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Has anyone here gone through the recycling process, confirmed it, had the 21 day countdown clock initiated, and actually received their 30% discount code? I have done so, and yet there is no promo code or discount applied during checkout, shown in my account, etc.?  Thanks.

Hi @walkman666, I’ve moved your question out of the other thread. There was an issue with the Trade Up codes applying that is now resolved. If you need a hand still, you’ll want to reach out to our sales team directly.

Thanks, Ryan. I appreciate the reply. I asked the question 2x so you may wish to remove both. I feel for you with all of the bashing going on. Oh boy.

Order placed for a port to replace my connect. thanks

I’m having this problem right now. Went through the trade up process, selected items to recycle, and selected replacement product, but I don’t see the 30% discount. 

I’m having this problem right now. Went through the trade up process, selected items to recycle, and selected replacement product, but I don’t see the 30% discount. 

It did indeed auto-deduct 30% when I added my trade-up component to my shopping cart. Maybe try again, using the link from the email you hopefully received from Sonos.

Worked now. Thanks.


Thought I would share questions/answers posed to SonosSupport on Twitter.  Minor edits for context by author. Orwellian?  You decide.  Disappointed? Yes.  Surprised? Nahhh.

Hi. Have questions on obsoleted hardware

1) Can Play5 still be used as dumb speaker via line-in input once entered recycle mode? Still desire use speaker independent Sonos. (It’s a good speaker, why waste it, oopphh). Do I not enter recycle mode for those speakers to preserve use without Sonos?
Answer: The Play:5 cannot be used to listen to audio from the line-in source after it has gone into the recycled stage.  

2) Read something about 21 day period and recycle mode. How does that work in terms of Play5, ZP-90, and Connect Amp function and information deletion?
Answer: Setting your Sonos products in recycling mode will not allow you to use the products with or without Sonos.
3) If enter Recycle mode and elect to upgrade ZP-90 and Connect Amp , how do I know I will receive new devices before 21 day period times out?

Answer:  The 21 day period gives time to receive a replacement if you purchase a new Sonos product using the 30% coupon. The Sonos products are shipped next day once the order is placed and it will be received before the 21 day period expires on the recycled product.

4) Can replacement devices be ordered at 30% discount before entering recycle mode? I rather buy under discount, then enter recycle mode once new devices received.

Answer:  No. The Sonos product needs to be placed in recycled mode before the 30% coupon is received.  The 30% coupon will only be received once a Sonos product is set in recycled mode.

5) Would like to replace Play5s with IKEA Symphonisk. What’s stopping me from that approach?

Answer: You may purchase an Ikea Symfonisk WiFi speaker to replace your Sonos Play:5 but the 30% coupon will not apply.

6) Have some early Play1s. Will those continue to work, and how long?

Answer:  The Sonos Play:1 speakers will continue to receive software updates.  As for newer products, such as your Play:1's; our commitment is to support products with software updates for a minimum of five years after we stop selling them, and we have a track record of supporting for longer.

Thought I would share questions/answers posed to SonosSupport on Twitter.  Minor edits for context by author. Orwellian?  You decide.  Disappointed? Yes.  Surprised? Nahhh.

Hi. Have questions on obsoleted hardware

1) Can Play5 still be used as dumb speaker via line-in input once entered recycle mode? Still desire use speaker independent Sonos. (It’s a good speaker, why waste it, oopphh). Do I not enter recycle mode for those speakers to preserve use without Sonos?
Answer: The Play:5 cannot be used to listen to audio from the line-in source after it has gone into the recycled stage.  

2) Read something about 21 day period and recycle mode. How does that work in terms of Play5, ZP-90, and Connect Amp function and information deletion?
Answer: Setting your Sonos products in recycling mode will not allow you to use the products with or without Sonos.
3) If enter Recycle mode and elect to upgrade ZP-90 and Connect Amp , how do I know I will receive new devices before 21 day period times out?

