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Victrola Stream

I have 2 issues:

  1.  When playing a record on the turntable, I can only control the volume, etc from the Victrola app. The turntable does not appear in the Sonos app at all whilst playing. According to Victrola I should only need their app for initial set up and be able to use the Sonos app afterwards. 
  1.  Having finished playing records on the turntable, all other sources, TV, streaming services become disconnected from Sonos. I have to unplug and reconnect my Beam to get  my Sonos speakers to recognise those sources again.  Any help gratefully received. 
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  • Senior Virtuoso
  • June 27, 2024

When using the app, you select a room and then the Victrola as source. Do you not have a volume slider for that room? 

What do you mean by “all other sources, TV, streaming services become disconnected from Sonos”? Are they greyed out in the app, or what? 



  • Contributor I
  • June 28, 2024

Hi Nik9669a


Many thanks for your reply. Thankfully, somehow, the system seems to have righted itself so all is working as it should. 




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