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So it is 4pm on the 8th June here and still no Sonos S2 update. Hmmmmm.

any sign of the Mac OS S2 app

The new “Group” thing is the only new thing i found.

But you still can’t use the Group for an alarm :(

Updated to S2 but - MacOS controller update will not work.

Updated to the S1 controller first (see pic), but the update button takes you here - - which promptly downloads the old (pre-S1) app! If I try “Check for updates” from the menu the update appears to happen, then finishes with “update failed”. Come on Sonos, why so clunky?


Thanks.  If you do a factory reset on an S1/S2 compatible speaker can it be added to the S1 setup?

Were you given any warning on changing from S1 to S2 that speakers wouldn't be available in S1 and anything about ‘splitting’?

The need to split systems and that S2 units are not visible on S1 and vice versa has been discussed on these forums extensively.

And no, a factory reset does not rollback software updates.

If an S1/S2 compatible unit is at S2, it can be factory reset and added back to an S1 system. It will ‘update’ back to S1.

The latter. Your 5 units will suffer hardware failure that will stop them from working. All the units out there will suffer this at different times.

And there will be some like me that will buy other alternatives to Sonos when legacy S1 kit dies, so there is that factor as well.

Did you already receive your Arc, Sonos Five, or Sub gen 3? Those are the only three devices that require S2 to operate.

Since it’s only 9PM June 7 in Sonos’ home office, I’m not surprised they haven’t yet released the new software. It would seem odd to drag everyone in to the office on a Sunday evening in order to satisfy users so close to the International Date Line. 

Thanks guys, for your thoughts.:musical_note:

Note that it looks like it's not just splitting your system and having them function as before but as two separate systems.

The ones that stay on S1 actually get reset and you lose access to all playlists etc. you may have created over the years.

From the official post:

“With S2, Sonos speakers now have support for high resolution audio, 24-bit, 44.1/48kHz for FLAC/ALAC only. This support is for local music libraries shared from computers and network attached drives.

Interesting to see how this applies to Roon?

I’ve got my fingers crossed that a roon update is all it’ll take, but not holding my breath. 

So we are 24 hours or so, into the brave new Sonos world what are we thinking ? I feel a little disappointed if I am honest . I was expecting/hoping that Sonos would have given us a shiny new jewel of an app, something that looked good on the screen something to want to play and explore music with but mmmm! The colour of the new S2 app is awful It should be the gateway to exploring music it's not ! Once past the colour you get to step back into the 90s because that's what it feels like almost a retro app ,  it's all a bit to basic . The S1 app I can only think that the colour and writing on it is designed to make you feel embarrassed to use it in front of people, it looks like it was designed and built on a windows Vista computer found in a cupboard ! in all honesty Sonos this should have been a feast of new gifts to us but in reality it feels like you just slapped a coat of paint over it .

It does indeed seem as if the main change has been an interface designed by the brand police of the marketing department.

But both are just as important.  Just because I can no longer group the speakers post-S1, it seems reasonable to assume I'd still want to listen to the same things I used to when in the room the speaker is in.

Reading about the issues with playlists, I have to admit I am confused. All mine were retained.

Yesterday I updated my system ( Playbar, Sub (2nd Gen), Connect:AMP (2nd Gen) ) to S2 before my Arc and Gen 3 Sub arrive this week.

I didn’t uninstall the existing Sonos apps, but downloaded and installed the new S2 app on my Windows PC, Android Phones, MacBook and iPad.

In the S2 app, all the Preferences, Sonos Playlists and Sonos Favorites remain as before.

NOTHING has changed - it was a flawless upgrade.



@ratty, you know more about this than many/all.  I do think most who were aware of the forthcoming split (but maybe not part of a beta where it may have been known) were expecting to be left with a set of speakers on S1 and a set on S2, both controlled by a separate App but behaving as they previously did - but no longer able to be grouped.

How could Sonos have achieved this?

You know what they say: a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

One can conceive of a way a system (household) could be divided in two whilst leaving such things as playlists intact. It’s just software after all.

Putting it into practice in a supportable fashion is of course a different matter, with policy and resource implications.

FWIW I’d also hoped Sonos would have provided a household splitting tool.

Haha, nice to see i’m not the only impatient one… ;)

This is the link to to the latest Mac OS desktop S2 version:

My Arc arrived today but in the absence of the S2 app being available I can’t do anything with it. 
My Sonos app updated to Sonos S1 Controller and then when trying to add the Arc it says I need the S2 app - but when I click the link it just takes me to the S1 Controller listing in the App Store. 

I think their Marketing guys are not the sharpest, starting with the brick situation to the fact that trying not to commit by releasing anything clear, they tried to make a hype that was not worth. Just as you said, if a feature is not in the app, so be it, I’m happy with the product, but they are at fault by not describing anything concrete, especially now that S2 has launched


Actually, the only concrete feature discussed was the grouping feature, which is in the current release.  Everything else was speculation by posters here.  Are we really going to hold Sonos to be responsible for not addressing every item the posters on here dream up?  

I’ve successfully completed the S2 upgrade to my system - have the S2 logo on my iPad desktop right along side the S1 controller icon - how do i safely remove the S1 controller icon from my desktop thereby only leaving the S2 logo icon?

Delete it, as you would any other app. 

Created a second Sonos account to use the S1 controller and setup that. To be safe put the S1 system on a second Wifi SSID. It is a shame you can’t use the same account on S1 and S2 but other than that can’t really complain.

You can use the same account. Also, you don’t need to use a different SSID.

In a split scenario the S1 and S2 systems have different HouseholdIDs. 

Nothing about High Resolution audio to be found in the S2 App by the way for those who were wondering.

I updated my system an hour or so ago …


Just tried to play a couple of files that are 24/96 M4A hi-res that the original software would literally just have hissed out …


The new one plays them but at something close to half speed!


Tested on a Play:1 and a Play:3 … both the same!


Is there a setting I can tweak or is Sonos still pretty useless for hi-res file support?

Interesting. Twice the number of samples, clocked at what Sonos expects in terms of max sampling rate (48k), hence they take twice as long to play out?

No, there’s no setting. At this point Sonos doesn’t support sampling rates for ultrasonics, audible only by certain animals.

Just converted an album from 24/96 to 24/44.1 and Sonos plays it just fine.

I’m happy to convert the handful of hi-res albums I have so that all devices I have can play them without having multiple versions … saves some space on my phone & DAP SD cards too!

And no, there’s no way I’ll be complaining about missing out on some audio detail, not with my ears!


In the UK, I followed the instructions in jcway’s post and found the iOS App Store link here:

Just upgrading now.

Installed and running S2 now. Thx.

Why do we have to rely on hints? Can't they just write a list?