
Your feedback on the new Sonos App

Userlevel 7
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Hi Everyone

We moderators of the community - @Corry P@Jamie A & @Sotiris C. - wanted to take an opportunity to explain some of what is currently happening on the community.

First of all, we value all the feedback you are providing about the new Sonos App. We hear you. Feedback is coming in fast and thick, however - for understandable reasons - and to be frank, we are having trouble just keeping up with it all. For this reason, some topics that have not yet been replied to will go unanswered. We will, however, do our best to amalgamate some of these separate threads into bigger, related threads (such as one big thread for Alarm complaints and another for Queue Management) to be answered en-mass. The threads that are feedback on other aspects of the new app will be merged with this post.

Threads that describe issues such as missing rooms and app crashes (those that are not just feedback, in other words) will be answered, as will threads not relating to the new app in anyway, but these will take a bit longer than normal.

Please be aware that we are reading every post, we are recording and collating all feedback, and all of it will be passed over to the app software development team. In addition, we are doing our best to identify previously unidentified issues and report them to our technical teams.

We know many of you are concerned about certain features going missing, so let us take this opportunity to say that the following features are coming back:

  • Alarms management
  • Sleep timers
  • Queue management
  • Playlist editing

In addition and contrary to some speculation, local Music Library is not going anywhere, though SMBv1 support has been permanently removed. Local Music Library searching is something that is still being worked on.

We’d also like to thank everyone who has taken it upon themselves to help others here with their questions and concerns - we appreciate you all!

Thanks for listening - take care of yourselves, and each other.


Combined threads:

General feedback (not relating specifically to those below):

Queue management: 



Music Library:

Sleep Timers:


Please note that there is an official statement that can be read here.


2463 replies

Have to wait 10 seconds for system to appear. TERRIBLE!

Userlevel 1

I know this will make no difference to anything. But I hate this app. I have sonos playlists which I play daily, well I used to. Now they often don’t show in the app, if they do, you cannot edit them. The layout of the app is fugly and unintuitive. I do not understand how this could be released with so many issues. Please change the layout and functionality back to what it was before. I barely use it now because it just makes me want to throw something. Sonos, you’ve messed up. Sort it out, I want my music back.

Userlevel 1

In addition to removing features and slowing down performance the new app is causing random and unwanted radio stations to be played.  Funny enough it has no problem playing lots of annoying adverts though.


This new app is not fit for purpose and does not appear to have gone through any basic QA testing.


Easy fix is to just roll back to the old version.

Userlevel 4
Badge +4

Sonos, there seems to be enough users having issues with new app.  It is tactically easy for you to release the old app separate from the new app.  I’m sure we would all accept the no maintenance will be performed in it and we will accept it as is and move to new app when it works better.  We understand the vision of the new app and architecture to be the path to the future but it simply is not up to par currently.  You could receive our pain with a simple effort.  Please take this as a serious consideration to relieve you support staff the pain they a currently facing.

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Sonos, there seems to be enough users having issues with new app.  It is tactically easy for you to release the old app separate from the new app.  I’m sure we would all accept the no maintenance will be performed in it and we will accept it as is and move to new app when it works better.  We understand the vision of the new app and architecture to be the path to the future but it simply is not up to par currently.  You could receive our pain with a simple effort.  Please take this as a serious consideration to relieve you support staff the pain they a currently facing.

It won’t happen. The old app doesn’t support the Sonos Ace headphones, which is why we find ourselves in this mess. 

The headphones that don’t actually require an app to use and what does require the app is only available on iOS. It’s so freaking stupid, wrecked the brand and pissed the user base off over this. 

Userlevel 4
Badge +4

Sonos, there seems to be enough users having issues with new app.  It is tactically easy for you to release the old app separate from the new app.  I’m sure we would all accept the no maintenance will be performed in it and we will accept it as is and move to new app when it works better.  We understand the vision of the new app and architecture to be the path to the future but it simply is not up to par currently.  You could receive our pain with a simple effort.  Please take this as a serious consideration to relieve you support staff the pain they a currently facing.

It won’t happen. The old app doesn’t support the Sonos Ace headphones, which is why we find ourselves in this mess. 

It has nothing to do with the heads phones.  Users with head phones can use the new app along with everyone else who likes it.  The rest of us don’t have head phones, won’t buy head phones (yet) and can’t use our current equipment.  If we could use the old app we’d all be happy.  We all understand we have to eventually move to the new one.

