Pushing the envelope of SONOS Technology - and having trouble.
The Setup:
ERA 100 connected to Pro-ject T1 BT turntable via bluetooth and playing a record
ERA 100 setup via Wifi
Additional 8 room whole house system on Sonosnet and all connected to ERA 100 to listen to the turntable
The issue:
When I use the ERA 100 as the source to drive my 8 speaker whole house system, after about 10 minutes of the entire 9 speaker system all outputting the turntable music perfectly, I start to get sonosnet dropouts. The single ERA 100 never has a dropouts and continues to play the music via bluetooth from the turntable flawlessly for hours. The 8 speakers in the Sonosnet system all start to dropout at roughly the same time and they come back up automatically after 5-10 seconds in random order. It is as if the Sonos system drops the entire sonosnet system, then reconnects. The perplexing part is I get perfect connectivity for about 10 minutes, then I get sonosnet dropouts every 2-3 minutes that last 5-10 seconds and that continues indefinitely.
The ERA 100 has a very strong wifi signal and I have a 1 GIG Fiber connection to my home.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! My current assumption is that SONOS needs better software to link ERA 100 (or other speakers that don’t have sonosnet) to the larger sonosnet system.