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My Sonos System comprises of:

7 x Play 1 (Connected via WIFI)

1 x Play 5 (Connected via WIFI)

1 x Play 3 (Connected via WIFI)

1 x Playbar (Connected via Ethernet to managed Cisco Switch)

1 x Sub (Connected via WIFI)


Virgin Media is ISP, router is set in Modem Mode

1 x Netgear Orbi RBR50 Router (In router mode)

2 x Orbi Satellites as AP's

Orbi router is internet link to LAN Cisco Managed switch.

Diagnostics code is 801541678

Music cuts out every minute or so.

Internet 2.4ghz is on channel 6, tried sonosnet on 1,6,11 all with same result.

Thanks in advance.

Regards, Rik.
Here are some suggestions when using Cisco switches.

While I don't recommend using WiFi ("Boost" Mode) for a system this large, your post above has confused me because part of it indicates you intend to use WiFi, but you have wired PLAYBAR to the Cisco Switch. If you intend to use WiFi, remove PLAYBAR's Ethernet connection. If you want to use SonosNet, make sure that WiFi credentials have been removed from the SONOS system. If WiFi credentials are present and one or more of the SONOS units is struggling with its wireless connection, portions of the system can flap back and forth between WiFi and SonosNet. This does not work well.

What is the source of your music? NAS? Computer? Online service? Phone/Pad?

Is this issue new? Has the system ever worked?
Hi Buzz, thanks for your reply. The system has been in for around 6 months, I had issues like this initially and I did loads of things (Too many to remember what actually improved it) to try to resolve, and the issue was less frequent but still there now and again, it was only yesterday when the constant drop started (I didn't make any changes to the network to indicate root cause). When I refer to Wi-Fi i mean that those speakers are not connected via ethernet, only the bar is. My music source is Macbook and iPhone using mainly the Radio by Tunein and Spotify through the Sonos App.I have set wifi up using credentials via the app. Should I set the system up from scratch again, and if so what is the best practice for setting up please? I will check out the Cisco info and post an update if I make any changes.

Thanks again, Rik.
As buzz intimates, leaving WiFi credentials stored in the system when in SonosNet mode can lead to instability. Go to About My Sonos System and check that all devices show WM:0. Then go to Advanced Settings/Wireless Setup and remove ('Reset') the WiFi settings.
Hi Ratty, thanks for getting in touch. Just checked and WM on devices are as follows:

WM: 0 = 4 Devices

WM: 1 = 5 Devices

WM: 2 = 3 Devices

My bad, I forgot about my ZP90 in the loft connected to the Cisco switch directly that provides connectivity to the bathroom speakers, this makes 12 devices in total.

When I go to Wireless I'm not sure if it actually is connected as it just asks me to insert the WiFi Password as shown in the picture attached, no option 'remove' any settings?
Your system is indeed in 'Mixed Mode', which as noted can lead to instability. Scroll down on the Wireless Setup screen and you should find the 'Reset' button. If you can't see it you may be using a larger iOS font.
No 'Reset' option (See pic), font size is standard iOS size. When I go to the app on the Mac to try it says to use the mobile app?
The Mac controller no longer supports system setup tasks.

I have a suspicion that the Wireless Setup screen may not be showing 'Reset' because the system is part using SonosNet and part using WiFi. You need to get all the devices showing WM:0.

Try power-cycling the units which are WM:1. (The WM:2 ones are just home theatre satellites connected to a WM:1 main speaker so ignore them for now.) If you can wire the WM:1 units temporarily so much the better. If none of this works we may have to adopt more forceful tactics.
Ok, did power cycle on the 5 devices but all still indicate WM: 1 I'm afraid. I am unable to connect these devices via ethernet 😞 The OTP for the player is blank so it may not be connected via ethernet after all (I can't get the bloody thing off the wall!)
'OTP' in About My Sonos System? Ignore it, it has no relevance.

