
Sonos S2

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180 replies

Created a second Sonos account to use the S1 controller and setup that. To be safe put the S1 system on a second Wifi SSID. It is a shame you can’t use the same account on S1 and S2 but other than that can’t really complain.

You can use the same account. Also, you don’t need to use a different SSID.

In a split scenario the S1 and S2 systems have different HouseholdIDs. 


Its not what they do or don't promise that winds me up it's  that they don't specify clearly what the new specs are and you end up not really knowing either way and relying on forum chat. If a feature is not in it then it's not in it, fair enough. Just say the new system on release will have the following features: 1,2,3,4 etc. These may follow in the future. I think that is a reasonable expectation when trying to make an irreversible decision.

I think their Marketing guys are not the sharpest, starting with the brick situation to the fact that trying not to commit by releasing anything clear, they tried to make a hype that was not worth. Just as you said, if a feature is not in the app, so be it, I’m happy with the product, but they are at fault by not describing anything concrete, especially now that S2 has launched

I have dBpoweramp Music Converter for windows. I think it is the same, but i dont know how to set it up to convert from 24/96 to 24/48. Can you help me?


Use the dBpoweramp Music Converter, set to convert from FLAC to FLAC, then add the Resample DSP Effect and set the frequency to 48 KHz.  

Thanks jgatie 

Well S2 is boring.  Maybe that is the reason they did not release any previews.  I guess if one has one or more of the latest devices requiring s2 it is exciting.  Not sure the interface is an improvement so far, need more time for a final.  


Userlevel 2
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A list of one then. So be it. 

Userlevel 2
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I was going to plug 2 connects into the hifi. One for grouping S1 and one solely S2 for hires Qubuz if I wanted to try it. Not sure I can see the point now unless I know what I'm getting. Not sure I want to reset 5 other just  for that anyway. Might just stay S1 for now.

Userlevel 5
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To update on Android:

FIRST you have to update the existing Sonos app from the Play Store. It updates the app to be called Sonos S1. 

NEXT you have to Check for Updates under System / System Updates

Your system will then update to 11.2.

NEXT, go to System and you should see System Tools either there or under System Updates.

This prompts you to check for S2 compatibility. If your system is S2 compatible, it will prompt you to update to S2, which starts with a new app from the Play Store (which you won't find with a search). 

Once you have the new Sonos app installed, log in and go to System Updates again to update your system to S2.

Then delete the S1 app if you have no requirement for it. 


I have i0S, not Android -but it worked by doing it backwards, S2 first.    I didn’t understand why the update at first took me to S1, so I searched on the iOS app and found the S2 app.  Downloaded that and it worked fine immediately with my 3 Sonos Ones.  I then noticed that when I closed the S2 app it was telling me my Sonos Ones needed an update.  It then updated the original Sonos app to S1.   Told me my components were compatible with S2 though and I should/could only use that.  I then simply deleted the S1 app.    So it looks like you can first install S2 (as opposed to updating to S1 first).


I think their Marketing guys are not the sharpest, starting with the brick situation to the fact that trying not to commit by releasing anything clear, they tried to make a hype that was not worth. Just as you said, if a feature is not in the app, so be it, I’m happy with the product, but they are at fault by not describing anything concrete, especially now that S2 has launched


Actually, the only concrete feature discussed was the grouping feature, which is in the current release.  Everything else was speculation by posters here.  Are we really going to hold Sonos to be responsible for not addressing every item the posters on here dream up?  

Here is an excerpt from Sonos web page, so I stand by what I said before:


”In addition to new features, usability updates, and more personalization moving forward, Sonos S2 enables higher resolution audio technologies for music and home theater.”


In fact it says S2 enables, it didn’t say will enable. And I still believe Sonos tried to make a hype by being cryptic, and that let ME down in terms of MY own thoughts. I am responsible for thinking I would get what I didn’t get, and I make responsible Sonos for not being clear in their web page.

Userlevel 7
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Note that it looks like it's not just splitting your system and having them function as before but as two separate systems.

The ones that stay on S1 actually get reset and you lose access to all playlists etc. you may have created over the years.

Is the second part the reason for stating the first part? Any other way that splitting is more than just splitting, leaving the S1 playing as it has all these years?

And the second part can’t be nice - though I assume that this applies to local NAS playlists and not, for example, those made in Apple Music?

Hi Kumar, the first part is just an observation that the split isn't just a ‘Split your systems and carry on as before - but with them unable to link to each other.’ decision.

Effectively you start with all speakers running S1 (11.2) and then tell it which speakers you want to keep as part of S1.  Instead of splitting them off as a separate system with a separate App with its settings intact, it resets them all - but still ends up running the same software it did before the reset. A way of carrying on as before would have been good - especially if you have more than one speaker staying  on S1 (factory resets always a last resort but never really an issue if you had more than one speaker as the reset one had the setting reapplied when it was added again).

I haven't done the split as I have no reason to yet and the loss of the persistent time bar function is another form over function decision I could do without.

Also, my ‘in' to Sonosnet is my Connect and that is only S1 compliant.  I don't know how the change process would handle that - would I then lose connection to all speakers and then be asked to put a cable into another one (not easy atm) or ask me to resort to a WiFi setup.

And yes, it's local Sonos Playlists (the ones we have no proper way of backing up) that are lost.


Here is an excerpt from Sonos web page, so I stand by what I said before:


”In addition to new features, usability updates, and more personalization moving forward, Sonos S2 enables higher resolution audio technologies for music and home theater.”


