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random muting on my system

My entire system mutes randomly and without touching any buttons, The voice Assistance not activated and that's not what appears to be causing it. Are there any solutions? I have updated my system. 

215 replies

Still happening for for me (One, Era100, Play3, Beam, Move, Roam, OneSL...), assume it is the new app, and it will be fixed at some undefinable future time.

Most annoying is when TV sound suddenly mutes mid evening.

The new app has successfully given more opportunities for marketing spam, not seen any other benefits yet.

Seems there is a new app update, anyone seen an improvement? Given the muting is random I’ve never been able to reliably replicate the bug, it just happens when it wants to.

Userlevel 2
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Dont think I will be attempting any updates soon, until Sonos sort out this sh*tpot out!

Ive got a working system on 16.1 build.

Updates turned off for both components and app, and thats the way it will stay, until the posts stop highlighting this messy new apps non working status

We have several ONE speakers (Without voice assistant) and a FIVE. For the past few weeks, every night, our bedroom ONE Speaker mutes itself, and the green status light turns on, even though I have that bedroom speaker set to not have a status light on— or I thought I did… (?)

It seems like at least a couple of the other speakers are also muting overnight but they haven’t been as bothersome since they aren’t waking me up with a light in the middle of the night. (Still not ideal though since we have to raise the volume every time we start playing music again in those rooms) 

@Corry P I submitted diagnostics this morning if that helps! 

It is funny how every SONOS employee I’ve spoken to mentions this problem happening to them as well. It is pretty clear there is a problem, but the communication is lacking from the top. They are clearly trying to weather out the storm, but ultimately this fiasco damages the SONOS brand. It won’t be quite the same, because whilst memories are short, when it comes to their money, people never forget.

Userlevel 1

Seems there is a new app update, anyone seen an improvement? Given the muting is random I’ve never been able to reliably replicate the bug, it just happens when it wants to.

Still happening, but i think less. Now its maybe 1-2 times in 24 hours...


I also have random muting issues. Also Alexa responses slow and variable...sometimes ignored.

Userlevel 1

Confirm that rolling back to the S2 app version 16.1 has resolved the muting issue. It's also a wildly better app. Sorry Apple folks...

Get your house in order Sonos!

Userlevel 4
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Any temporary fix / work around for this? My Beam Gen 2 just randomly mutes en no matter what I do it just jumps back to 0. Tried disconnecting the HDMI cable en power cable. Still remains. 

Userlevel 2
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Any temporary fix / work around for this? My Beam Gen 2 just randomly mutes en no matter what I do it just jumps back to 0. Tried disconnecting the HDMI cable en power cable. Still remains. 

Do a go back to 16.1 build of the app if you have an android device. Works without issue.

Go back a few posts. Highlighted how I did it

Userlevel 4
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Any temporary fix / work around for this? My Beam Gen 2 just randomly mutes en no matter what I do it just jumps back to 0. Tried disconnecting the HDMI cable en power cable. Still remains. 

Do a go back to 16.1 build of the app if you have an android device. Works without issue.

Go back a few posts. Highlighted how I did it

iOS unfortunately 

Userlevel 2
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Any temporary fix / work around for this? My Beam Gen 2 just randomly mutes en no matter what I do it just jumps back to 0. Tried disconnecting the HDMI cable en power cable. Still remains. 

Do a go back to 16.1 build of the app if you have an android device. Works without issue.

Go back a few posts. Highlighted how I did it

iOS unfortunately 

The joys of apple eh?

You are in the hands of Sonos I'm afraid. Good luck🤞

Userlevel 3
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I installed the latest update. ( don't blame me!!!)

I had music all day long and no cut! When it used to cut at least twice a day. 

It seems ( I touch wood) issue is fixed.


If someone if brave enough to update and feedback :p

Userlevel 2
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I installed the latest update. ( don't blame me!!!)

I had music all day long and no cut! When it used to cut at least twice a day. 

It seems ( I touch wood) issue is fixed.


If someone if brave enough to update and feedback :p

Not me🤣🤣🤣

Userlevel 1

Yes, for me its also working...

I have noticed improvement, no muting in a few days now. 


Version 80.04.05-release+20240702.edb3233

Userlevel 3
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Running the same version since the 4th of July and no more muting since!

Seems they at least fixed this one... 

Userlevel 2
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Running the same version since the 4th of July and no more muting since!

Seems they at least fixed this one... 

Think I’ll wait for announcement from Sonos before pulling the pin!😁

Can confirm haven't had the random muting for over a week now. 

Userlevel 2
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Can confirm haven't had the random muting for over a week now. 

Are all functions working as per 16.1?

No muting on my side either.

But god.. sonos is unreliable:

  • Playing music from Plex works randomly (newly added albums seem to play fine only the next day, otherwise it skips all songs of the album),
  • Casting from PlexAmp to Sonos does not work
  • alarms edited from android Sonos app revert the sound to default Chimes everytime I re-edit the alarm and selecting sounds from Plex is a bit tricky,
  • editing alarms from Windows desktop app seems to be more reliable but the UI takes you back to Windows XP 😂

I was thinking about replacing my sound bar to Sonos (arc/beam) but I’ll stick to my Panasonic.

I don’t know if other people are experiencing similar issues, but from my point of view, these products are not that “premium”, except the sound that I find really good.

Userlevel 2
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No muting on my side either.

I was thinking about replacing my sound bar to Sonos (arc/beam) but I’ll stick to my Panasonic.

I don’t know if other people are experiencing similar issues, but from my point of view, these products are not that “premium”, except the sound that I find really good.

TBH when using the Beam as a soundbar, I never use the app, my TV setup ( Beam - Sub Gen2 - One x2 ) just works.

On 16.1 app my other products ( Ray - Five - Era300 ) work without issue as well.

I use Volumio on RPi, as my renderer / server to cast to Sonos, so NAS / music library issues related to the new app does not affect me.

Only the dreaded green mute when using the v80 app!

I still think the Sonos physical product is “Premium”, shame the app rollout / tech support is now being run by “Mickey Mouse” and the result is poor!

I was thinking about using a RPI as casting relay. I tested volumio a long time ago as alternative to sonos. Will definitely have look at it as relay to sonos.

I understand your point of view regarding the sound bar. I was thinking about using the bar to also cast music, as I don't want to spend a lot of money. 😅

Yeah looks like this app release has made a huge bad buzz. They probably had planing issues or accepted deadlines impossible to respect. In such cases I would prefer transparency and delayed delivery to ensure the software is working properly and that all features are available. But who knows what happened at Sonos. 😂

I bought my product recently and could not have the time to really use the previous release of the app, so I can only review the current version.

Hope they'll fix things soon.

We have several ONE SL speakers (Without voice assistant) and a FIVE. For the past few weeks, every night, our bedroom ONE Speaker mutes itself, and the green status light turns on, even though I have that bedroom speaker set to not have a status light on— or I thought I did… (?)

It seems like at least a couple of the other speakers are also muting overnight but they haven’t been as bothersome since they aren’t waking me up with a light in the middle of the night. (Still not ideal though since we have to raise the volume every time we start playing music again in those rooms) 

@Corry P I submitted diagnostics this morning if that helps! 

UPDATE: We haven’t had this issue in over a week. No more overnight muting going on-- thank you @Corry P and Sonos Tech Support folks for your quick response! I am sure this is a headache for all of you, too. Just want you to know we appreciate you! 😁

Userlevel 3
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Same here. No more muting since the 4th of July.

That's great! 
