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Did Sonos mean 70% discount to trade in your obsolete devices? #sonostradein70discount


Did Sonos mean 70% discount to trade in your obsolete devices?

Should we all ask for 70% discount?


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10 replies

  • Lyricist III
  • 47 replies
  • January 23, 2020
SonosManu wrote:

Did Sonos mean 70% discount to trade in your obsolete devices?

Should we all ask for 70% discount?


Plus a guarantee for a certain amount of working years for each upgraded or newly bought piece of equipment. It is not only about the money here and now, it is also about the longer term trust.

  • Enthusiast II
  • 66 replies
  • January 23, 2020

Personally, I would rather a method to upgrade the internals of my original hardware, to give it ‘modern’ status.

I don’t wont all that perfectly good hardware going to scrap, that’s way too much plastic going into landfill.

  • Author
  • Enthusiast II
  • 39 replies
  • January 23, 2020
HelterSkelter wrote:

Personally, I would rather a method to upgrade the internals of my original hardware, to give it ‘modern’ status.

I don’t wont all that perfectly good hardware going to scrap, that’s way too much plastic going into landfill.

In ideal world it would be better but I can’t see everybody sending back their products (millions?) to be fixed. In terms of travel pollution this has to add up to quite a lot of carbon emissions.?

The thing is that for the moment we still putting them to scrap and we have nothing in return. 

  • Enthusiast II
  • 66 replies
  • January 23, 2020
SonosManu wrote:
HelterSkelter wrote:

Personally, I would rather a method to upgrade the internals of my original hardware, to give it ‘modern’ status.

I don’t wont all that perfectly good hardware going to scrap, that’s way too much plastic going into landfill.

In ideal world it would be better but I can’t see everybody sending back their products (millions?) to be fixed. In terms of travel pollution this has to add up to quite a lot of carbon emissions.?

The thing is that for the moment we still putting them to scrap and we have nothing in return. 

By than notion we may as well throw away everything that we buy, and replace with new.

I’m of an era where we keep things going longer, especially when there isn’t physically anything different about the device now, as to when it was purchased. It hasn't degraded in any way.

Gone are the days of repair, or using your own screwdriver to open up a device, and pop in a new chip?

You can buy memory chips and new CPUs for PCs, and people are capable of fitting them at home.

  • Author
  • Enthusiast II
  • 39 replies
  • January 23, 2020
HelterSkelter wrote:
SonosManu wrote:
HelterSkelter wrote:

Personally, I would rather a method to upgrade the internals of my original hardware, to give it ‘modern’ status.

I don’t wont all that perfectly good hardware going to scrap, that’s way too much plastic going into landfill.

In ideal world it would be better but I can’t see everybody sending back their products (millions?) to be fixed. In terms of travel pollution this has to add up to quite a lot of carbon emissions.?

The thing is that for the moment we still putting them to scrap and we have nothing in return. 

By than notion we may as well throw away everything that we buy, and replace with new.

I’m of an era where we keep things going longer, especially when there isn’t physically anything different about the device now, as to when it was purchased. It hasn't degraded in any way.

Gone are the days of repair, or using your own screwdriver to open up a device, and pop in a new chip?

You can buy memory chips and new CPUs for PCs, and people are capable of fitting them at home.

I am not going to argue with you as this is not the point of this thread. The point is that Sonos is not behaving the right way from any points of view. And we need to put pressure on them as much as possible to solve this issue.

Regarding your point, there are embedded devices which means that it is more difficult to update any components compare to a PC. They might have to change the board, program some component with proprietary software and add some proprietary hardware too. So only Sonos can do that job, which means we would have to send the products back to where there are coming from (where ever this is).

Yes I would prefer for the products to be fixed..

  • Enthusiast II
  • 66 replies
  • January 23, 2020
SonosManu wrote:
HelterSkelter wrote:
SonosManu wrote:
HelterSkelter wrote:

Personally, I would rather a method to upgrade the internals of my original hardware, to give it ‘modern’ status.

I don’t wont all that perfectly good hardware going to scrap, that’s way too much plastic going into landfill.

In ideal world it would be better but I can’t see everybody sending back their products (millions?) to be fixed. In terms of travel pollution this has to add up to quite a lot of carbon emissions.?

