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for a few days now I’ve been unable to add tracks to queue from amazon and spotify. I get no error message and I’m able to play a station. Queue is emtpy and when I try to drag somthing on there it turns grey and it’s not added. Also the usual ‘add to queue’ menu items disapeeard. I restarted the sonos, router and PC several times and software is up to date. usually an icon appears with individual which explodes individual songs, but it nowhere to be found.

Sent diagnostics, confirmation is 1472919792.



Hi @combinet 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

It may not be the cause of the problem you are describing, but your Port is reporting an IP address conflict on your network, and that definitely needs to be resolved. Basically, the Port seems to think there is another device on the network with the same address as it. As your Port is wired to the router, there isn’t much else that can go wrong.

Please unplug both your Port and router from power. Once about 30 seconds have passed, turn on the router and wait 3-5 min for WiFi to return before turning your Port back on.

I recommend you then log into your router’s settings and reserve IP addresses for the devices commonly on your network to prevent this happening again.

I hope this helps.