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Class Action Lawsuit re New USELESS App Class Action Lawsuit

Whomever is interested in joining a class action lawsuit


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116 replies

Whomever is interested in joining a class action lawsuit, kindly leave your name and email address.

For goodness sake, how ridiculous.  

Just for context, I have the new app and here is the what I can and can’t do:

Yes:  play music by voice (Sonos, Alexa)

Yes: access my locally stored music with the app

Yes: access my music services (inc Amazon) with the app

coming soon: alarms

coming soon: queue management.

Bug fixes will come along with the already promised (with dates given) updates.  The only grey area is when local library search will return.

For the most part I can use the app to do what I want albeit it being glitchy. 

You want to sue because you can’t wait a few weeks for parity with the old app??   What are your material losses, or have you suffered emotional trauma ?  Jeez you sound like the kind of person who would sue if your breakfast milk was sour.   The whole idea is ridiculous, but go ahead and waste your money.  





Userlevel 3

Whomever is interested in joining a class action lawsuit, kindly leave your name and email address.

For goodness sake, how ridiculous.  

Just for context, I have the new app and here is the what I can and can’t do:

Yes:  play music by voice (Sonos, Alexa)

Yes: access my locally stored music with the app

Yes: access my music services (inc Amazon) with the app

coming soon: alarms

coming soon: queue management.

Bug fixes will come along with the already promised (with dates given) updates.  The only grey area is when local library search will return.

For the most part I can use the app to do what I want albeit it being glitchy. 

You want to sue because you can’t wait a few weeks for parity with the old app??   What are your material losses, or have you suffered emotional trauma ?  Jeez you sound like the kind of person who would sue if your breakfast milk was sour.   The whole idea is ridiculous, but go ahead and waste your money.  





I have thousands of dollars of speakers that now barely work, can't change volume, play then don't then can't group then do but then won't. 

I'm not at the class action stage yet but it's not out of the question.   I'm not going to just go get some other new system so at some point they either fix this or buy back their useless speakers and sound bar from me. 

Whomever is interested in joining a class action lawsuit, kindly leave your name and email address.

For goodness sake, how ridiculous.  

Just for context, I have the new app and here is the what I can and can’t do:

Yes:  play music by voice (Sonos, Alexa)

Yes: access my locally stored music with the app

Yes: access my music services (inc Amazon) with the app

coming soon: alarms

coming soon: queue management.

Bug fixes will come along with the already promised (with dates given) updates.  The only grey area is when local library search will return.

For the most part I can use the app to do what I want albeit it being glitchy. 

You want to sue because you can’t wait a few weeks for parity with the old app??   What are your material losses, or have you suffered emotional trauma ?  Jeez you sound like the kind of person who would sue if your breakfast milk was sour.   The whole idea is ridiculous, but go ahead and waste your money.  





I have thousands of dollars of speakers that now barely work, can't change volume, play then don't then can't group then do but then won't. 

I'm not at the class action stage yet but it's not out of the question.   I'm not going to just go get some other new system so at some point they either fix this or buy back their useless speakers and sound bar from me. 

Nothing has changed on the speakers / amps / soundbars, their code / OS hasn’t changed, and therefor their inherent functionality has t changed.  The app is buggy, I don’t disagree, and there is no excuse for that.  But buggy software is followed by bug fixed software and Sonos have already given time lines for new releases, and parity, or something akin to that is promised.  

I in no way defend what has happened.  I too have several thousands of pounds invested.  But there is very little I can’t do with my kit now that I couldn’t do before.  Maybe others are having bigger issues.  But I wouldnt question my investment in my gear for the sake of waiting a few weeks.  It seems a strange failure of a persons character that their first thought would be to turn to litigation.  

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Whomever is interested in joining a class action lawsuit, kindly leave your name and email address.

For goodness sake, how ridiculous.  

Just for context, I have the new app and here is the what I can and can’t do:

Yes:  play music by voice (Sonos, Alexa)

Yes: access my locally stored music with the app

Yes: access my music services (inc Amazon) with the app

coming soon: alarms

coming soon: queue management.

Bug fixes will come along with the already promised (with dates given) updates.  The only grey area is when local library search will return.

