Android and Trueplay

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176 replies

My original point still stands (it is not fact and is my opinion, as stated in my replies).

I would like to know when Sonos would support TruePlay on Android, I doubt it is for microphone variability reasons in 2021 - as it has been claimed. Whether you want to believe what Sonos tells you, or whether I question that makes little different to when/if we ever get it. It’s all just a healthy debate.

I don’t know how many accounts I have (and nor do I care), but sounds like I must have registered in here with a different email address than my Sonos app. I have Sonos products as stated, however that appears in a forum I will leave to whoever runs the forum. Wasn’t aware I should have checked my profile to make sure it was an exact match before chatting in here. So no, you don’t need Sonos products on your profile, even though you own said products.

You don't have to take me seriously, just do some critical thinking rather than sprouting what everyone else says. I’m not here to pick a fight, and yes mentioned Sonos multiple times so you can see I know how to spell it.

Good day to you all.


I’m confused by your statement. The TruePlay tuning is stored on the speakers, until erased by doing another TruePlay tuning. Once it’s done, you can turn it off or on, using the Android devices. There is zero requirement, once TruePlay is done, for there to be a iOS device in the house. 

Hmmmm.  Bose and Samsung to name a couple of high end’s that have included necessary sound pick-up within the product.  For the ARC, how much could it cost to add a mic on a plug-in wire that would give you absolutely control over the sound pickup?


I could be off on this, but I believe other tuning methods have you place the wired mic at the seating location and they tune from that.  Trueplay tuning is different.   Besides the fact that the Arc doesn’t have a port for such a mic, you probably would be required to connect the mic to your phone so that it could be waved around the room.

Take care!  Brush your hair!

Clearly passionate defense of status quo. Nevertheless, for the global smartphone market, more than 70 percent are Android as of 2022, according to Statcounter.  Maybe Sonos is comfortable limiting themselves to half the US market?

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Sonos could easily create a calibration file *.CAL for each phone

Do you have any idea about the number of different Android phones or the number of different microphones used in identically named phones?


The only viable solution is the external mike.

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

I use Android and have suggested an external mike as a solution too.

I also got a cheap Apple dingus off ebay to solve my TruePlay issues.

I long ago learned to solve Sonos issues myself when possible instead of waiting for Sonos to get to them. Sometimes I’m using my fix for years (SMBv1) or (TruePlay) sometimes Sonos fixes it quickly.

My goal is to enjoy my Sonos as much as possible with minimal aggravation, not to get Sonos to do stuff.

It's no secret that Sonos is not happy with Google because of the theft of Sonos' proprietary intellectual property.

But to say that the quality of the microphone in a Samsung phone lacks the technical ability to positively affect Trueplay is the sign of someone in the C Suite that is all butt hurt and wants revenge anyway possible towards Google.

Unless the device can be calibrated prior to testing, there is no technical difference between iOS & Android on a phone and if Sonos can set up Trueplay for iOS, it can be done for Android.

Sonos can have Trueplay work with Android, Sonos chooses not to allow that.

If Sonos requires only Android users to purchase an external mic, citing that Android phones lack a technically qualified mic, without introducing mic calibration on either platform, what word best describes treating one group differently because of ideology?

I believe that Sonos is going to suffer the same fate the BlackBerry phone went through - a management team so wrongly focused it doesn't see the disruption coming its way - and then some other company hands Sonos their butt because that hungry company can't afford to put out a product limited by executive ego, drama and narrow-mindedness.

Android users have been complaining about not being able to do Trueplay tuning for years yet they still continue to purchase Sonos products. Sonos must be doing something right.

This is a perfect example of what I'm talking about.  Why all the negativity towards a certain group, why should they (we) be excluded from the full experience?

Ditto.  Sonos should provide mic like my Bose did for room tuning.

Late to the party, I wish I could say I am surprised this is a thing.

I’ve been impressed by Sonos so far but exclusivity for any product is a massive turnoff. Lack of AUX in, an oddly restrictive feature set on the amp and now this. I’ll save the rant for another thread. 

If Sonos is all about it’s customers, they could simply release an Android BETA, add on a few YMMV disclaimers inside the app and let us work out what phones give a good result in the forums. Then maybe over time support a confirmed subset of devices - Galaxy S and Pixel could be sufficient. 

Any Android user on the platform for longer than a minute understands that cheaper devices come at a cost and there are no guarantees. It’s both a strength and weakness of the platform.

@cpnichols be aware if you rearrange your room or move it to another room you should rerun the calibration as your acoustical environment has changed. 

Something as simple as changing the furniture in you room can effect the acoustical sound even with the Sonos in the same location.

Also another user posted he sent his Sonos in for repair and he lost the TruePlay settings when returned.

Just wanted to make you aware it may not be a one and done :grinning:



Yeah… I figured. 


Userlevel 5
Badge +12

Hi everyone. Trying to skip over if it is right or not for Sonos to not have trueplay for Android. I did just get my first Sonos product which is an ARC. We have no Apple devices in our house but I am hoping to ask a neighbor to borrow theirs to do the one time trueplay tuning. That being said, what minimum iPhone should they have, and what would they need to do on their end before letting me borrow the phone? I am assuming that they need to download the Sonos App, then I just need to log into my account and find the trueplay setting in the app. Is that correct? Anything else?

also the small matter of giving them access to your wifi too. Also don’t forget to revoke their access and remove the app before giving the phine back otherwose they’ll be able to control your Sonos system! 

