Disappearing Sonos One Speakers on Orbi Mesh Network - Unable to find in System although 'successfully added' after resetting
4 of my Sonos speakers (2 x Sonos One + 2 Sonos One SL) disappeared. These were working fine for the last several months. I tried to add them back in after resetting and even though the Sonos S2 app says they have been added, I do not see them in my system. I have tried other methods as noted in Sonos App under Support>Find Missing Products but no success.
In terms of my network hardware I haven an Orbi 6 Mesh Router (1 RBR750 +2 RBS750 all on firmware V4.6.3.7). 2.4GHz is on Channel 1 and 5 GHz is on Channel 48 - with Sonos on Channel 6.
One of my Sonos PlayBar is connected to my Orbi router via an Ethernet cable connected to a Cisco Managed Switch (CISCO SG200-26), which is connected to the Orbi RBR750 router. I have also tried unplugging the ethernet connect for 10 seconds, then plugging it back in, before trying to add the Sonos one again.
Diagnostic #386199281
Wifi Analyzer SnapshotSonos Network
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Hi @lonebull
Welcome to the Sonos Community!
I don’t know much about managed switches, but yours seems to currently be the problem - your speakers are reporting different Gateway IP addresses, and are not happy about it. I assume this is due to misconfiguration of the switch, though if you have a router in addition to the Orbi router, that would be an issue too. You’ll find instructions for what to do about having two routers in my article linked below, but the idea would be to put the Orbi router into Bridge/AP mode if another router is present.
If the switch has DHCP, disable it.
There’s also a lot of multicast flooding evident - I recommend you activate IGMP Snooping/Filtering on the switch.
The Family Room Playbar which is wired and thus responsible for the connection of half of your system seems to have a fair bit of WiFi interference near it - please remove other WiFi devices from with 1m of it (TV excepted). In fact, all of the rooms with Red or Orange indicators in your second picture are reporting high interference levels - please look to separate these devices from other WiFi devices too (or other sources of interference).
However, something was going so wrong that the diagnostic was incomplete. This, combined with the fact that half of the system was missing at the time means I am limited in how much I can help. I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team via phone, who can work to get a complete diagnostic from your Sonos system mid-troubleshooting and work from there. Troubleshooting would likely involve bypassing the switch to see if that helps - you may want to try it before calling, as it may help considerably (note that we do not support managed switches as they require excessive training and are generally overkill for a home network - this doesn’t mean they won’t work, just that our technical support team can’t assist in the reconfiguration).
I hope this helps.
Hi @Corry P
The Orbi RBR750 is my main router. I do not have any other router in addition to it.
Moved Orbi Satellite away from Family Room PlayBar as suggested. The only thing next to it is TV and couple of streaming devices like the Apple TV, Amazon TV
All other speakers in other rooms do not have any wi-fi devices anywhere nearby.
Removed managed Switch. Connected a 4-port unmanaged switch that connects to the Family Room speaker for SonosNet.
New Diagnostics Conformation Number: 2028637104
With these changes I was able to get 2 of the 4 speakers to work. Still have to reset the other 2.
However, I still see that there is high level of interference and cannot figure out why that is the case.
Wifi AnalyzerSonos Network
The devices operating on channels 7 & 9 could be causing trouble. Since these were not visible in your first snapshot, they are operating intermittently. Try moving the SONOS system to different channels. Normally we want WiFi and SonosNet on different channels, but in this case channel 1 for both might be the best compromise.
Your area has relatively few access points, but they are strong on channel 1. (Of course, you are surveying at a single point) The noise floors in your matrix are very reasonable, but ANI levels are high. 0 is best, 9 is worst. I’m in a dense urban area with a healthcare facility next door and a couple of 40MHz hogs on 2.4GHz. Your WiFi scan looks tame compared to mine. Do you have any other devices that will not be detected by a simple WiFi scanner -- such as baby monitors, security cameras, or ZigBee devices?
Hi @lonebull
Your most recent diagnostic didn’t come through properly. Could you please submit another and let me know the number? Thanks.