The thing is that for the moment we still putting them to scrap and we have nothing in return. 

By than notion we may as well throw away everything that we buy, and replace with new.

I’m of an era where we keep things going longer, especially when there isn’t physically anything different about the device now, as to when it was purchased. It hasn't degraded in any way.

Gone are the days of repair, or using your own screwdriver to open up a device, and pop in a new chip?

You can buy memory chips and new CPUs for PCs, and people are capable of fitting them at home.

I am not going to argue with you as this is not the point of this thread. The point is that Sonos is not behaving the right way from any points of view. And we need to put pressure on them as much as possible to solve this issue.

Regarding your point, there are embedded devices which means that it is more difficult to update any components compare to a PC. They might have to change the board, program some component with proprietary software and add some proprietary hardware too. So only Sonos can do that job, which means we would have to send the products back to where there are coming from (where ever this is).

Yes I would prefer for the products to be fixed..

Yes, I do agree, it’s not the point of the thread, I was going off topic. Am just so angered with Sonos.

Thing is, even at 70% discount I doubt I’d upgrade, as it’ll be a repeat in 5 years time no doubt.
It would have to come with a very clear road map of product life.

I think this whole situation has warned me about buying into so called ‘smart’ tech as a whole from here onward. Sonos has opened up a Pandora’s box with this I suspect.


  • Author
  • Enthusiast II
  • 39 replies
  • January 24, 2020

Everybody should sign the petition here:

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 13 replies
  • January 24, 2020

What sucks is the 30% discount.    In Canada, sales tax is extremely high compared to the United States.   In my province, sales tax is 15%.   So giving a 30% discount only really equates to a 15% discount to me, because of the sales tax.   


I did a quick calculation and it would cost me $1928.80 to upgrade 4 components.   Totally unacceptable.  I would be acceptable if you could then sell off your old equipment, but stopping software updates and bricking the old devices if you choose the recycle program is going to hurt the resale value of these products.   Until the announcement of discontinuing software updates I could have easily sold the 4 Sonos products below and applied the money towards purchasing these new devices without a discount and still end up further ahead.   It’s going to be hard to offload anything Sonos going forward.

*** note these are Canadian prices below:

Play 5 (gen1) to (gen2):  $599 CND - 30%+15%= $482.20

ZP 90 to Port: $499 -30% +15% = $401.70

ZP 90 to Port: $499 -30% +15% = $401.70

ZP 120 to AMP:  $799 -30% +15%= $643.20


I shouldn’t be expected to drop $2000 every 10 years to listen to music on something that didn’t crap out.    I know $2k to some is peanuts, but it’s a fair bit of change.   

I raved about Sonos for a decade, gave demos to countless friends and family and have had many friends buy into the product line over the years, but I’ll no longer recommend Sonos going forward.  Will I keep my system… you bet.   

The little train that could got too greedy.   Good luck Sonos.  You forgot that you work for your customers, not the other way around.   Customers will dictate if you’ll still be around in another decade.  


Count me as another unhappy customer.   



  • 9859 replies
  • January 24, 2020
jwinther wrote:
SonosManu wrote:

Did Sonos mean 70% discount to trade in your obsolete devices?

Should we all ask for 70% discount?


Plus a guarantee for a certain amount of working years for each upgraded or newly bought piece of equipment. It is not only about the money here and now, it is also about the longer term trust.


Sonos has stated that all products will get support with updates for 5 years after it is no longer sold.

  • 9859 replies
  • January 24, 2020

@derrickm   You may already know this, but it wasn’t mentioned in your post.   You do not have to replace your existing units.  From the CEO’s letter:


First, rest assured that come May, when we end new software updates for our legacy products, they will continue to work as they do today. We are not bricking them, we are not forcing them into obsolescence, and we are not taking anything away. Many of you have invested heavily in your Sonos systems, and we intend to honor that investment for as long as possible. While legacy Sonos products won’t get new software features, we pledge to keep them updated with bug fixes and security patches for as long as possible. If we run into something core to the experience that can’t be addressed, we’ll work to offer an alternative solution and let you know about any changes you’ll see in your experience.

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