Hi All,
For about a year I’ve had two Sonos systems set up in the house on two Wi-FI networks. I’ve did this by setting up a separate guest network on the router with separate SSID and password.
The reason being that I have two kids who have their own Spotify accounts and I could not get it to work with voice control without two networks.
Up until last week, whenever I’ve switched wireless networks on my phone I can simply connect to the relevant speaker which I do from time to time to set sleep timers or find a song they can’t get via voice control.
However, for about a week I’ve not been able to and I could not get one device to appear at all. Voice control still worked fine.
I’ve just gone through a whole reset on the problem network device, unlinked everything, changed the SSID and password on the guest network and set up from scratch. However, when I changed networks I get the error message that there is no system found.
I’m so confused as it has been working well for such a long time and I imagine many of you will have different networks (perhaps Sonos at work and one at home or perhaps logging on to a friends) so I can’t see why this would be any different.
Can anyone send any pointers?