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Hi Everyone

We moderators of the community - @Corry P@Jamie A & @Sotiris C. - wanted to take an opportunity to explain some of what is currently happening on the community.

First of all, we value all the feedback you are providing about the new Sonos App. We hear you. Feedback is coming in fast and thick, however - for understandable reasons - and to be frank, we are having trouble just keeping up with it all. For this reason, some topics that have not yet been replied to will go unanswered. We will, however, do our best to amalgamate some of these separate threads into bigger, related threads (such as one big thread for Alarm complaints and another for Queue Management) to be answered en-mass. The threads that are feedback on other aspects of the new app will be merged with this post.

Threads that describe issues such as missing rooms and app crashes (those that are not just feedback, in other words) will be answered, as will threads not relating to the new app in anyway, but these will take a bit longer than normal.

Please be aware that we are reading every post, we are recording and collating all feedback, and all of it will be passed over to the app software development team. In addition, we are doing our best to identify previously unidentified issues and report them to our technical teams.

We know many of you are concerned about certain features going missing, so let us take this opportunity to say that the following features are coming back:

  • Alarms management
  • Sleep timers
  • Queue management
  • Playlist editing

In addition and contrary to some speculation, local Music Library is not going anywhere, though SMBv1 support has been permanently removed. Local Music Library searching is something that is still being worked on.

We’d also like to thank everyone who has taken it upon themselves to help others here with their questions and concerns - we appreciate you all!

Thanks for listening - take care of yourselves, and each other.


Combined threads:

General feedback (not relating specifically to those below):

Queue management: 



Music Library:

Sleep Timers:


Please note that there is an official statement that can be read here.


I followed that link and it is just advertising Sonos products.  I see nothing that indicates we cannot revert.  I am not suggesting reverting the new app back to the old.  Leave the new app where it is on the store.  Take the old app and republish as a new app S2.  People can install either the new one or the old one S2.  Problem solved.


Which would require maintenance and upgrades on two apps, which requires manhours, which costs money and time.  Not happening.  Every time there’s an app overhaul, there’s a percentage of users who long for the old app to one extent or another.  Much of this is just familiarity, though this time the missing features and overall reliability are certainly adding to the chaos.  The best thing to do is submit your issues with the new app, and say what changes you wish to see.   Because the old app is not coming back. 

Ugh, no, they don’t have to maintain or update the old.  Just let it live out there for 6 months while the fix the new one.  If the old one starts having a lot of issues, take it down and then force the update.  The old one will have far less problems than the new one in that time.

It will take a little work, but a big bang for the buck as it will make many users happy.

Can we put something in the app or community that simply ask yay or nay for new app for all to see the percentages?

Here is the Sonos CEO Patrick Spence response from May:

"’s actually much easier to navigate, more responsive, and just a better overall experience, and that is the thing for the 99 percent of customers that you’re never going to hear from as you go through it."

I find that very interesting.  I understand there can be a 2% of users upset by changes, but in this case, I find this difficult to believe.  Where does Sonos get its 99 percent acceptance?  Sonos should put into the app, “How do you like it”.  Where all users could say yay or nay


My guess is that the 99% number, like 95% of all statistics quoted, is a made up number.

Please make whatever updates needed so I can add my second gen sub to my arc, 300, 3rd gen sub setup. Been fighting with it for weeks! It was a fight to unpair the two 3rd gen subs from the arc resulting in me having to factory reset one of 3rd gen subs (had to do a swap, one of the 3rd gen subs to the fives for lossless and move that 2nd gen sub to the arc) but now cannot add that 2nd gen sub to my arc setup…. Please please please implement the necessary updates to make this happen.



Here is the Sonos CEO Patrick Spence response from May:

"’s actually much easier to navigate, more responsive, and just a better overall experience, and that is the thing for the 99 percent of customers that you’re never going to hear from as you go through it."

I find that very interesting.  I understand there can be a 2% of users upset by changes, but in this case, I find this difficult to believe.  Where does Sonos get its 99 percent acceptance?  Sonos should put into the app, “How do you like it”.  Where all users could say yay or nay


My guess is that the 99% number, like 95% of all statistics quoted, is a made up number.

