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the new Sonos ios app update is TERRIBLE! DO NOT UPDATE!

Sonos, why would you release an app upgrade with so many problems!? Where are my playlists? They're gone! Where are my alarms?  I can no longer edit or save the queue! Where are my albums? I can't change the home interface! I can delete some of the things you guys added automatically but there's nowhere I can see to add anything. What a mess!

Don't you guys check your work? I've been reading some other letters and there are many more problems.


165 replies

Userlevel 3

Yup, vaporized ALL of my Sonos playlists, which I’ve only been creating for years. