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I am trying to completely separate two Sonos speakers in my home system. I have a Play5 and my son a Play3 in the household both have separate accounts but share the same home wifi network. We initially connected them up as it seemed a good idea at the time, but it has caused conflict with controlling the music to each speaker and I cannot find anyway of separating them completely if anyone can advise please.
Reset one of the speakers according to the following instructions:

Then set it up as a new system instead of connecting to an existing system. To make it easier, unplug any speakers on the old system. Note, you probably need to register under another email to get things right.
Hi jgatie thanks for the quick reply and the link and will give that a go 🙂
Link does not work?
Yea, they changed the location of all those articles, I believe the one he was referencing is:

Factory Reset