I’ve just been staying at my mum’s for a few days, she has a Sonos system comprising of an Arc, Amp, One, One SL (and a Move & Roam).
Currently running a completely wireless set up.
It just doesn’t work that well, frequent drop outs and speakers disappearing etc. Having moved the 2 Ones yesterday plugging them back in their normal locations this morning one of them wouldn’t reconnect.
I think the ideal would be to cable the Arc or the Amp but this would need a hole drilling through the wall and I’m limited to how much time I can really spend there sorting it.
Will a Boost do the same as wiring a speaker and automatically switch everything (apart from Roam & Move) over to SonosNet? And if I send her one in the post is it just a case of plugging it in and adding it to the system in the same way as a speaker?
In contrast my system, with more speakers but the majority of them wired, just works pretty much flawlessly.
cheers for any input