Okay, we need to dislodge the WM:1 units from the WiFi. A factory reset on those units might do so. However a subtler approach would be to temporarily change the SSID (or key) on your Orbi setup. You'll obviously need to tweak the phone too for the time being in order to re-connect with the Sonos. In the absence of an accessible WiFi the WM:1 units should seek out a SonosNet connection.
Ok changed the WiFi password and now only 3 devices (2 wired) are showing as shown in the attached pic. It's been around 10-15 minutes since I made the changes.
Are the missing WM:1 units a long way away, i.e. out of range? If not, give them a kick by power cycling them again.

By the way, is the Orbi 2.4GHz using a 20MHz channel width or 40MHz? The latter could cause grief, and Netgear kit often defaults to it.
Distances range between 2-20 meters from router/AP's - given them all a reboot and given it 10 mins but still not showing.I can get a ethernet to the Sub if that's any help?
I meant distances from the Sonos units which are showing. A temporary Ethernet to the Sub might be worth a try. The players do seem to be very stubborn.
Ah, ok. Distance from current showing devices is prob approx 20 meters then. Will connect the Sub, am I ok to change the WiFi pw back yet or leave as is?
That distance is quite significant, which is possibly why they want to connect to the Orbi instead. Without some additional Sonos nodes to act as wireless relays -- for example a Boost placed mid-way -- SonosNet may be unable to connect.

Although not ideal, wiring one of the more distant Sonos units to an Orbi satellite may be successful.
Plugged in Sub and rebooted devices but no change. The Sub isn't even showing though which is strange?
Ok, so changed pw back and all devices are now showing and are WM: 0 !!
Ok, so changed pw back and all devices are now showing and are WM: 0 !!

Excellent. And can you remove ('Reset') the WiFi credentials?
Alas, back to mixed mode again and no option to 'reset' wireless :?
Ok, so I had unplugged the ethernet to the sub, i've reconnected it and they are all back to WM:0 and 'Reset' is visible! 🙂
As I mentioned earlier, the distances are such that SonosNet might struggle unless a relay node is deployed (e.g. a Boost, connected to power only) or one of the more remote players is wired to a nearby Orbi satellite. See how it works out.
Many thanks for all your time today, it's appreciated. Will let you all know how it goes. Rik
Rik Parr,

If you discover that one of the players seems stuck in WM:1, it is probably in a difficult to reach by SonosNet location. You can investigate the benefit of enlisting a BOOST, by temporarily moving one of the wireless players to a location about midway between a good coverage area and the problem child. This could be a little weird if the moved unit is part of a stereo pair. I recommend temporarily breaking down the stereo pair for the test, but this is not required. If the system suddenly becomes stable during this test, adding a BOOST (or another player) at that temporary location will obviously be helpful.

Once you have all of the units on WM:0 (except the WM:2 surrounds) you can move that temporary unit back to its regular position or keep it at the temporary location. Now go to http://[IP address of a player]:1400/support/review. Click on "Network Matrix" at the bottom. This is a layout of network connections and you can easily view basic details, such as wireless signal strength (to and from) and the steady state wireless environment around each unit. Cells with a red background are drawing your attention to an issue. Note that this is a static view, if you make a change you must refresh the page in order to view the results. Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to view the log of transient events, such as grief caused by a neighbor's rogue wireless settings, because this information has recently been removed from the user view. SONOS support has access to all of the gory details in Diagnostic reports that you submit. You can post a screen capture of the network matrix for our comment. Obfuscate the MAC addresses if you like.
Hi, apologies for late reply, been away from the house for a week. Ok, update, all devices still on WM:0, however still having cut outs on a regular basis, goes off for few seconds, then jitters back in and settles. On Sonosnet CH11 and Router on CH6. Buzz, I have done the support review and it comes back with the attached signal strengths. No red but plenty amber, any ideas please? Thanks in advance. Rik
Sorry left MAC address on, these should be ok...