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Making run a Sonos Port from a Soundboks battery.


Hi Everyone. I have a Soundboks Gen 4 Speaker with a Sonos Port that I use to play music in the garden along side the sonos house speakers. I usually move the speaker quite often and it's annoying having to plug the Port to electricity since the speaker has a big battery. I saw Sonos port has an input of 12v 1a, the Soundboks battery provides 14v. I have a basic knowledge of electronics but I think that is not too far apart and devices nowadays should handle that difference. My idea is to run the sonos port from the battery and make it mobile. Has someone done anything similar? Since I can't find any info Should I take the voltage down to 12v or Port sould handle the 14v fine? Thank you.

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  • Prodigy III
  • June 30, 2024

I doubt there is a straight “yes or no” answer. I wouldn’t be surprised to find that the “nominal 12V” power supply that comes with the Port sits at a higher voltage than that with no load, though it will probably drop closer to 12V under load - the battery-based solution probably won’t.

Internally the incoming power is probably regulated anyway, so it will probably be fine - but it does of course involve a risk of shortening the life of the internal components, because it’s likely to generate more heat in the voltage regulation components. If it were mine, I would consider putting in an external 12V regulator, if only because the Port is an expensive device to risk damaging.


I think thats a 12 v trigger not power

specs say 110- 

  • Prodigy III
  • June 30, 2024
James Truelove wrote:

I think thats a 12 v trigger not power

specs say 110- 

Yes, there is a 12V trigger input, but the factory “wall wart” power supply is, as the OP says, specified with an output (to the Port) of 12V @ 1A.

  • Contributor II
  • June 30, 2024

Hi guys, thanks for your response. James, you are talking about the 12v trigger. If you look at the power brick that you connect to your outlet you’ll see that the brick delivers 12v 1a to the Port.

Antifon, what you are saying makes sense. It will be a nice project to learn about that and lower the voltaje to 12v. I’ll read around and see what is the best way to achieve it.

Thanks again.



oops sorry,  been a while since i put one in….

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