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Where can I find a list of Alexa Skills supported by Sonos One? It's frustrating to go through the setup of skills only to find they are not supported. Thanks.
With thousands of skills available through Alexa, a good majority of them likely work with Sonos, since they just use Alexa's voice to read or respond to commands. Usually it's skills with separate audio that can cause issues... things like sleep/nature sound skills have been the most common that are found to not work. Other skills designed to play music, but not considered to be music services as far as Alexa is concerned, would also likely have issues.
Does anyone know of a specific sleep sound skill that *is* supported? A core reason I bought a pair of Sonos Ones was to use them for my 3 month old throughout the house.
This would be great. The sleep noise idea was why I got the Sonos One instead of an Echo Dot & Play 1