I am sharing here my customer frustration. I change my Wifi network. It took me 15 seconds to update my google devices, 10 seconds for Alexa devices and I am still troubleshooting my Sonos after 2 days.
I have the exact same problem than the case below but unfortunately cannot connect my sonos to an ethernet cable. For a Wifi sound system it is incredible that the product is not better tested and the app support is very light.
If this is a different router, the easiest way is to change the router settings back to your old router setting (SSID and Password). If not then an ethernet cable or a factory reset (with the loss of your settings and services are the only other options.
This is brutal @Sonos any plan to fix this?
Sharing the solution for other members as I spend 4 days trying to fix it and it is obvious that Sonos engineers did not test a change in wifi on ios 14. Only way to fix it is through a factory reset. You have to unplug the electric wire and replug it while you are pressing the buton on the back. Also plugging an ethernet cable does not solve the issue as you get this crazy message (see picture).
A real wireless product with not enough engineers to test it apparently….
Sorry updating my post as even a factory reset did not fix the problem. I tried also from another iphone and Android device but same issue.
I am desperate as spending 6 days on this is a real pain for a customer.
Can you check that in the settings of your router, 2.4ghtz is switched on and try turning 5Ghtz off temporarily?
I’m surprised that wiring a single Sonos device to the new router hasn’t worked… I change my network quite often as I move around. The steps I take are this:
- Power off Sonos speaker(s) and move to new router.
- Wire just one speaker to router and power on all.
- Also connect mobile (with Sonos App) to the new router WiFi
- Open App and ‘voila’ all the speakers appear.
- Then add the new WiFi credentials into Sonos App in ‘Settings/System/Network/Manage Networks’ using the ‘Update Networks’ option.
- Then uncable speaker and all happily run on the new WiFi.
I’m guessing there’s a router compatibility issue in this instance - maybe ‘QOS’ or ‘Airtime Fairness’ or maybe WiFi isolation is enabled, perhaps
I spent again half a day. Turned off 5 GHZ wifi and removed all possible options from my routeur (QoS is disabled) to make wifi as simple as possible. Tried from an Android phone, tried from IoS. Reinitiated both speakers to start from scratch. It seems that the app is to able to update the wifi password. Sent email to support with my diagnose file (no response by the way). I am becoming crazy spending so much time with so little help.
If you post your diagnostic number in this thread, that'll be quicker.
I spent again half a day. Turned off 5 GHZ wifi and removed all possible options from my routeur (QoS is disabled) to make wifi as simple as possible. Tried from an Android phone, tried from IoS. Reinitiated both speakers to start from scratch. It seems that the app is to able to update the wifi password. Sent email to support with my diagnose file (no response by the way). I am becoming crazy spending so much time with so little help.
It usually only takes a few minutes to switch router where Sonos is concerned, particularly if one device is wired and all run on SonosNet, but it’s quite quick to add the WiFi credentials to all devices anyway as it only needs updating once in the controller App and that can get passed to all, so I’m suspecting it’s a compatibility issue (perhaps) with the router or something is not set correctly. Most routers (not all) often work ‘out the box’, so did you try a factory reset of the router too?
More importantly, what router is it and maybe give us a pointer to its online manual and we will see if we can help you get it sorted.
I found the solution with the help of Sonos support.I reset the router from the web application of the Asus router (Zen wifi AX6600). I kept the same wifi SSID and password and it solved it.
Ya I was going to suggest that but am stuck trying to figure out the best way to turn off my Move. Can only work one puzzle at a time. Haha.
Ya I was going to suggest that but am stuck trying to figure out the best way to turn off my Move. Can only work one puzzle at a time. Haha.
Long press (greater that 7 seconds) of the Power button on the rear.