For the most part I can use the app to do what I want albeit it being glitchy. 

You want to sue because you can’t wait a few weeks for parity with the old app??   What are your material losses, or have you suffered emotional trauma ?  Jeez you sound like the kind of person who would sue if your breakfast milk was sour.   The whole idea is ridiculous, but go ahead and waste your money.  






The products are *100% UNUSABLE WHATSOEVER*. I cannot even open the pile of trash sonos app to access my system because it requires a “system update” that errors out that “the system owner must be logged in”. NOTHING WORKS. It’s not about stupid alarms. People cannot get anything or basic things to function whatsoever after spending THOUSANDS on grossly overpriced sky high marked up sonos products.

Whomever is interested in joining a class action lawsuit, kindly leave your name and email address.

For goodness sake, how ridiculous.  

Just for context, I have the new app and here is the what I can and can’t do:

Yes:  play music by voice (Sonos, Alexa)

Yes: access my locally stored music with the app

Yes: access my music services (inc Amazon) with the app

coming soon: alarms

coming soon: queue management.

Bug fixes will come along with the already promised (with dates given) updates.  The only grey area is when local library search will return.

For the most part I can use the app to do what I want albeit it being glitchy. 

You want to sue because you can’t wait a few weeks for parity with the old app??   What are your material losses, or have you suffered emotional trauma ?  Jeez you sound like the kind of person who would sue if your breakfast milk was sour.   The whole idea is ridiculous, but go ahead and waste your money.  






The products are *100% UNUSABLE WHATSOEVER*. I cannot even open the pile of trash sonos app to access my system because it requires a “system update” that errors out that “the system owner must be logged in”. NOTHING WORKS. It’s not about stupid alarms. People cannot get anything or basic things to function whatsoever after spending THOUSANDS on grossly overpriced sky high marked up sonos products.

I am suspicious of the number of new members who deride Sonos as terrible, useless, overpriced etc.  Yet, like you, the chose Sonos out of all the other choices out there, but never joined the forums before this week because presumably — you’ve had no problems whatsoever before ??


Look, reading through the vast number of messages posted, some state their systems have disappeared, but the numbers are very very small.  Your experience is NOT typical, as most are complaining about the queue management, local library search, general bugs and yes the alarms.  So you need to call Sonos and get help with your particular circumstances.   



Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Whomever is interested in joining a class action lawsuit, kindly leave your name and email address.

For goodness sake, how ridiculous.  

Just for context, I have the new app and here is the what I can and can’t do:

Yes:  play music by voice (Sonos, Alexa)

Yes: access my locally stored music with the app

Yes: access my music services (inc Amazon) with the app

coming soon: alarms

coming soon: queue management.

Bug fixes will come along with the already promised (with dates given) updates.  The only grey area is when local library search will return.

For the most part I can use the app to do what I want albeit it being glitchy. 

You want to sue because you can’t wait a few weeks for parity with the old app??   What are your material losses, or have you suffered emotional trauma ?  Jeez you sound like the kind of person who would sue if your breakfast milk was sour.   The whole idea is ridiculous, but go ahead and waste your money.  






The products are *100% UNUSABLE WHATSOEVER*. I cannot even open the pile of trash sonos app to access my system because it requires a “system update” that errors out that “the system owner must be logged in”. NOTHING WORKS. It’s not about stupid alarms. People cannot get anything or basic things to function whatsoever after spending THOUSANDS on grossly overpriced sky high marked up sonos products.

I am suspicious of the number of new members who deride Sonos as terrible, useless, overpriced etc.  Yet, like you, the chose Sonos out of all the other choices out there, but never joined the forums before this week because presumably — you’ve had no problems whatsoever before ??


Look, reading through the vast number of messages posted, some state their systems have disappeared, but the numbers are very very small.  Your experience is NOT typical, as most are complaining about the queue management, local library search, general bugs and yes the alarms.  So you need to call Sonos and get help with your particular circumstances.   



I’ve used sonos for well over a decade across multiple residential and commercial properties. Originally it was an excellent system and fairly priced for what it was. There also was never major catastrophic issues that rendered everything completely useless and unusable so no I had zero interest in joining. 

