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I’ve had a Sonos 5.1 setup working fine with the optical out from a Samsung TV for a couple of years. Replaced it with a Philips 70PUS8556 and I’m just getting what I should be from the two rear play:1s

it sounds to me like it’s just a quieter reproduction of the Playbar, and weirdly when I change the Music Playback setting from Ambient to Full, even when watching TV, the rears get louder, backing up my theory I think. 

Any ideas? Using the same optical out cable I was using with the old telly, and the Sonos app does say Dolby Digital 5.1 - I just don’t believe it!

What is your audio source? Have you adjusted the TV Level under the Surround Audio settings higher?

Changing Music Playback from Ambient to Full will not affect the surround levels when the Playbar is playing audio in TV mode, only in music mode.

I totally agree with your last sentence there…. except for the fact that it is happening. I know it shouldn’t, but it is. 


Yes I’ve turned the surrounds up, but a negligible impact. And if I use a 5.1 demo video on YouTube you can tell it isn’t a proper surround experience 

Sorry, audio source is a Sky Q box via the television, or smart TV apps. Same with both

YouTube videos only play in stereo, not 5.1 audio. Find a true 5.1 audio source to test with.

On your TV Sound Settings, try setting Digital Out Format to Multichannel or Multichannel (bypass) to see if it makes a difference. You can also try setting the Digital Out Leveling setting to More.


I think it’s suddenly started working and I have no idea why or how, other than some random fiddling about. 

I might be back, but thanks for now 😀