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Sonos, there seems to be enough users having issues with new app.  It is tactically easy for you to release the old app separate from the new app.  I’m sure we would all accept the no maintenance will be performed in it and we will accept it as is and move to new app when it works better.  We understand the vision of the new app and architecture to be the path to the future but it simply is not up to par currently.  You could receive our pain with a simple effort.  Please take this as a serious consideration to relieve you support staff the pain they a currently facing.

It won’t happen. The old app doesn’t support the Sonos Ace headphones, which is why we find ourselves in this mess. 

It has nothing to do with the heads phones.  Users with head phones can use the new app along with everyone else who likes it.  The rest of us don’t have head phones, won’t buy head phones (yet) and can’t use our current equipment.  If we could use the old app we’d all be happy.  We all understand we have to eventually move to the new one.

It has everything to do with the headphones. The new app supports them, the old one doesn’t. It doesn’t matter whether or not you intend to buy their headphones. As far as Sonos is concerned, there needs to be no confusion from new Ace purchasers as to which app to install and so the old app will not be coming back. 

Userlevel 4
Badge +4

Sonos, there seems to be enough users having issues with new app.  It is tactically easy for you to release the old app separate from the new app.  I’m sure we would all accept the no maintenance will be performed in it and we will accept it as is and move to new app when it works better.  We understand the vision of the new app and architecture to be the path to the future but it simply is not up to par currently.  You could receive our pain with a simple effort.  Please take this as a serious consideration to relieve you support staff the pain they a currently facing.

It won’t happen. The old app doesn’t support the Sonos Ace headphones, which is why we find ourselves in this mess. 

It has nothing to do with the heads phones.  Users with head phones can use the new app along with everyone else who likes it.  The rest of us don’t have head phones, won’t buy head phones (yet) and can’t use our current equipment.  If we could use the old app we’d all be happy.  We all understand we have to eventually move to the new one.

It has everything to do with the headphones. The new app supports them, the old one doesn’t. It doesn’t matter whether or not you intend to buy their headphones. As far as Sonos is concerned, there needs to be no confusion from new Ace purchasers as to which app to install and so the old app will not be coming back. 

That is absolutely ridiculous.  The head phones themselves seem silly as a product.  Sonos is awesome for easy install of a multizone speaker system.  Who the hell needs a ‘my head’ zone.  I have blue tooth headphones for that.  And the fact that my speakers are broken but now I can replace my headphones…. I just don’t know where to go with that.   And the fact they would be more concerned with a small set of new headphone users over the set of dedicated long term users..    again, just total confounds me.

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

As I understand it, Sonos is in the business of selling multiroom music and home theatre systems. Now you’re telling me the new business model is to prioritize and rather effectively jettison that market so they can sell $450 headphones? 

Sounds like corporate suicide, not a business model.

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

As I understand it, Sonos is in the business of selling multiroom music and home theatre systems. Now you’re telling me the new business model is to prioritize and rather effectively jettison that market so they can sell $450 headphones? 

Sounds like corporate suicide, not a business model.

They tell us it’s the most requested product. (But I have seen a significant survey where an Arc 2 is in fact the most requested product….)

Userlevel 4
Badge +4

Four lessons…

Userlevel 1

I really hope that the local music library gets fixed asap. Reading the posts, many others use this feature as well. I paid a lot of money for all my Sonos products and expect a good product. 
Thank you!

As do I.   My best music is on my home network that I “ripped” from my extensive CD collection and generated countless playlists.    That was the biggest reason I chose SONOS.   With current app, it is totally inaccessible which is crap.    This morning I went outside to fix one of my outdoor speakers.  I turned on SONOS to test it, and the APP would only let me play “Radio” music.   When I was done, the stupid app had No way, 0, zilch, nadda, zippo to turn it off.  I finally unplugged my speakers and reloaded the app.   Ohhh the simple, most elementary feature of clearing a queue.  How I miss you.

As you did, and all here did, we paid big bucks for these systems and we’re all now bent over, buns up and kneeling to the geeky whims of $ONO$.    Not good.

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

I didn't think Sonos had made libraries inaccessible at all. I thought they had simply stopped supporting SMBv1, so people needed to migrate to SMBv2? 