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

They need to be on your wifi. Remember after tuning to remove your wifi credentials from their phone after doing trueplay. 
Their iPhone needs to be a 6 or later running ios 11 or later. 
Install the Sonos app and if on your wifi it should find your system, when prompted connect to existing system .  You don’t need to sign in to perform trueplay.


 Once done disconnect from your wifi and remove the wifi credentials.  Remove the app if you want too, it can’t reconnect to your system without your wifi credentials anyway.


 Good luck.  In some rooms I’ve found trueplay to make big positive difference, mainly taking the boom out of the sound .   Some rooms it makes little difference.  The biggest benefit for me is the way it tamed the Sub.




I do agree that android trueplay needs to come. The difference to how the Arc sounds with and without it is absolutely massive. Can’t expect everyone to have Apple products and Sonos shouldn’t be selling a product that requires something else to make it sound better anyway. Fair enough if it was minimal difference, but for me it makes it sound a good 70% better have trueplay. Hopefully with the new roam technology using the inbuilt mic to tune, maybe it will come to the other speakers soon with inbuilt mics.

Some report little difference in the sound, but I found it made a huge difference to my Play 5 probably due to it’s siting which is not ideal acoustically. 

Unfortunately the person whose phone I borrowed to do set up Trueplay lives in France, so is unlikely to visit soon, and I lost the Trueplay setting when I had the unit repaired.

I suspect that Sonos will now rely on the built in mics in more modern kit, and will hope that the issue simply goes away.

Userlevel 1
Badge +2

Do you think Sonos could add the Samsung flagship models to run TruePlay? This would be very useful...

I would guess there are more discussion at Sonos on how they could drop trueplay in favor of using ‘quick trueplay’ for android AND apple...then there are discussions about expanding trueplay to non-Apple devices.


Baseless guess though.

Overall it would be cheaper for SONOS to give up the idea of using Apple products for Trueplay and simply raise prices and add the calibration device into the package. 


I would like to see Sonos sell a calibration device, or USB mic, sold separately.  While I get that the market may be small, it probably isn’t smaller than the market for those who want a wireless charger for their Roam, for example.  I don’t want to continually pay for, or really even receive, tech products I don’t need. I mean, I have a few optical to HDMI convertors I’ve never used stored in a drawer somewhere.  

Alternatively, you could include a calibration device option for free when ordering from Sonos, so that you only receive it you want or need it.


It seems clear that for newer products Sonos is moving away from using external devices in tuning, a much more controllable approach.



I don’t think it’s quite like that.  Sonos adopted the quick tuning for their portable devices because it doesn’t make sense to retune portables everytime they are move. The quick tune was never meant to be as good or a replacement for full trueplay tuning.  I think the reason it got adopted on non-portables as well was because it was easy to implment and would make some customers happy.  Quicktuning has not been implemented on any home theatre setup, and we’ll have to see if that changes in the future.

Would you be willing to submit your phone/pad to a local servicer for calibration? Would a fee be appropriate?

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Make a Sonos USB mike that plugs into apple or Android, sell it for enough to make a tidy profit and stop supporting any internal mikes after a couple years/updates.

Never had the hassles with my Denon, Infinity or Yamaha external miles that I have had with the Apple ones, they just worked with no need to buy a new Apple device every couple years as the old one goes unsupported.

I like this idea the best. It would be a shame to lose the full Trueplay function as I don’t think the quick tune is as good.

I’d be willing to buy such a device as I’m an Android user and bought a second hand iPad just to do proper Trueplay (I sometimes like to move my sonos stuff around so have used it many times). 

I play an audio file from my server to a pair of One SLs at 35 now, (Trueplay enabled) where I used to play the same file at a volume of 13 and the only change has been an update making the iOS system on my iPhone 6 not supported. 

This goes back to my point that my 40 year old, plug in turn up and sit down, legacy equipment is still going to be working 25 years from now, but in all likelihood our Sonos products may require some sort of physical reprogramming to remain viable, imo

​​​​​​btw, a shout out to all those who have participated with me and my rant, thank you. 



I’m not sure how well a USB based solution would be accepted because “everything is wireless now, right?” There would be demand for a Bluetooth device.

The numbers were used so that a person could understand my reference as to the difference between the sound the system produced prior to the downgrade that resulted when my iPhone 6 was no longer supported. 

I know of no other way to offer a means of reference regarding the differences in sound level, how would you have done it? 


I am an Android user and +1 to this. I fully understand the wide variety of Android devices and MIC characteristics make it a nightmare, though narrowing to Samsung/Pixel would reduce that. Simply providing a calibrated MIC can end this phone-specific mic dependency and make it universal. The local processing should be able to run on any phone except maybe the lowest end ones. My wife uses a supported iPhone so the “borrow” business is easy for me luckily.

Even for iOS devices Sonos has to keep measuring and supporting newer devices every year. Given the time it takes to do that I suspect that is repetitive, grunt engineering effort.

Another thought. The Sonos Roam/Move includes a TruePlay MIC. Why not allow using that to TruePlay other Sonos devices in the network. Should make sense from a sales point of view as well :grinning:

Userlevel 7

Android users have been complaining about not being able to do Trueplay tuning for years yet they still continue to purchase Sonos products. Sonos must be doing something right.