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want to use a denon DN11 DAB as a CD player and to hook up my record player and play through my Sonos speakers - can I do this?

want to use a denon DN11 DAB as a CD player and to hook up my record player and play through my Sonos speakers - can I do this?

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  • Lead Maestro
  • May 31, 2024

Just plug what you want to play into the Line-In on your Five. You can then play that on any of your Sonos.

Most folks use an RCA Stereo to 3.5 MM Stereo converter cable.

If you want to switch and not swap wired get an RCA passive switch box.

Thank you! Would it work if I used a Port and plugged the CD/DAB and record player into the Port as my Fives are in the kitchen

  • Lead Maestro
  • May 31, 2024

The Port would work, so would any other Sonos device with a Line-In connection.

Thank you - ordered a port 


@Rex and Jess Looking at the picture here: 

It does not seem the Denon has an “out”. How would you connect it to an analogue in on any Sonos device?

edit: The product page also does not mention outputs:

Thanks - thinking I will use the Port to hook up the Denon and then hook my record player to the Denon - would that work?

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