You are vastly incorrect. My experience of having a completely useless system is not unique. I have called support - and wasted HOURS on the phone with the clueless dolts only to be told this is a very widespread issue impacting a large number of customers with no solution in sight with ETA’s of potentially months for a fix per supports exact words.

Whomever is interested in joining a class action lawsuit, kindly leave your name and email address.

For goodness sake, how ridiculous.  

Just for context, I have the new app and here is the what I can and can’t do:

Yes:  play music by voice (Sonos, Alexa)

Yes: access my locally stored music with the app

Yes: access my music services (inc Amazon) with the app

coming soon: alarms

coming soon: queue management.

Bug fixes will come along with the already promised (with dates given) updates.  The only grey area is when local library search will return.

For the most part I can use the app to do what I want albeit it being glitchy. 

You want to sue because you can’t wait a few weeks for parity with the old app??   What are your material losses, or have you suffered emotional trauma ?  Jeez you sound like the kind of person who would sue if your breakfast milk was sour.   The whole idea is ridiculous, but go ahead and waste your money.  






The products are *100% UNUSABLE WHATSOEVER*. I cannot even open the pile of trash sonos app to access my system because it requires a “system update” that errors out that “the system owner must be logged in”. NOTHING WORKS. It’s not about stupid alarms. People cannot get anything or basic things to function whatsoever after spending THOUSANDS on grossly overpriced sky high marked up sonos products.

I am suspicious of the number of new members who deride Sonos as terrible, useless, overpriced etc.  Yet, like you, the chose Sonos out of all the other choices out there, but never joined the forums before this week because presumably — you’ve had no problems whatsoever before ??


Look, reading through the vast number of messages posted, some state their systems have disappeared, but the numbers are very very small.  Your experience is NOT typical, as most are complaining about the queue management, local library search, general bugs and yes the alarms.  So you need to call Sonos and get help with your particular circumstances.   



I’ve used sonos for well over a decade across multiple residential and commercial properties. Originally it was an excellent system and fairly priced for what it was. There also was never major catastrophic issues that rendered everything completely useless and unusable so no I had zero interest in joining. 

You are vastly incorrect. My experience of having a completely useless system is not unique. I have called support - and wasted HOURS on the phone with the clueless dolts only to be told this is a very widespread issue impacting a large number of customers with no solution in sight with ETA’s of potentially months for a fix per supports exact words.


I had my initial suspicions but the more you tell me, the more I think you are trolling here.  Your experience is nothing like what people are reporting here.  Nor have you reached out for assistance here with any specifics, but instead complained how terrible everything is.  I Googled the error messsage you cited and found absolutely nothing, so that sounds bogus.   And Sonos telling you of months for a fix ?? Ummm no.   I think someone here is seriously over egging the pudding.  

Userlevel 2

Sign me up.  Glad to be the named plaintiff.  Have thousands invested in SONOS speakers, which are now useless to me.  I’m 76 years old and bought SPEAKERS, MANY SPEAKERS!.  I didn’t sign up for a monopolistic new music service that not functionally blocks access to many decades of private music libraries, Pandora, LineIn, etc.  They are speakers for God’s sake.  This new “update” is like Ford or General Motors issuing a software update that effectively blocks me from driving my 8 year old non electric vehicle.  Contact me!

Sign me up.  Glad to be the named plaintiff.  Have thousands invested in SONOS speakers, which are now useless to me.  I’m 76 years old and bought SPEAKERS, MANY SPEAKERS!.  I didn’t sign up for a monopolistic new music service that not functionally blocks access to many decades of private music libraries, Pandora, LineIn, etc.  They are speakers for God’s sake.  This new “update” is like Ford or General Motors issuing a software update that effectively blocks me from driving my 8 year old non electric vehicle.  Contact me!

