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A specific playlist that I have created, and listened to through Sonos in the past, will no longer play. It is an amazon music playlist. The other stock playlists that amazon has will play, but not the one I had created. It is giving me code 701.  

I have deleted the sonos app, reinstalled it.  I have removed the amazon music app from sonos, and reinstalled it. Still no luck.

Everything else works; spotify, pandora, other amazon music, etc. 


Looking for advice! ​​​​​​​

Try the solutions mentioned in this article:

How many tracks are in it? Time how long it takes to fail, if it is exactly 10 or 15 seconds then its too large or the local network is too slow.

There are limits (size and time) to loading playlists. Sonos do not recommend more than 500 items in their developer docs.