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sonos Port + Bang e Olufsen beosound 3200

Hello I just purchased a Sonos Port in order to connect my Beosound 3200. I ordered this cable and connected to the AUX in my B&O system, and to the “out” on my Sonos Port. Nothing is happening, no sound no music. Tried both Sonos App and AirPlay.

i tried on another system I have (a Yamaha soundbar) amd works perfectly. 

attached is the cable I have. It is a 7DIN, now waiting to receive a 5DIN hoping it would work. 

do you know why Sonos port is not working? 

Best answer by Chris

It’s the proprietary stuff like that that turns me off to brands like B&O and Bose.  They make it hard to get outside their ecosystem on purpose. 

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  • Lead Maestro
  • April 3, 2020

You tried the port  hooked to soundbar and worked.  That would say then port is fine.  Am I misreading that. 

Yes the port is fine,

and also the B&O systemZ. I tried to connect it to an ipad via DIN5 to 3.5 jack and works fine. 
I am wondering if it is the cable DIN7 to RCA which is not working.. I will try with the DIN5 coming in few days. But it really makes a difference between DIN7 and DIN5? 

  • Lead Maestro
  • April 3, 2020

It’s the proprietary stuff like that that turns me off to brands like B&O and Bose.  They make it hard to get outside their ecosystem on purpose. 

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