And yet another guy who has had so many years (such that you have a Play:3) of faultless operation that you haven’t needed any support or any need to sign up until this week.  The new app doesn’t do any of these things you said.  You could at least look at the official line from sonos as to the upcoming upgrades that will restore parity with the old app.  I have the new app have access to my own local library and I have access to my subscribe service (Amazon music).    It’s interesting that, having joined, you haven’t reached out for any assistance either from the long established community here or from the mods, no details or specifics about your particular issues or setup?  Instead your VERY first post is to demand litigation.   There must be something very off with your worldview.


And yet another guy who has had so many years (such that you have a Play:3) of faultless operation that you haven’t needed any support or any need to sign up until this week.  

You don’t need to have a community account to seek support so one shouldn’t take the age of the account to mean anything. Sonos has millions of customers, they aren’t all on here. 

Instead of playing moderator it will probably be more helpful for you to report the posts if you think they are somehow violating the TOU, will be helpful to the mods I’m sure. Just my 2p, feel free to ignore and cary on. 

Whomever is interested in joining a class action lawsuit, kindly leave your name and email address.

For goodness sake, how ridiculous.  

Just for context, I have the new app and here is the what I can and can’t do:

Yes:  play music by voice (Sonos, Alexa)

Yes: access my locally stored music with the app

Yes: access my music services (inc Amazon) with the app

coming soon: alarms

coming soon: queue management.

Bug fixes will come along with the already promised (with dates given) updates.  The only grey area is when local library search will return.

For the most part I can use the app to do what I want albeit it being glitchy. 

You want to sue because you can’t wait a few weeks for parity with the old app??   What are your material losses, or have you suffered emotional trauma ?  Jeez you sound like the kind of person who would sue if your breakfast milk was sour.   The whole idea is ridiculous, but go ahead and waste your money.  





Local music?   Haven't seen that since s1..  NAS disappeared with this latest update as well as the alarm function.   Sueing seems pointless but doubt I'll be buying more of this overpriced streaming service.


And yet another guy who has had so many years (such that you have a Play:3) of faultless operation that you haven’t needed any support or any need to sign up until this week.  

You don’t need to have a community account to seek support so one shouldn’t take the age of the account to mean anything. Sonos has millions of customers, they aren’t all on here. 

Instead of playing moderator it will probably be more helpful for you to report the posts if you think they are somehow violating the TOU, will be helpful to the mods I’m sure. Just my 2p, feel free to ignore and cary on. 

Sure I get that.  I also get why people are angry, I really do.  And I get how the new app has prompted many to join these forums.  What I find odd is that so many of these people — many who have been Sonos customers for many years, aren’t reaching out for help when help is so gladly given by long-standing and selfless users.  Nor do they appear to have read the mods responses about the updates coming in a very short timescale.  No, they all seem to follow a similar pattern of deriding the product as trash (despite many claiming to have invested thousands), or saying they will dump their gear and another buying another —- for the sake of a few weeks ?? And lastly many claim to have been in IT software development for 15+ years.  Really ??  It’s odd.  I’m fine with people deciding the product is not for them, and moving on with their life.  But im really suspicious of the very overblown claims in here.  Especially as neither myself or anybody else I know is experiencing anything like it.

Userlevel 2


And yet another guy who has had so many years (such that you have a Play:3) of faultless operation that you haven’t needed any support or any need to sign up until this week.  

You don’t need to have a community account to seek support so one shouldn’t take the age of the account to mean anything. Sonos has millions of customers, they aren’t all on here. 

Instead of playing moderator it will probably be more helpful for you to report the posts if you think they are somehow violating the TOU, will be helpful to the mods I’m sure. Just my 2p, feel free to ignore and cary on. 

I’m so profoundly ashamed to own a Playstation 3, among other SONOS products.  So, so shamed by all of them.  Thanks for shaming me in this way. I’m sure I’ll be a better person and smarter consumer for it.  But nothing is more surreal or shaming than to be carrying on this exchange with a ChatBot who is who is so conspicuously representative of this corrupt and soon to be extinct corporation.  Have to wonder why X tolerates this non-sense. 


And yet another guy who has had so many years (such that you have a Play:3) of faultless operation that you haven’t needed any support or any need to sign up until this week.  

You don’t need to have a community account to seek support so one shouldn’t take the age of the account to mean anything. Sonos has millions of customers, they aren’t all on here. 

