disable the speaker's WiFi - Disable or enable Wi-Fi on your Sonos products.

I hope this helps.

The Ikea Sonos Symphonics is connected via wifi, so the distance could be the problem? Maybe that's why sometimes everybody laments bad internet connection, never occurred to me that the speaker could be the problem, but to turn it off I always unplug the cord so that's why I never noticed. I'll try to put it in another location and see what happens.

Well, I tried to move the Sonos but it didn't solve the problems. Now it's roughly 3 m from the router, but the playlist still stops from time to time until I unlock the screen. Also the current song description after a while hangs and doesn't update at all any more, even closing the Sonos window on the phone and just keeping the notification. I don't know, how can Sonos sell such a buggy device? Even the app sucks, it offers lots of internet radio connections but almost no useful options for stored music. Also that I can't use the volume keys with locked screen or while I'm another app is kind of ridiculous. Every Bluetooth speaker or headphones does better.

Very frustrating 

@drmtiede .  Sonos isn't buggy. Mine has been rock solid for 10 years. The app is just a remote control for the system. It sounds like you have latency in your network, probably caused by interference.

The next thing I would try would be to change the wireless channel used by your router. You should try channels 1, 6 and 11 on the 2.4GHz band. That may or may not help. Please post back either way.

Why are you powering the speaker on and off?

What type of router do you have?

Are you playing music stored on your mobile device? That is probably the least reliable source. Have you set up a Sonos Music Library to play local content?