
Your feedback on the new Sonos App

Userlevel 7
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Hi Everyone

We moderators of the community - @Corry P@Jamie A & @Sotiris C. - wanted to take an opportunity to explain some of what is currently happening on the community.

First of all, we value all the feedback you are providing about the new Sonos App. We hear you. Feedback is coming in fast and thick, however - for understandable reasons - and to be frank, we are having trouble just keeping up with it all. For this reason, some topics that have not yet been replied to will go unanswered. We will, however, do our best to amalgamate some of these separate threads into bigger, related threads (such as one big thread for Alarm complaints and another for Queue Management) to be answered en-mass. The threads that are feedback on other aspects of the new app will be merged with this post.

Threads that describe issues such as missing rooms and app crashes (those that are not just feedback, in other words) will be answered, as will threads not relating to the new app in anyway, but these will take a bit longer than normal.

Please be aware that we are reading every post, we are recording and collating all feedback, and all of it will be passed over to the app software development team. In addition, we are doing our best to identify previously unidentified issues and report them to our technical teams.

We know many of you are concerned about certain features going missing, so let us take this opportunity to say that the following features are coming back:

  • Alarms management
  • Sleep timers
  • Queue management
  • Playlist editing

In addition and contrary to some speculation, local Music Library is not going anywhere, though SMBv1 support has been permanently removed. Local Music Library searching is something that is still being worked on.

We’d also like to thank everyone who has taken it upon themselves to help others here with their questions and concerns - we appreciate you all!

Thanks for listening - take care of yourselves, and each other.


Combined threads:

General feedback (not relating specifically to those below):

Queue management: 



Music Library:

Sleep Timers:


Please note that there is an official statement that can be read here.


2445 replies

For me it’s when the app doesn’t suck (isn’t a buggy POS and all missing features are back) YMMV. 

Userlevel 5
Badge +9

It's gone a bit backwards for me. Those with their own library are going to be waiting longest I suspect.

Userlevel 1

I have to say this is one the worst App updates i’ve ever had. the knew interface gives me access to less while proving you with more room to advertise which I really don’t like in products I’ve paid for. If free service then yes adverts ok but not when I’m paying for hardware. 

Specific problems include:

  • I can not longer access TuneIn on the app. It was before the upgrade and now it dose not show when I try to add it I just get an error. I do have TuneIn account by the way. It is still present on the desktop version of the app and works their but I now have turn my PC on to get access to TuneIn.
  • Switching between room is dose not work now and again.
  • It will often drop the connection to the my Sonos devices  forcing me reconnect to the network each time I start the App
  • The loss of Network storage was the reason I got Sonos in the first place, thanks for bring this back

The final thing I would like to note unrelated to the upgrade of the App is push away from high quality outputs to lower quality speakers. You used to make connect / port with a optical out which enabled me to use quality separates system with the Sonos setup. I can’t do this any more meaning I’m now considering getting alternative streaming device.

App update might just the last straw please consider you chance and those that like and loved high quality audio before making more changes.

Userlevel 2

This new app is an absolute disgrace.  Someone, or many people should be fired over this debacle.  I own 19 Sonos Products because I loved (notice the past tense) this system, it’s simplicity and ease of use was flawless.  Now, one of my most pleasurable part of my day, listening to music has become a death match with this abomination of a product.  Who is responsible for this disaster??? 19 speakers and only two of them play music.  Disgrace, absolute disgrace.  The CEO should be perp walked for the cluster of a product and allowing this to happen.  Does anyone at HQ actually use this “product”? Clearly not. 

Userlevel 4
Badge +2

Hey how about letting us play the music we own again sometime in the next week or so? Did you think removing features and then not fixing them was going to be acceptable?

I’m unsure that I understand your comment. I’ve been playing music I own, from a local NAS, since this ‘update’ happened. Yes, there are issues, such as I haven’t been able to search, or edit queues, but those are being resolved. But certainly I’ve never lost the ability to continue to play ‘old’ playlists of my own music. 

@D B Cooper 
Same as @Airgetlam - I too am able to play my music from the locally shared NAS library via the new Sonos App. Make sure the local library share is using the SMBv2 protocol (or higher) version.