Instead of playing moderator it will probably be more helpful for you to report the posts if you think they are somehow violating the TOU, will be helpful to the mods I’m sure. Just my 2p, feel free to ignore and cary on. 

I’m so profoundly ashamed to own a Playstation 3, among other SONOS products.  So, so shamed by all of them.  Thanks for shaming me in this way. I’m sure I’ll be a better person and smarter consumer for it.  But nothing is more surreal or shaming than to be carrying on this exchange with a ChatBot who is who is so conspicuously representative of this corrupt and soon to be extinct corporation.  Have to wonder why X tolerates this non-sense. 

Now this is really freaking funny 🤣🤣🤣🤣


And yet another guy who has had so many years (such that you have a Play:3) of faultless operation that you haven’t needed any support or any need to sign up until this week.  

You don’t need to have a community account to seek support so one shouldn’t take the age of the account to mean anything. Sonos has millions of customers, they aren’t all on here. 

Instead of playing moderator it will probably be more helpful for you to report the posts if you think they are somehow violating the TOU, will be helpful to the mods I’m sure. Just my 2p, feel free to ignore and cary on. 

I’m so profoundly ashamed to own a Playstation 3, among other SONOS products.  So, so shamed by all of them.  Thanks for shaming me in this way. I’m sure I’ll be a better person and smarter consumer for it.  But nothing is more surreal or shaming than to be carrying on this exchange with a ChatBot who is who is so conspicuously representative of this corrupt and soon to be extinct corporation.  Have to wonder why X tolerates this non-sense. 

I’ve read and reread your post but it’s nonsense to me; PlayStation 3, X ?? I don’t understand.  Why don’t you simply ask the community here for the help you need ?  No word games, no smart-sssed exchanges, no name calling.  If you need help, just ask for it.  Helping each other out  is what this forum and its users have been doing for many many years.   

Userlevel 5
Badge +1


And yet another guy who has had so many years (such that you have a Play:3) of faultless operation that you haven’t needed any support or any need to sign up until this week.  

You don’t need to have a community account to seek support so one shouldn’t take the age of the account to mean anything. Sonos has millions of customers, they aren’t all on here. 

Instead of playing moderator it will probably be more helpful for you to report the posts if you think they are somehow violating the TOU, will be helpful to the mods I’m sure. Just my 2p, feel free to ignore and cary on. 

Sure I get that.  I also get why people are angry, I really do.  And I get how the new app has prompted many to join these forums.  What I find odd is that so many of these people — many who have been Sonos customers for many years, aren’t reaching out for help when help is so gladly given by long-standing and selfless users.  Nor do they appear to have read the mods responses about the updates coming in a very short timescale.  No, they all seem to follow a similar pattern of deriding the product as trash (despite many claiming to have invested thousands), or saying they will dump their gear and another buying another —- for the sake of a few weeks ?? And lastly many claim to have been in IT software development for 15+ years.  Really ??  It’s odd.  I’m fine with people deciding the product is not for them, and moving on with their life.  But im really suspicious of the very overblown claims in here.  Especially as neither myself or anybody else I know is experiencing anything like it.

Aren’t reaching out for help? Are you crazy? I’ve spent HOURS troubleshooting and researching thinking it was my fault or something I was doing wrong along with HOURS on with clueless sonos support dolts only to be told its their beyond dysfunctional software thats rendered countless systems useless around the globe. It’s also quite clear that is a similar experience a significant number of customers have experienced so your “aren’t reaching out for help” accusations are pathetic.

You sound like you work for sonos with your excuses and disgusting defense of them. There is flat out ZERO excuse for this. The problem is not “fake customers”, new forum accounts, or overly upset customers who just aren’t compassionate enough against the greedy corporation thats fleeced them, is clearly beyond incompetent and inept, and very apparently couldn't care less about their customer base with their silence and “support” experience.


And yet another guy who has had so many years (such that you have a Play:3) of faultless operation that you haven’t needed any support or any need to sign up until this week.  

You don’t need to have a community account to seek support so one shouldn’t take the age of the account to mean anything. Sonos has millions of customers, they aren’t all on here. 

