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Is there any issues having 2 different surround sound set ups in my house?

I currently have a play bar and connect amp powering 2 third party in-ceiling speakers in my living room, and a play 1 connected to my router in the basement.

I now have a tv in the basement that I would like to set up another play bar and connect amp powering Sonos sonance in-ceiling speakers and a subwoofer.

Will anything be effected?

From my understanding/experience, I need that play 1 connected to the router in order for my living room surrounds to work.


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  • February 24, 2021

That will be fine. There is no requirement to wire the Play:1, although it is generally a good idea to use SonosNet mode when you have several speakers. 

Does this not apply?


With my play 1 connected The surround speakers work and I am connected on Sonos channel 11.

if I unplug wire from router within a few minutes the Sonos channel 11 is no longer an option on my app and the surrounds stop working.


also instead of it showing “family room + L + R” it goes to “family room + ? + ?”.


i would love to not have the play 1 connected to the router as it gives me more flexibility when placing that play 1 

Can you wire the Playbar in the basement to your router instead of the Play:1?


You can leave the PLAY:1 connected if you desire, it is the device that is creating SonosNet currently.

If you remove the ethernet cable, unless you’ve added your WiFi information into the Sonos controller before hand, your devices will lose connection to your router, which is supplying the IP addresses to everything. You could wire another Sonos device, including a BOOST, or one of your non-bonded speakers (i.e. not a surround speaker or subwoofer) and that speaker will create the SonosNet for you. 

I have two Arcs set up in my home, both using PLAY:1s as surrounds. I’ve chosen to connect a BOOST to my router to create the SonosNet signal, as I don’t have a speaker close enough to wire directly. 

  • February 24, 2021

@Ferguson.jamiew . Apologies. I missed the fact that these were Connect:Amps not Amps. You do need to be in SonosNet mode for that. But that isn't enough - how is the wired connection between Playbar and C:A achieved in current set up?

Perfect. Thank you.

i think that is the best route for me as well because the play 1 I have connected to router really isn’t in a useful location in order to have that connection to router.



I did gloss over the part that John B is raising, the CONNECT:AMP driving the surrounds, if you’re keeping that setup, it still must be connected with an ethernet cable to the PLAYBAR driving that signal. 

Sonos surrounds connect to the soundbars with a 5Ghz signal. Since the CONNECT:AMP does not have a 5Ghz antenna or WiFi card, it is required to maintain that wired connection for it to power the surround speakers. 

Ok perfect.

Thanks guys. 
connecting the playbar to the connect amp is no issue at all.

it was just connecting a useful speaker back to the router was the tricky part. 


  • February 24, 2021

OK that’s good.  Btw - is that subwoofer for the basement a Sonos Sub?  You won’t be able to use a third party subwoofer with the proposed setup.

Yes Sonos sub.

my plan is to purchase playbar and Sonos sub this weekend.

just wanted to confirm a few things before purchasing.


Just an update.

so I connected new playbar, sub woofer and connect amp that powers sonance Sonos in ceiling speakers this weekend.

i connected cat 5 wire from connect amp to playbar and than cat 5 from playbar back to the router and everything works well. 
the upstairs surround sound and basement surround works perfectly. So now I can use my play 1 in a more  useful location .

thanks for everyone’s help 

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