Userlevel 6
Badge +8

I didn't think Sonos had made libraries inaccessible at all. I thought they had simply stopped supporting SMBv1, so people needed to migrate to SMBv2? 

The thing with libraries is there are a few different issues affecting different people (not just dropped SMBv1 support). But there are, at least in principle, solutions for all of them... 

  1. For some people the issue is the mobile app doesn’t currently allow library management (adding/editing). But these individuals can still add their library via the desktop app (if they have access to a Windows or Mac computer). Alternatively they can wait until Sonos brings back library management to the mobile app (I believe in July).  
  2. For some people the issue is the network-based library they had previously been using (NAS device or USB drive connected to a router) recently stopped working. These individuals are probably the victims of the dropped SMBv1 support that you mention. As you allude, they shouldn’t be waiting for a fix from Sonos as they won’t be getting one. They have to upgrade their file sharing protocol to SMBv2 or higher (either by changing a setting on their NAS device or by upgrading it). 
  3. For others their library was stored on a Windows or Mac computer and many of these individuals won’t have been using an explicit (self-provided) network path to share their music folder. Many/most would have been using the “add music folder” or “add another folder or drive” options for adding their music library. It’s a bit opaque exactly what Sonos configures in the background when these options were used (so not sure if related to dropped SMBv1 support). But in any case it appears support for these options has been dropped. Again, individuals who used these options probably shouldn’t be waiting for a fix from Sonos for these options as it appears that won’t come. They should now be manually creating networks shares of their Windows or Mac based music folders and adding these to their system as described in a recently updated support document on adding a music library: 

There are some people who say that they have issues even after adding SMBv2 network shares to Sonos (and its probably worth those individuals contacting Sonos support). But I suspect the majority of people with existing issues could access their library again via one of the above-mentioned steps.

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

For others their library was stored on a Windows or Mac computer and many of these individuals won’t have been using an explicit (self-provided) network path to share their music folder. Many/most would have been using the “add music folder” or “add another folder or drive” options for adding their music library. It’s a bit opaque exactly what Sonos configures in the background when these options were used (so not sure if related to dropped SMBv1 support). But in any case it appears support for these options has been dropped. Again, individuals who used these options probably shouldn’t be waiting for a fix from Sonos for these options as it appears that won’t come. They should now be manually creating networks shares of their Windows or Mac based music folders and adding these to their system as described in a recently updated support document on adding a music library: 

Hi @osm, you’ve nailed it above. A few days ago, I explained this disconnect between Normal People who think Sophos is going to ‘fix’ music library sharing and You & Me who know better. Bear with me, I’m going to explain this step-by-step so others can follow along.

Six some odd years ago, Sonos implemented proprietary local music sharing (using http) in the Windows and Mac desktop clients. Credit where credit is due, they made this click-click simple and it required zero knowledge of file permissions, user accounts, or sharing protocol.

First Two Options = Sonos Local Library Sharing

Fast forward to May 2024: Sonos sends an email to some users advising that SMBv1 and http sharing will no longer be supported “in a few months.” Unfortunately, that email—and nearly all subsequent communication—failed to connect the dots for Normal People (who don’t know SMBv1 or http sharing from Adam) that this meant “the Sonos local music mechanism that we built into the Windows and Mac desktop clients.” Even more unfortunately, a “few months” turned out to be “oh, 10 days” and SMBv1/http sharing vanished with the arrival of the v16.2 firmware in mid-May.

Thus began the “Sonos took away my local music” poop-hiting-fan barrage here on the forums, including but not limited to “Error 913.” Silicon Valley At Its Finest: rather than popping up, “Hi there, your Sonos system no longer supports the file sharing we built into the Windows and Mac desktop clients, please click here for instructions on what to do now,” someone decided “Error 913” was all users needed to suss this out.

Here’s the thing that we “advanced users” missed: when Sonos said words to the effect of “local library music will be improved in mid-June,” what tons of Normal People heard was “Sonos is going to fix the local music built into the Windows and Mac desktop apps.” In a cruel failure, Sonos has never removed the local music wizard (first two choices in the screen shot above) from the desktop clients, leaving the APPEARANCE that it was temporarily broken rather than forever eliminated.