I upgraded my Sonos app a few weeks ago and wtf?  I used this app to group speakers and control volume and other levels.  I don’t even understand what this new UX is trying to promote but it’s utterly useless. I have to make many clicks to do basic tasks.  I know I’m just piling on but what a failure

I've just upgraded to the new app after years of owning play 5 and 1, which are now defunct. I thought to grab two era 100 which sound fantastic but it's the app the let's things down.


Now I can see that there are improvements coming, which is awesome. But here's a few things I've noticed that I felt I had to mention.


First thing. Podcasts via YouTube Music. Just clicking on any episode seems to do nothing, I have quite a few past episodes to get through and the couple I tried did not work. The bottom playbar of the app only showed the latest episode. None would play. Annoyingly reverting back to the YouTube Music app and it's showing all the episodes up to the latest as being played which I can't undo, and just isn't the case. Very frustrating. I know podcasts are new to YT Music, but even so.


Playing podcasts equires me to use Bluetooth, unless there's an alternative I don't know about. Connecting to Bluetooth is frustrating. Sometimes it shows as connected but there's no sound. Annoyingly using Bluetooth resets the EQ everytime, so when I go back to WiFi I have to set the EQ yet again.


I'm hoping local library play means I can play my local phone files without using Bluetooth, when it arrives. I mean man, I assumed I could do this like in the past. I don't like Bluetooth generally. It automatically connects to devices that are paired and that is just so bloody annoying if you have more than one paired to your phone, like some headphones or a TV. 


I bet everybody has now told how they have to switch back and forth to the app, and when you do you have to wait what feels like an age for it to discover the speakers on the network. This can't be right. It reliably tells you it sees nothing... You sit there and wait like a minute all to just reduce the volume... Which leads to... 


Is the app not running in the background? Can I not control it from the notification area of my phone? You know like... Any other media app since 2012? All I want to do is skip a track or adjust volume, it should be easier.


These are silly things and I just had higher expectations from Sonos, having held off from upgrading for years and when I do, the app seems unfinished and untested.


Luckily, I can say I'm enjoying the speakers all the same, and have a good feeling things will get better, but it's sad to have to come here at all. Good luck with tackling those problems. 









Userlevel 4
Badge +2

I’m unsure that I understand your comment. I’ve been playing music I own, from a local NAS, since this ‘update’ happened. Yes, there are issues, such as I haven’t been able to search, or edit queues, but those are being resolved. But certainly I’ve never lost the ability to continue to play ‘old’ playlists of my own music. 

good for you - consider yourself lucky I guess. I’ve tried every “fix” listed by the community and nothing works on my iMac music database. Since the update, Sonos won’t even find the music files even if I point the software to its location. To be clear - there is no “music library” in Sonos - I can’t add it.

Worked fine every time prior to the “upgrade” Sonos provided.

Userlevel 5
Badge +4


I've been using the new (Android) app for a month and it's still confusing to navigate. A lot of what I consider unnecessary tapping of the screen to get to the function/setting I want to get to. The old app was far more intuitive and an absolute breeze to navigate in comparison.


Userlevel 5
Badge +8


I've been using the new app for a month and it's still confusing to navigate. A lot of unnecessary tapping of the screen to get to the function/setting you want to get to. The old app was far more intuitive and an absolute breeze to navigate in comparison.


More than the usual learning curve, but that's to be expected with a radical redesign 

Userlevel 5
Badge +4


I've been using the new app for a month and it's still confusing to navigate. A lot of unnecessary tapping of the screen to get to the function/setting you want to get to. The old app was far more intuitive and an absolute breeze to navigate in comparison.


More than the usual learning curve but to be expected with a radical redesign 

A radical redesign should make things easier, not more difficult!

Userlevel 1

As an individual who is in their twilight years and only uses a Beam and  Roam2 with my TV I have found the new app excessively complicated, Constantly forgets my setup and I have to access the app a more than luck that judgement gets the Roam to work again. Even trying to check the Roam charge percentage is complicated.

The Roam sound comes & goes & cannot find what the problem might be.

Dissapointing :(

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Now having to reset app numerous times before it finds all and sometimes any of my speakers. Volume going up & down of its own accord. App showing music playing on speakers and all I hear is silence!? 