I’ve actually searched the internet and the community for any positive feedback and could not find any.  It would be healthy to have that yay or nay button with visibility for all.  Both for us and Sonos.  We do still love you but this is very painful for and taking a long time.  Personally, I have not heard back and do not see anything in plans about Sonos Playlists.  I feel like this will take six months or more or never and by that time I will be using Sonos so little I may never go back.  This isn’t a plug at Sonos, just the facts and I will be sad because I really loved Sonos and I miss it and want it back.  But in time my wounds will heal.

I’ve been told, by a user on LinkedIN, that there is a Facebook group where 70% of the users who participated in a poll were happy with the new app. That would be hearsay in court but I have no reason to disbelieve him.

I’ve been told, by a user on LinkedIN, that there is a Facebook group where 70% of the users who participated in a poll were happy with the new app. That would be hearsay in court but I have no reason to disbelieve him.

I’ve looked at the Facebook for Sonos and only found posts for selling used Sonos products.  I looked for new app feedback and could not find it.  Neither good or bad.

I’ve been told, by a user on LinkedIN, that there is a Facebook group where 70% of the users who participated in a poll were happy with the new app. That would be hearsay in court but I have no reason to disbelieve him.

I’ve looked at the Facebook for Sonos and only found posts for selling used Sonos products.  I looked for new app feedback and could not find it.  Neither good or bad.

Apparently I was on the ‘buy-sell’ Sonos Facebook page.  I found the ‘sonos’ page and only find negative feedback.  If anyone finds any positive feedback please share for us.

I’ve been told, by a user on LinkedIN, that there is a Facebook group where 70% of the users who participated in a poll were happy with the new app. That would be hearsay in court but I have no reason to disbelieve him.


And that’s just for those who take the poll, and we all know those are skewed towards the unhappy.  The indifferent or happy posters just don’t tend to participate.  Now there are certainly more complaints here than during any of the other app overhauls.  But as I’ve said before, there are less than 1000 new registered users here since the new app release.  Some are those are definitely socks, but let’s count them anyway.  Multiple that by an absurd number, like 10x, to account for those who are unhappy and don’t come here to complain.  So make it 10,000 users.  Sonos has millions of users worldwide, 10,000 is a drop in the bucket, and no amount of sock puppeting is going to change that.  

I followed that link and it is just advertising Sonos products.  I see nothing that indicates we cannot revert.  I am not suggesting reverting the new app back to the old.  Leave the new app where it is on the store.  Take the old app and republish as a new app S2.  People can install either the new one or the old one S2.  Problem solved.


Which would require maintenance and upgrades on two apps, which requires manhours, which costs money and time.  Not happening.  Every time there’s an app overhaul, there’s a percentage of users who long for the old app to one extent or another.  Much of this is just familiarity, though this time the missing features and overall reliability are certainly adding to the chaos.  The best thing to do is submit your issues with the new app, and say what changes you wish to see.   Because the old app is not coming back. 

My hunch is that the new app brought with it system software changes (the software that runs on the Sonos boxes) that are hard to back out, OR that the old system can’t support features in the new app that Spence wants to be there.

I remain sadly unsure that Sonos will not recover from this mess.

I’ve looked at the Facebook for Sonos and only found posts for selling used Sonos products.  I looked for new app feedback and could not find it.  Neither good or bad.


I loaded the new app first day, and aside from being unfamiliar, I had no problems.  My local library showed up first thing, sans album art, but that was a small annoyance.  The missing items: Alarms, sleep timers, are something I never use.  Sure I noticed the queue features being gone, but if I weren’t a long time poster here, it never would have caused me to register just to rant and rave.  I would honestly just say “Oh, it’s missing a few things.  They’ll show up in the future.” and be on my merry way.   I would think the vast majority of users feel the same way. 

As in the past, those who take very personal offense at a UI changes, enough to post and post and post about it on here and other media, are few and far between (and in some cases, very, very unhinged). 

My hunch is that the new app brought with it system software changes (the software that runs on the Sonos boxes) that are hard to back out, OR that the old system can’t support features in the new app that Spence wants to be there.

