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I have three Sonos SL and one Roam. I connect via AirPlay on either iPhone or iPad. Whatever I play on the iOS devices cuts whenever I hit pause.

Few more details:

  • If I immediately hit play again it starts without significant delay, but if the stream is paused for more than maybe 10-20 seconds it cuts.
  • Cut is maybe the wrong word, because it starts streaming with a significant delay of 30-50 seconds.
  • Example: I listen to a song on Spotify and hit pause at 2:00 into the song. I press pause and then press play after 30 seconds. The song will then start play on my iOS device, but audio will come from the Sonos speakers at somewhere between 2:30 or 2:50.
  • Same with Audible or any other app.
  • Current solution: Press AirPlay Ivón in command center if iOS, connect to internal speakers and then reconnect to one or several Sonos speakers.

Quite annoying!

What does Apple say when you raise this issue with them?

I haven’t. I figured it was Sonos since I don’t have this issue with any other devices than my Sonos. But I guess the issue might lay there as well?