In fact is says S2 enables, it didn’t say will enable. And I still believe Sonos tried to make a hype by being cryptic, and that let ME down in terms of MY own thoughts. I am responsible for thinking I would get what I didn’t get, and I make responsible Sonos for not being clear in their web page.


My apologies, I missed that.  However, higher resolution support is also in the S2 release, just like the grouping feature.   Still not seeing any significant lack of concrete discussion.  



Here is an excerpt from Sonos web page, so I stand by what I said before:


”In addition to new features, usability updates, and more personalization moving forward, Sonos S2 enables higher resolution audio technologies for music and home theater.”


In fact is says S2 enables, it didn’t say will enable. And I still believe Sonos tried to make a hype by being cryptic, and that let ME down in terms of MY own thoughts. I am responsible for thinking I would get what I didn’t get, and I make responsible Sonos for not being clear in their web page.


My apologies, I missed that.  However, higher resolution support is also in the S2 release, just like the grouping feature.   Still not seeing any significant lack of concrete discussion.  

Agree, as I said before, I’m a very happy Sonos user here.


FYI, I checked Roon with 24/48 and 24/96, it is down sampled to 16 bits, maybe Roon needs to make adjustments in a newer software release. I was wondering if Sonos S2 would be supported by Roon (because it seems its a new platform entirely), but I am happy that Roon still keeps playing music to Sonos.


I like a lot of people have two libraries, one with hi res files for Roon, and another one with Sonos compatibility.


Let’s wait for more to come from Sonos, and happy listening!

Badge +2

My Sonos app changed name with an update that arrived now. Something seems to be ongoing at least :)



Userlevel 3
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So in the uk and my original Sonos app has updated to S1 without any prompt from me .

Userlevel 2
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My Sonos app changed name with an update that arrived now. Something seems to be ongoing at least :)



Mine to, but where is S2? Or just Sonos app as it will be called.

Userlevel 2
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Or do I have to uninstall the old one first? I only have “modern” devices..

Userlevel 7
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Or do I have to uninstall the old one first? I only have “modern” devices..

When the S2 app is released it should coexist with the S1 app, to support users that choose to run split S1/S2 systems.

Userlevel 2
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FYI, I checked Roon with 24/48 and 24/96, it is down sampled to 16 bits, maybe Roon needs to make adjustments in a newer software release.

Yep, I noticed the same thing, and I’m hoping it’s just a roon update that’s needed. It sounds like people are seeing up to 24/48 but not 24/96+ through the Sonos app, so that’s a good sign (hopefully).

Userlevel 5
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So we are 24 hours or so, into the brave new Sonos world what are we thinking ? I feel a little disappointed if I am honest . I was expecting/hoping that Sonos would have given us a shiny new jewel of an app, something that looked good on the screen something to want to play and explore music with but mmmm! The colour of the new S2 app is awful It should be the gateway to exploring music it's not ! Once past the colour you get to step back into the 90s because that's what it feels like almost a retro app ,  it's all a bit to basic . The S1 app I can only think that the colour and writing on it is designed to make you feel embarrassed to use it in front of people, it looks like it was designed and built on a windows Vista computer found in a cupboard ! in all honesty Sonos this should have been a feast of new gifts to us but in reality it feels like you just slapped a coat of paint over it .

Yes - well put. S2 is really disappointing and underwhelming.


Updating now

Userlevel 2
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Hi. I’m just wondering if I can update 2 of my S2 compatible speakers (Play 1’s) to S2 for use in a bedroom and keep my 2 Play 3’s on S1 to group with with my 2 gen 1 Play 5’s in a bigger room?

 Although it’s moot because I’m not going to do it, I don’t think I successfully communicated my point of concern, which was that the product removal tool only provides the option to remove incompatible products to be reserved for S1, with the remaining 4 compatible speakers going to S2. What I was considering was keeping  2 of the compatible speakers in S1 with the Gen 1 Play 5’s, and moving the other 2 to S2.   But there doesn’t seem to be a way to do that.

Or am I missing something?                                                         

Userlevel 3
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Only the app on my Samsung Android phone has changed , the app on my Samsung tablet has not changed .

Userlevel 3
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On Android if the app hasn't updated automatically you need to go to the app store, go to the Sonos app and you will find you can update manually.

Userlevel 3
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FYI, I checked Roon with 24/48 and 24/96, it is down sampled to 16 bits, maybe Roon needs to make adjustments in a newer software release.

Yep, I noticed the same thing, and I’m hoping it’s just a roon update that’s needed. It sounds like people are seeing up to 24/48 but not 24/96+ through the Sonos app, so that’s a good sign (hopefully).

From the official post:

“With S2, Sonos speakers now have support for high resolution audio, 24-bit, 44.1/48kHz for FLAC/ALAC only. This support is for local music libraries shared from computers and network attached drives.

Interesting to see how this applies to Roon?


And yes, it's local Sonos Playlists (the ones we have no proper way of backing up) that are lost.


For various reasons my mixed system will remain in unified S1 mode forever, but if I did want to split, the above issue would be another deterrent, given my extensive Sonos playlists curated over the years. It would have been simpler to be able to move compatible speakers to S2, without affecting what remains behind as S1, for sure.

PS: and do people get warned of this, or does it pop up after the event as a nasty surprise? And does this occur even if the entire system is compatible with S2 and is being moved there?