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Sonos Boost vs Brigde

  • January 26, 2017
  • 3 replies

  • Avid Contributor I
  • 24 replies
Hi there,

Could someone please explain whats the main difference between Sonos Boost vs Sonos Brigde ?

Yes, i use 5.1 Sonos system and all components connected to my home WIFI router without wires.
So far so good, just few times noticed "unable to play Spotify song and skipping " when WIFI was in heavy usage at home (it was 4 users at home all were using same WIFI network).

So my question, whats the best to improve performance for Sonos 5.1 - Boost or Brigde ?

Thanks in advance
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3 replies

  • Local Superstar
  • 2800 replies
  • January 26, 2017
When you connect a Boost via ethernet to your router, Sonosnet will be created. It will ignore your wifi and your wifi will ignore Sonosnet. Your Sonos system will be as robust as it will get and much better than it is now, with only wifi. A Bridge was the predecessor of the Boost, which is more powerful than the Bridge.

  • Author
  • Avid Contributor I
  • 24 replies
  • January 26, 2017
Could you explain please how to set up new Boost and Sonos 5.1 after i connect him to my router via cable.
Keep in mind that at the moment all system connected to wireless home network.

Do i need just to change wireless configuration via Sonos app ?

  • 31402 replies
  • January 26, 2017
Wire the BOOST. Add it using 'add a BOOST or BRIDGE'.

It will automatically put the system into SonosNet mode. Give it a couple of minutes to settle down. It's recommended that you then go to Advanced Settings/Wireless Setup and remove ('reset') your WiFi credentials.

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