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My Sonos Connect has worked perfectly for quite some time. This week it changed completely. 

It disconnects all the time. Nothing in the setup has changed. Several times I've resetted it and moved it to different places.

Everytime it starts again (after resetting it to factory settings) for a couple of minutes, than it disappears from my network. 

Since I've got it for my turntable, I can't hook it up physically to my router.

I've spoken to the helpdesk on several occasions (I can hardly understand them due to the accents on their speech) and messaged on several occasions. It's getting to be very frustrating. 

My file number here at sonos is ********. 

Moderator edit: Case number recorded and removed

With a 17 year old device, I would assume the WIFI card is struggling to keep up at this point.

I would recommend temporarily hardwiring it to your router to see if that solves the issues. If it does, you will need to find a way to make that connection permanent if you have no intentions of upgrading.

I have a Connect S15 that my TT is plugged into. I just recently moved it to a spot where I do not have an ethernet port. Before the move it was always plugged in to my network. There was a short period of time when it lost the connection to my network, but the last update seems to have remedied that.

I still prefer to have my speakers and components hardwired. I make the effort to run ethernet where I need it for this reason.

I don't know about the WiFi card. It's an S2 connect, so I would assume it's up to par. 

The problem is that hardwiring isn't an option. The distance between router and recordplayer is too big. Besides, I've mainly chosen a Sonos setup to get rid of all the cables.

And that worked for quite some time. 

I think I'll start with a Sonos Boost to enhance the signal. Maybe that's a start... 

Otherwise I'm gonna have to switch to a new Port and hope for the best. 

I’d be tempted to look at a potential network issue with duplicate IP address issues, which are often exposed by Sonos’ frequent firmware updates, but unfortunately an issue with the router, and not Sonos itself. Try unplugging your Sonos CONNECT from power, then reboot your router. Give the router a couple of minutes to reload before plugging back in your CONNECT. 

Note, duplicate IPs are a network related issue caused by an error in the router’s DHCP allocation, and would impact wired, wireless, and SonosNet devices. 

While you may have changed nothing it is possible a neighbor has, or that you made a change that you don’t think would impact Sonos.

I’d do the whole WiFi interference thing just to make sure it isn’t the issue.


Even the newest version of the Connect is many years old and there have been discussions here of issues with them, more related to memory issues than WiFi card issues. If it is truly needing a Factory Reset to reconnect I’d consider that a good possibility.

Still working on it. Unplugging the ONNECT from power and rebooting the router didn't work so far.

Would a Port work better? Or will I experience the same troubles? 

It depends on the reason why it is disconnecting. 

I would recommend that you submit a system diagnostic within 10 minutes of experiencing this problem, and call Sonos Support to discuss it. But don’t post the resulting diagnostic number here, they get sensitive about GDPR.

There may be information included in the diagnostic that will help Sonos pinpoint the issue and help you find a solution.

When you speak directly to the Support staff, they have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your network and Sonos system.

I do note that you’ve called in before, but the simple fact is they have access to much more information than we do. We can only guess. 

Thank you all. Problem isn't solved yet, I'll call them again today. 

If this won't work, I'll have to get a new Port and hope for the best. 