I remain sadly unsure that Sonos will recover from this mess.


Oh there’s no doubt the main reason for the half-baked release was to meet the end of fiscal year sales of the new headphones, which require the new app for support.  There’s no other reason which makes sense (and aside from the cost of maintaining two codebases, Sonos isn’t going to allow a portion of their users to remain on an app that guarantees they aren’t buying anything new). 

I’ve looked at the Facebook for Sonos and only found posts for selling used Sonos products.  I looked for new app feedback and could not find it.  Neither good or bad.


I loaded the new app first day, and aside from being unfamiliar, I had no problems.  My local library showed up first thing, sans album art, but that was a small annoyance.  The missing items: Alarms, sleep timers, are something I never use.  Sure I noticed the queue features being gone, but if I weren’t a long time poster here, it never would have caused me to register here to rant and rave.  I would honestly just say “Oh, it’s missing a few things.  They’ll show up in the future.” and be on my merry way.   I would think the vast majority of users feel the same way. 

As in the past, those who take very personal offense at a UI changes, enough to post and post and post about it on here and other media, are few and far between (and in some cases, very, very unhinged). 

Thank you jgatie for this.  I agree with sleep timers and alarms, not a high priority for me (and can’t imaging for many).  Can you tell me your common use case with Sonos?  When you open Sonos, what do you usually do?  Also, how long have you been using Sonos?  How many zones do you have?  Just interested to understand how my use case is different.  It would be good for others to understand as well.  

I’ve looked at the Facebook for Sonos and only found posts for selling used Sonos products.  I looked for new app feedback and could not find it.  Neither good or bad.


I loaded the new app first day, and aside from being unfamiliar, I had no problems.  My local library showed up first thing, sans album art, but that was a small annoyance.  The missing items: Alarms, sleep timers, are something I never use.  Sure I noticed the queue features being gone, but if I weren’t a long time poster here, it never would have caused me to register here to rant and rave.  I would honestly just say “Oh, it’s missing a few things.  They’ll show up in the future.” and be on my merry way.   I would think the vast majority of users feel the same way. 

As in the past, those who take very personal offense at a UI changes, enough to post and post and post about it on here and other media, are few and far between (and in some cases, very, very unhinged). 

Unhinged? The app release was managed and communicated badly.

The major omission was the lack of support for the partially sighted. Why would you do that?

Sure there has been some over reaction but Sonos should not have released the app the way it was and we know that there are beta testers who told them this.

Unhinged? The app release was managed and communicated badly.

The major omission was the lack of support for the partially sighted. Why would you do that?

Sure there has been some over reaction but Sonos should not have released the app the way it was and we know that there are beta testers who told them this.


We’ve had one poster who said ***** .   We had another that said removal of the local library is ********.  And another who compared the Sonos dev team following orders to release the unfit app to *********.  There are many more.

So yes, some are very, very unhinged. 


Moderator Edit: Removed reference content. Would kindly ask to refrain from mentioning inappropriate content. Make sure to use our report tool to have them removed.

I’ve looked at the Facebook for Sonos and only found posts for selling used Sonos products.  I looked for new app feedback and could not find it.  Neither good or bad.


I loaded the new app first day, and aside from being unfamiliar, I had no problems.  My local library showed up first thing, sans album art, but that was a small annoyance.  The missing items: Alarms, sleep timers, are something I never use.  Sure I noticed the queue features being gone, but if I weren’t a long time poster here, it never would have caused me to register here to rant and rave.  I would honestly just say “Oh, it’s missing a few things.  They’ll show up in the future.” and be on my merry way.   I would think the vast majority of users feel the same way. 

As in the past, those who take very personal offense at a UI changes, enough to post and post and post about it on here and other media, are few and far between (and in some cases, very, very unhinged). 

Unhinged? The app release was managed and communicated badly.

The major omission was the lack of support for the partially sighted. Why would you do that?

Sure there has been some over reaction but Sonos should not have released the app the way it was and we know that there are beta testers who told them this.

I’m sorry, but NO, I don't believe it’s over-reaction.  Major functions remain broken.   I’m basing this on my experience with the iPhone and iPad apps available today.