Answer:  The 21 day period gives time to receive a replacement if you purchase a new Sonos product using the 30% coupon. The Sonos products are shipped next day once the order is placed and it will be received before the 21 day period expires on the recycled product.

4) Can replacement devices be ordered at 30% discount before entering recycle mode? I rather buy under discount, then enter recycle mode once new devices received.

Answer:  No. The Sonos product needs to be placed in recycled mode before the 30% coupon is received.  The 30% coupon will only be received once a Sonos product is set in recycled mode.

5) Would like to replace Play5s with IKEA Symphonisk. What’s stopping me from that approach?

Answer: You may purchase an Ikea Symfonisk WiFi speaker to replace your Sonos Play:5 but the 30% coupon will not apply.

6) Have some early Play1s. Will those continue to work, and how long?

Answer:  The Sonos Play:1 speakers will continue to receive software updates.  As for newer products, such as your Play:1's; our commitment is to support products with software updates for a minimum of five years after we stop selling them, and we have a track record of supporting for longer.



What a load of excrement!  Since the Play 5's do have a Line In, they can at least be used as speakers for audio devices.  If you can possibly repurpose a Play 5, I would hope you wouldn't recycle it.  I have no less than 8 Play 5s, not to mention two connect amps and two connects. I'm decidedly livid over the upcoming obsolescence of well over $5K of legacy gear.  How long after that will my remaining “modern” devices become extinct.  


Sonos should be ashamed of itself for not providing a hardware fix to repurpose the older gear (replacement memory/chip kit to upgrade the speaker boxes on Play 5s, or a Port like device that can manage the Sonos operating system but feed audio to the line-in on the Play 5s.  Replacement Connect's and Amps for legacy device owners should be offered at significantly deeper discounts than the paltry 30%.  

I sold all of my Sonos shares yesterday. I can't be a party to the company's blatant play for additional profits at the expense of its customer base.  

A pox on Sonos management for this travesty.



I’m having this problem right now. Went through the trade up process, selected items to recycle, and selected replacement product, but I don’t see the 30% discount. 

It did indeed auto-deduct 30% when I added my trade-up component to my shopping cart. Maybe try again, using the link from the email you hopefully received from Sonos.

Why would you so quickly acquiesce to Sonos’ heavy handed insult to you, the customer?  The 30% discount on new items is an insult.  How long before your new $500 device is obsoleted?  

Why would you so quickly acquiesce to Sonos’ heavy handed insult to you, the customer?  The 30% discount on new items is an insult.  How long before your new $500 device is obsoleted?  


At a minimum five years after Sonos quits selling it. That is a minimum and the time has usually been a lot longer.

Why would you so quickly acquiesce to Sonos’ heavy handed insult to you, the customer?  The 30% discount on new items is an insult.  How long before your new $500 device is obsoleted?  


Not everyone is as outraged as you, nor do they have to be.  Diversity is good!

Spoken like someone with little skin in the game... I'm looking at $5K plus in speakers soon to be bricked.

I've owned a number of those for less than 5 years.  Speakers should last a lifetime.  The memory and logic chips controlling the speakers could have been engineered to be swappable.    When your PC runs low on memory, you can buy larger memory cards and swap them out. When Windows 7 was no longer supported necessitating an upgrade to 8 or 10, you took the modest financial hit for newer software, but didn't have to pitch your desktop computer.  

You're into diversity, so I'll assume you're also about global warming.  What about the carbon footprint associated with all these soon to be obsolete speakers?  Recycling isn't the answer.  Designing them to last as long as possible might be.  

I see that Sonos is attempting to walk back their initial position, probably due to more than one outraged voice reaching the corporate board room. 

You're welcome.


Spoken like someone with little skin in the game... I'm looking at $5K plus in speakers soon to be bricked.



You have no idea what skin I have in anything.  Not that it is any of your business, I have eight eligible devices.  3 Play:5, a ZP100 and ZP80 from the first bundle ever issued, a CR200, and two ZP90/Connects.