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New SONOS App - Feedback

In the new 2024 Sonos App :

Where are the alarms settings? 

Where is the service?

Where is the Android widget?

This is a real nightmare. I hope Sonos will fix all that asap because what they did releasing this not finished app is scandalous.

2189 replies

Same as everyone else, new Android app is appalling, so I unstalled and downloaded v 16.1, installed it, immediately set auto update to off and everything was back to normal overnight.  BUT, Sonos app overrode the auto update setting and updated to dreaded black disk of death.  Tried this at least 5 times, but this happens every time.  How the hell is Sonos able/permitted to do this?  Unbelievable!  Seems people are voting with their feet - loads of Sonos kit up for sale quite cheap on Ebay - think I’ll join them and go for another provider - a few have definitely caught up.

Userlevel 6
Badge +12

Wow Mr Spence, it has nothing to do with not liking change. We don’t like the app because it is very buggy and missing important features. If you had tested it properly and not dropped features then there wouldn’t be a backlash. Wake up!

Userlevel 6
Badge +6

Wow Mr Spence, it has nothing to do with not liking change. We don’t like the app because it is very buggy and missing important features. If you had tested it properly and not dropped features then there wouldn’t be a backlash. Wake up!

I can take bugs and having to wait for features. I can't take my system being broken and not knowing if it will ever be fixed since they refuse to acknowledge this is happening... that makes me sick to my stomach. 

What is the responsiveness of the new app and system so slow? I can click pause 10 times and it still does nothing. Then to resume play it is the same 🤯

worst move Sonos has made to date, making not only features in the app unusable but the whole system. 

Userlevel 2

New release is a Downgrade - avoid if you can 

Userlevel 2

I want to add my voice to the chorus of dissatisfied users regarding the recent app update. As a long-time, loyal Sonos customer, I feel compelled to express my extreme disappointment with the changes.

Key Issues:

    •    User Experience (UX): The new interface is confusing and difficult to navigate. My mother, who is not tech-savvy, finds it impossible to use, which underscores how user-unfriendly it has become.
    •    Functionality: Several features that were essential to my daily use are now either missing or harder to access.
    •    Performance: The app is slower and more prone to crashes than the previous version.

I understand the need for innovation and am usually supportive of companies pushing boundaries. However, this update feels like a significant step backward. The app, in its current form, is subpar and detracts from the otherwise excellent Sonos experience.

Please acknowledge this misstep, consider rolling back to the previous version, and start the redesign process with user feedback at the forefront. This would restore the functionality and ease of use we all appreciate.

I have also left a one-star rating on the App Store to reflect my dissatisfaction.

As a devoted Sonos user with an entire house running on your system, this update has severely impacted my experience. I even recommended Sonos to my family, but now, I regret this decision due to the app’s poor performance.

Sonos, please listen to your loyal customers and rectify this situation promptly. We trust you to deliver the exceptional quality we have come to expect.

Does anyone know how we can get Sonos to show the albums by artists in chronological order please 

I stream via Apple Music .   It’s fine when I search through the Apple platform as it gives the info , but not when I search through the Sonos app?


Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Wow Mr Spence, it has nothing to do with not liking change. We don’t like the app because it is very buggy and missing important features. If you had tested it properly and not dropped features then there wouldn’t be a backlash. Wake up!

Thanks for sharing this quote from Spence.

Perhaps he should use his intelligence to separate the issue of people liking or not liking the new design from the problems of failed functionality.

We can get used to the former - and even come to like it - but we cannot learn to live with the latter.

So, indeed, for goodness sake wake up as dave77 says and address this issue.

Oh, Sonos, PLEASE fix this app. This update is sooooo glitchy and nonintuitive. Did you eliminate the mute option entirely? I have looked all over for it and don’t see it. Having to navigate the second screen is annoying too. It’s just too much to fiddle with.

I strongly prefer to keep all the speakers grouped and to mute the ones we don’t need or want on (like the ones close to my kid’s room when my kid is sleeping), but it’s so much more complicated now to do that quickly (if one even can mute anymore) and then make sure you have the right speakers silenced.

Also, my speakers randomly ungrouped from each other some time over night. 

Userlevel 2

What is the responsiveness of the new app and system so slow? I can click pause 10 times and it still does nothing. Then to resume play it is the same 🤯

worst move Sonos has made to date, making not only features in the app unusable but the whole system. 

Same thing happens to me and it plays in other rooms randomly 

Userlevel 2

Same thing happens to me and it plays in other rooms randomly.


Userlevel 4
Badge +3

I have been reading this thread yet again to see if anyone from SONOS has responded.  No responses from anyone at SONOS.


I sent an email to CEO as was suggested on this thread and have received no response.


It is apparent that SONOS does not care that they have rolled out a huge mistake.  I read a response from a support member that this was to be a seamless update to revitalize the SONOS app.  It revitalized alright- it is defunct.


Thanks to Salami Slices I did get my library to appear but only briefly.  It is not working now.  I can play none of the 4,000+ songs in my library.  I have been streaming and all I hear are the same songs over and over.


A loyal but very frustrated SONOS customer.  SONOS is going to lose its customer base if they can’t correct this and very soon.


Did anyone receive responses from CEO or anyone at SONOS on this farce?



This new update is totally there anyway to go back to the pre update app?  Before I smash my phone up😳

Userlevel 4
Badge +3

This new update is totally there anyway to go back to the pre update app?  Before I smash my phone up😳

back in the day, itunes was a place to resync the phone and get back old apps that worked. It’s no longer allowed or removed. So we are forced to update to apps that don’t work. 

