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I’ve had some trouble with my IKEA Symfonisk from time to time. Yesterday we moved around some furniture and moved the Symfonisk as well. It got closer to the wired Port and the wireless One, which are the other Sonos players in the household. 

Since the move yesterday the Symfonisk has been totally useless, loosing the connection when playing music. The network matrix does show better numbers than before though. I tried switching to channel 6 (from 1), but the network matrix showed that it wasn’t the right thing to do. 

I don’t know what to do and would like some assistance. Diagnostics ID is 1532057974. 




You mentioned you switched the SonosNet channel (presumably) from 1 to channel 6, but you didn’t mention what channel your router is using. Can you ensure the routers 2.4Ghz WiFi band is on a completely different ‘fixed’ channel - either 6 or 11 is recommended if using SonosNet channel 1. I would suggest also setting the channel width on the router to 20MHz. If that doesn’t help then try different channels using 1, 6 or 11, but just ensure the router channel is always 5+ channels away from the SonosNet channel. That should hopefully sort the issue for you.


Thanks for your reply!

Yes, I was referring to SonosNet. My WiFi is running on the fixed channel 13 on 20 MHz. I also have IKEA Trådfri which uses 2.4 GHz, IKEA haven’t disclosed the channel they are using, but internet seems to believe it’s channel 11. 

When scanning my area for WiFis, channel 6 and 11 seems to be the most used ones. 

I have no WiFi issues with anything else but Sonos. Since the Sonos app doesn’t really give me any information or statuses I need help to troubleshoot this. 


Just to mention then, you can call/chat-online to Sonos Support Staff via this LINK too, to get your diagnostic report checked. FYI.