Instead of playing moderator it will probably be more helpful for you to report the posts if you think they are somehow violating the TOU, will be helpful to the mods I’m sure. Just my 2p, feel free to ignore and cary on. 

I’m so profoundly ashamed to own a Playstation 3, among other SONOS products.  So, so shamed by all of them.  Thanks for shaming me in this way. I’m sure I’ll be a better person and smarter consumer for it.  But nothing is more surreal or shaming than to be carrying on this exchange with a ChatBot who is who is so conspicuously representative of this corrupt and soon to be extinct corporation.  Have to wonder why X tolerates this non-sense. 

I’ve read and reread your post but it’s nonsense to me; PlayStation 3, X ?? I don’t understand.  Why don’t you simply ask the community here for the help you need ?  No word games, no smart-sssed exchanges, no name calling.  If you need help, just ask for it.  Helping each other out  is what this forum and its users have been doing for many many years.   

Woooooooosh, that was funny as hell 🤣  can tell you are earnestly trying to help or whatever but only Sonos can fix this, people gonna vent don’t take it personally. 

To get back on topic, a class action suit is not meant for what is, at the end of the day, more of an inconvenience than grievous harm that will deliver the kind of verdict for causing such harm,  that will support legal fees.

But even in India, I could go to a small causes court and quickly have Sonos ordered to make a full refund. In turn, I would have to hand over all my Sonos kit.

I think there are similar avenues in the EU, perhaps not so in the US.

I don’t think anyone believes a class action suit is going anywhere at this point. But USA is land of the free (to sue) so if this happens it’s gonna be there Imo. If they don’t get the accessibility piece figured out in a hurry they might be in trouble imo. 

Userlevel 2

maybe a time to switch off Sonos? 

It’s so painful with the new APP. it’s a total again why we choose to believe SONOS will provide the best{used to be} app user experience. Now , this is gone .



Userlevel 2

the v80 app  made the resale value   of any sonos system to almost ZERO. It’s a lost of the value for all customers. 


I’m in Canada, super unhappy with the new  APP, and will join if there is a class action suit even in US.

the v80 app  made the resale value   of any sonos system to almost ZERO. It’s a lost of the value for all customers. 


I’m in Canada, super unhappy with the new  APP, and will join if there is a class action suit even in US.

Has it ?

Just today, a tiny fraction of Sonos items completing on EBay in the U.K.:-

2xPlay:1 @£249

Beam 1 @ £184

Beam 2 @ £429

Roam @ £99

Arc + Sub @ £1000

Era 300 @ £404

Sub mini @ £429


i haven’t done an extensive comparison by any means but there appears to be no discernible difference between sale prices before the new app and prices after the app.

Can I kindly ask how you’ve ascertained resale prices to be zero, please ?



I don’t think anyone believes a class action suit is going anywhere at this point. But USA is land of the free (to sue) so if this happens it’s gonna be there Imo. If they don’t get the accessibility piece figured out in a hurry they might be in trouble imo. 

A class action suit is expensive to mount and a lawyer will upfront the costs only if he/she thinks there will be a bonanza payoff at the end, for a 30% or so share thereof. A payoff that big needs the jury to be convinced of harm to the extent that justifies this payoff. Funny things can happen with US juries, but such an outcome seems very unlikely even there, starting with finding a lawyer who will gamble on the outcome.

Userlevel 3

After this update I am no longer able to use my arc SL with my tv, and it has unpaired my era 100 rear speakers along with sub. I have tried about everything under the sun to get my surround sound system back up and running but after 4 hours today, 1 hour yesterday and 1 hour the day before u still have no luck. The best I’ve been able to do is get my 2 era 100s set up with my sub gen 3. Working on getting arc SL set up but won’t work with tv, won’t register to my account after factory reset, and won’t connect with other speakers 

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

I personally have spent over US $20,000 on now useless equipment plus an inordinate amount of time attempting to make this useless app simply work as advertised. FYI, there are hundreds of thousands of customers in just The U.S. that have been abandoned by Sonos and are stuck with a non-operating system. Council advises to document your purchases along with model numb=rs and any associated expenses ie: installer, travel, phone calls.