Userlevel 2

It’s been a while since the new, appalling, app came out. I assumed by now there’d be an apology for inflicting an unfinished, untested, half-baked downgrade on the community. And senior resignations. And a plan to fix it.

It seems not. You’re doubling down on it being an “upgrade”.

You currently have 1.1 stars on Google Play. I’ve never seen anything that bad.

The new app is still unusable. Half the time it can’t figure out my system or even what’s playing.

The recent update that demanded I accept ToS all over again to access the system I’ve owned for years is a pretty clear message that you hate your users.

I’ve spent a lot of money on my system. I won’t be spending any more.

Have you heard of Ashton Tate? You should look them up.

Userlevel 3


Since the upgrade I decided to exit SONOS. I only use local library and had no online services so the new app was useless to me, not being able to search for a song or update my music library when I ripped a new CD made it unusable.


So I sold

  • ARC
  • Sub Gen 3
  • Roam
  • 2 Ikea Lamps (Used as rears which I was going to upgrade to era 300’s)
  • 2 x Sonos Moves


In all I was able to get back about 70% of what I paid, which was not too much of a loss considering. After this post I will delete my account and as the main “tech influencer” of my family and friends will be talking everyone I know out of this brand.


Why can't you just, change it back? It was perfect the way it was. Everything was in the right place, everything made sense, and the UI was pleasing. That or add a settings option to change it to how it was.

Userlevel 3

Guys make the old app available again and let people install it, this is ludicrous. It’s a compete * up so can’t you just own it now and do something that shows your customers you actually give a *?

*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*

Userlevel 1

It's obvious that despite the corporate marketing language in all of Sonos' response to complaints about this major software rewrite, version 80.0 was pushed well before it was ready so as to meet some internal deadline (possibly to coordinate with the release of the headphones?). Corporate short term greed (drooling at sales income for new hardware) took priority over maintaining quality in their service. It's no wonder Sonos stock price has been falling since the release. 

[Note that both the Dow and S&P  have been steadily growing over the same period.]


Sales will tank further as long as Sonos continues to ignore existing users wishes for a return to the previous version, and those users continue to give Sonos lousy reviews on the internet. 


The solution really is simple. Give us the old software until the new software is fully finished. 

Userlevel 4


Since the upgrade I decided to exit SONOS. I only use local library and had no online services so the new app was useless to me, not being able to search for a song or update my music library when I ripped a new CD made it unusable.


So I sold

  • ARC
  • Sub Gen 3
  • Roam
  • 2 Ikea Lamps (Used as rears which I was going to upgrade to era 300’s)
  • 2 x Sonos Moves


In all I was able to get back about 70% of what I paid, which was not too much of a loss considering. After this post I will delete my account and as the main “tech influencer” of my family and friends will be talking everyone I know out of this brand.


What did you buy instead?

My favorite is bluesound at the moment… I am also looking at the Apple HomePod but they don’t have a soundbar yet (there is a rumor that its coming soon). 
Any other options out here?


Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

Userlevel 2
Badge +2

Is anyone struggling with the Apple Music service today?

It was working fine last week.

Today I was requested to authorize Apple Music again, and now after I search for songs and hitting play, there’s a circle spinning endlessly on the play button after I click it and nothing happens.

Edited to add this update: same tight my Library on a NAS. This app is now officially unusable.

right now the only thing this system does is  play sound from the TV.

This is starting to get unacceptable.

Does anyone at Sonos understands the true proportions of this mess, or are people still in denial?

Is anyone struggling with the Apple Music service today?

It was working fine last week.

Today I was requested to authorize Apple Music again, and now after I search for songs and hitting play, there’s a circle spinning endlessly on the play button after I click it and nothing happens.

Edited to add this update: same tight my Library on a NAS. This app is now officially unusable.

right now the only thing this system does is  play sound from the TV.

This is starting to get unacceptable.

Does anyone at Sonos understands the true proportions of this mess, or are people still in denial?

FWIW. Apple Music is working okay here on iPad/iPhone Sonos controllers…

Userlevel 1

You can file a complaint with the FTC at

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

For those who have switched off


Sonos Ace Behind-the-Scenes Live Q&A


Today at 11am PST.    