Thank you jgatie for this.  I agree with sleep timers and alarms, not a high priority for me (and can’t imaging for many).  Can you tell me your common use case with Sonos?  When you open Sonos, what do you usually do?  Also, how long have you been using Sonos?  How many zones do you have?  Just interested to understand how my use case is different.  It would be good for others to understand as well.  


My use case is music and TV.  I have 6 zones, Bedroom (Beam, surrounds, sub), Bathroom (Roam), Den (One), Kitchen (Play:1), Living Room (Arc, surrounds, sub) and a Move for the balcony.   I open the app and either pick a Sirius XM station (usually from favorites), or a playlist/artist from my library or Amazon/Apple Music.  I will also pick a SiriusXM station using Alexa if my hands are busy (cooking, etc.) Very rarely do I stream local radio or anything else with commercials.  I do group and ungroup frequently. 

Unhinged? The app release was managed and communicated badly.

The major omission was the lack of support for the partially sighted. Why would you do that?

Sure there has been some over reaction but Sonos should not have released the app the way it was and we know that there are beta testers who told them this.


We’ve had one poster who said ***** .   We had another that said removal of the local library is ********.  And another who compared the Sonos dev team following orders to release the unfit app to *********.  There are many more.

So yes, some are very, very unhinged. 

So, yes, users are very upset.  I thought of writing something similar but not so rough, but hesitated and tried to stay positive.  If alway posted love and appreciation for everything Sonos and team does for us.  But my common use is to open and play my playlists.  When I first opened the new app I thought ‘cool’, but it seemed that the screen was sort of hard to see everything.  Then I could not find my Sonos playlists.  They are all gone.  ‘My Sonos’ is gone.  I thought I just needed to learn the new app so spent some time looking for it and then working with support to find they are not in the new app at all.  When I click on ‘...’ it takes several seconds.  It used to be immediate.  Those were my first impressions.  Not good.  Could not play my music.

Playing with it more, I found you can search for a song and play now.  Can’t play next or add to end.  Seems strange.  and can't save the queue.  But why would you want to save a queue with just one song?  Why would I want to search for a song if I didn’t want to add it to a playlist?

Then the added add to queue and play next.  Cool, I can create a play list now.  but, I can’t save it.  What use is that.

As I continued to use the app, I kept running into different issues. 

My Sonos used to be a masterful magic radio and easy to use.  No longer easy to use and my primary functionality is no longer there.


Moderator Edit: Removed reference content. Would kindly ask to refrain from mentioning inappropriate content. Make sure to use our report tool to have them removed.

Thank you jgatie for this.  I agree with sleep timers and alarms, not a high priority for me (and can’t imaging for many).  Can you tell me your common use case with Sonos?  When you open Sonos, what do you usually do?  Also, how long have you been using Sonos?  How many zones do you have?  Just interested to understand how my use case is different.  It would be good for others to understand as well.  


My use case is music and TV.  I have 6 zones, Bedroom (Beam, surrounds, sub), Bathroom (Roam), Den (One), Kitchen (Play:1), Living Room (Arc, surrounds, sub) and a Move for the balcony.   I open the app and either pick a Sirius XM station (usually from favorites), or a playlist/artist from my library or Amazon/Apple Music.  I will also pick a SiriusXM station using Alexa if my hands are busy (cooking, etc.) Very rarely do I stream local radio or anything else with commercials.  I do group and ungroup frequently. 

Wow, your setup is very similar to mine.  You sound like a music/tv lover like me.  I have 9 zones myself.  Roam in bathroom for my morning concerts.  It sounds like you mostly play a Sirius XM via Sonos Favorites.  When you say playlist from library, what/where are these?  What is your library?  I used Sonos Play lists.  They are all gone.

Wow, your setup is very similar to mine.  You sound like a music/tv lover like me.  I have 9 zones myself.  Roam in bathroom for my morning concerts.  It sounds like you mostly play a Sirius XM via Sonos Favorites.  When you say playlist from library, what/where are these?  What is your library?  I used Sonos Play lists.  They are all gone.