Userlevel 6
Badge +8

Fast forward to May 2024: Sonos sends an email to some users advising that SMBv1 and http sharing will no longer be supported “in a few months.” Unfortunately, that email—and nearly all subsequent communication—failed to connect the dots for Normal People (who don’t know SMBv1 or http sharing from Adam) that this meant “the Sonos local music mechanism that we built into the Windows and Mac desktop clients.” Even more unfortunately, a “few months” turned out to be “oh, 10 days” and SMBv1/http sharing vanished with the arrival of the v16.2 firmware in mid-May.

I don’t think its just ”normal users” who didn’t appreciate the relevance of dropped http support. Whilst I immediately knew the relevance of dropped smbv1 support, I never knew http sharing was linked to the first two add-music-folder options in the desktop client until I asked if there was a link in a different thread. Out of interest, is this link just something users have deduced, or have Sonos actually released documentation/articles explaining it (I couldn’t find anything)? 

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

I don’t think its just ”normal users” who didn’t appreciate the relevance of dropped http support. Whilst I immediately knew the relevance of dropped smbv1 support, I never knew http sharing was linked to the first two add-music-folder options in the desktop client until I asked if there was a link in a different thread. Out of interest, is this link just something users have deduced, or have Sonos actually released documentation/articles explaining it (I couldn’t find anything)? 

Agreed @osm, very few people connected all the dots between “we’re dropping support for http sharing” and the pretty cool no-knowledge-required mechanism built into the desktop apps.

The description above is something I wrote earlier this week to help folks connect the dots. Sonos has not ‘warned’ anyone about these seemingly-still-supported mechanisms that are actually not supported. A day or two ago Sonos did update this support page …

In early May (coincidentally a few days before the new app was released) I posted the following and one of the Sonos mods thanked me for doing so ...

Entirely unclear why it took Sonos six-some-odd weeks to post their version. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I guess there won’t be any fixes any time soon. Wonder if its possible to rollback to the last functioning version with an APK install. I’ll try getting version 16.1 guess that was the last good one? 

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

I guess there won’t be any fixes any time soon. Wonder if its possible to rollback to the last functioning version with an APK install. I’ll try getting version 16.1 guess that was the last good one? 

Hi @Matheoux, v16.1 of the Android app works great. Note that your Sonos system may be running firmware v16.2 (released in early May, a few days after the new app) … that firmware removed support for SMBv1 and http shares.

So while the v16.1 Android app and the Windows/Mac Desktop apps are stable and (relatively) full featured, SMBv2/SMBv3 are required for local libraries to be compatible with the v16.2 firmware.

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

I guess there won’t be any fixes any time soon. Wonder if its possible to rollback to the last functioning version with an APK install. I’ll try getting version 16.1 guess that was the last good one? 

It has been mentioned hundreds of times in this forum over the last six weeks that Android owners can roll back via the 16.1 apk. So yes.

That seems to have worked. Thanks for your reply. Hopefully Sonos will make a pseudo acceptable app soon.

Userlevel 4
Badge +4

I guess there won’t be any fixes any time soon. Wonder if its possible to rollback to the last functioning version with an APK install. I’ll try getting version 16.1 guess that was the last good one? 

It has been mentioned hundreds of times in this forum over the last six weeks that Android owners can roll back via the 16.1 apk. So yes.

So, to use Sonos, if you have an Apple phone, you have to ditch and get an android.  Thanks for the tip.  I’ll try that.

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

I guess there won’t be any fixes any time soon. Wonder if its possible to rollback to the last functioning version with an APK install. I’ll try getting version 16.1 guess that was the last good one? 

It has been mentioned hundreds of times in this forum over the last six weeks that Android owners can roll back via the 16.1 apk. So yes.

So, to use Sonos, if you have an Apple phone, you have to ditch and get an android.  Thanks for the tip.  I’ll try that.


No, if you have an Apple phone, you just have to wait for the next lot of app updates. My iPhone works completely fine, I’m sorry to say. Clearly no playlist or queue editing, but otherwise, no issues with it. And I am from 2024 where music streaming is a thing, so I have no library nonsense to put myself through.

I guess there won’t be any fixes any time soon. Wonder if its possible to rollback to the last functioning version with an APK install. I’ll try getting version 16.1 guess that was the last good one? 

It has been mentioned hundreds of times in this forum over the last six weeks that Android owners can roll back via the 16.1 apk. So yes.

So, to use Sonos, if you have an Apple phone, you have to ditch and get an android.  Thanks for the tip.  I’ll try that.