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

I have been reading this thread yet again to see if anyone from SONOS has responded.  No responses from anyone at SONOS.


I sent an email to CEO as was suggested on this thread and have received no response.


It is apparent that SONOS does not care that they have rolled out a huge mistake.  I read a response from a support member that this was to be a seamless update to revitalize the SONOS app.  It revitalized alright- it is defunct.


Thanks to Salami Slices I did get my library to appear but only briefly.  It is not working now.  I can play none of the 4,000+ songs in my library.  I have been streaming and all I hear are the same songs over and over.


A loyal but very frustrated SONOS customer.  SONOS is going to lose its customer base if they can’t correct this and very soon.


Did anyone receive responses from CEO or anyone at SONOS on this farce?




Userlevel 4
Badge +3

Wow.  Unbelievable.

Userlevel 4
Badge +3

Check out this article on the update situation...

Yep. I’ll adapt alright, adapt to a new system and getting rid of my Sonos equipment. The absolute arrogance and lack of empathy here is shocking. I genuinely now hope Sonos crumbles and fails. Such a bad way to treat loyal customers. There are literally thousands of complaints and messages on the forums. This is not a small problem and certainly not a small minority who don’t like change. I personally love and app update and refresh, but this has been the worst update I’ve ever seen.

So long Sonos, I enjoyed you when you allowed my system to play music. Now you’re just an expensive set of 9 dusty bookends. 

Userlevel 1

I’ve heard the word “courage” used for this updated app.  If you want to show REAL courage you’ll fix this thing that apparently thousands of users have been “jabbed” with your decision.  What a “goat show”.

Userlevel 4
Badge +2

Who of all the competitors out there would anyone suggest? My SONOS system is already to go to the dump. DONE. Never have I seen a company treat its best customers this way.

I just invested in a system to replace my Sonos, from BlueSound. It is everything that Sonos is not. And every BlueSound speaker is a 2 wat bluetooth device, meanin it can broadcast to any of a gazillion wireless headphones. The Sonos headphones are anything but revolutionary.

Sonos has really screwed up. The app is horrible and lost some basic features. The help center call wait times are horrendous and when you  are finally connected the person on the other end is frustrating as they read from a script.  The update has required me to reconnect the four player3 speakers.  3 work the fourth won’t even after factory resetting.  

Sonos speakers are expensive and sound great. The platform however is spotty at best. Slow to respond and unstable.   The player5 speakers I had became unusably because Sonos decided to stop supporting them. You are forced to update the app that no longer works with some older products. Their solution is to will give you a discount to purchase new speakers. Again, the speakers weren’t cheap the first time and now their solution is give us more of your money so we can do this again to you in the future. 

If I purchase new speakers it won’t be Sonos.  I will dump my speakers and give someone else a try. Yeah, I am not happy with Sonos today. 

Userlevel 1

Mr. Spence, man up and admit you screwed up. And then resign in disgrace. If this was a Japanese company in the middle ages, the CEO would be pressured to commit seppuku or would even do it voluntarily. Not that I’m suggesting this. Only trying to demonstrate the amount of dishonour you have brought on your company by arrogantly dishonoring your customers. 

Userlevel 5
Badge +4

More comments on the Android V80.x app, this time about the cards or whatever they're called that show what's playing now from your Music Library. My examples are based on the Album view, from which material is usually selected to play on the system.

In my two examples, compare what is shown on the minimised Now Playing card thing at the bottom. The same information shows on the full-screen view.


This screenshot above is what you get when you select any track on the list through the highlight on the right. Title and Artist info which is fine although it would be good to get the Album info as well, as in earlier app versions. The little gif thing on the left signifies that the track is playing and the progress indicator on the right progresses along.


The second screenshot, where a track has been selected via the highlight on the left, has none of the above. Nothing except the little gif thing, which jigs away on the top left. What sense does that make?

So how about a bit of consistency from the developers in how the card things are populated? Shouldn't be too hard, should it, while you're reinventing what used to do all this stuff perfectly well and missing by a mile?

And while you're at it, how about giving us our Album Art back?

At least I've still got V16.1 running so I can see Sonos doing the things we bought it for. I have every sympathy for you Apple people who can't even see the library....

Userlevel 2

Like so many others, I’ve rolled back from the current version to Version 16.1 (Build 78151030) on my Google Pixel phone and followed directions on how to do it on this forum. 

Importantly, I have not allowed it to auto-update on my phone. 

I have an older phone that I’m allowing app updates, to see if there are any significant improvements compared to my main phone.   

As a frequent radio station user, I’m completely disappointed in the new app’s ability to access and manage radio stations. It’s definitely a step backward from Version 16.1

On a more global level, the app needs to fix its alpha-sort  of content issues on stations, Albums, playlists, etc. 

Finally, it needs to give users the option to display content in 2-lines rather than by tiles.

These are just a few of the many fixes that need to happen before I return to updates.


There seems to be a lag where the Sonos music playing is different to what the feed says along the bottom. It seems the whole thing needs starting again. We used to ha e Spotify, though decided that with Amazon Prime we did not need both. Not sure that was a wise decision  atm


Unbelievably bad (zero) service on May 23 and May 24, 2024

On May 23 the Sonos wait time was 105 minutes!

On May 24 the Sonos wait time is 65 minutes!

Looks like we made a very bad mistake in spending over $4,000 CDN on Sonos equipment.

Sonos IT  royally screwed up for the huge blunder they made in the most recent update. We suspect that blunder is why their call centre is plugged with complaint calls.

Are others experiencing this IT blunder of Sonos?