My local playlists are from an ancient iTunes install going back to pre-Sonos days.  They are in the “Imported Playlist” menu under my music library.  I’ve never really used Sonos playlists, preferring the ones from iTunes or the music services via stations or playlists. 

Wow, your setup is very similar to mine.  You sound like a music/tv lover like me.  I have 9 zones myself.  Roam in bathroom for my morning concerts.  It sounds like you mostly play a Sirius XM via Sonos Favorites.  When you say playlist from library, what/where are these?  What is your library?  I used Sonos Play lists.  They are all gone.


My local playlists are from an ancient iTunes install going back to pre-Sonos days.  They are in the “Imported Playlist” menu under my music library.  I’ve never really used Sonos playlists, preferring the ones from iTunes or the music services via stations or playlists. 

So If you had lost your Sirius XM and or Playlists, how would you feel?  My losing my Sonos Playlists is the same as you loosing yours.  It really hurts.

So If you had lost your Sirius XM and or Playlists, how would you feel?  My losing my Sonos Playlists is the same as you loosing yours.  It really hurts.


I would be indifferent.  I’m not that attached to playlists.  Even the ones I have in iTunes were generated by the app.  I might have one or two that I crafted on my own, but I couldn’t tell you what they are.  It’s just not that big a deal to me.  Other’s mileage may vary.  

One thing is for certain, no matter what features were missing, I wouldn’t post the disgusting posts that were edited above.

So If you had lost your Sirius XM and or Playlists, how would you feel?  My losing my Sonos Playlists is the same as you loosing yours.  It really hurts.


I would be indifferent.  I’m not that attached to playlists.  Even the ones I have in iTunes were generated by the app.  I might have one or two that I crafted on my own, but I couldn’t tell you what they are.  It’s just not that big a deal to me.  Other’s mileage may vary.  

One thing is for certain, no matter what features were missing, I wouldn’t ask a CEO to commit suicide or say the developers who are responsible for the release are akin to the guards at Auschwitz.

I agree those words were over the top and just plain improper. I’m not defending the words in any way.

I depended on my Sonos Playlists as they were built with friends through the years with many good memories and now they are gone.  

If you lost your Sirius XM (the thing you depended on) you might not be happy with the new app.  No?

I agree those words were over the top and just plain improper. I’m not defending the words in any way.

I depended on my Sonos Playlists as they were built with friends through the years with many good memories and now they are gone.  

If you lost your Sirius XM (the thing you depended on) you might not be happy with the new app.  No?


I’m not happy with the new app either, it was released unfit for purpose, and I understand why people are upset, they have very right to be.  But in the grand scheme of things, I really don’t let those types of things upset me.  I reserve those emotions for things that really matter, not first world problems with my audio system.  I’m just not that kind of person.  I’m more apt to chuck it and move on than to post about it on a user’s group.  As I’ve often said, you will know I’ve had enough of Sonos when you never see me post again.  OMMV. 

I agree those words were over the top and just plain improper. I’m not defending the words in any way.

I depended on my Sonos Playlists as they were built with friends through the years with many good memories and now they are gone.  

If you lost your Sirius XM (the thing you depended on) you might not be happy with the new app.  No?


I’m not happy with the new app either, it was released unfit for purpose, and I understand why people are upset, they have very right to be.  But in the grand scheme of things, I really don’t let those types of things upset me.  I reserve those emotions for things that really matter, not first world problems with my audio system.  I’m just not that kind of person.  I’m more apt to chuck it and move on than to post about it on a user’s group.  As I’ve often said, you will know I’ve had enough of Sonos when you never see me post again.  OMMV. 

Wise words.  Thanks for chatting.

Here is the Sonos CEO Patrick Spence response from May:

"’s actually much easier to navigate, more responsive, and just a better overall experience, and that is the thing for the 99 percent of customers that you’re never going to hear from as you go through it."

Total BS, Spence has his MBA lesson completely upside down.  It goes something like this “treat your customer poorly and about 1% will bother to take the time to let you know, while 99% will just move on to your competitors.”   He failed at RIM/Blackberry and he’s taking Sonos down the same arrogant and ignorant path. 

I want Sonos to succeed, but they won’t with the current c-suite staff. 
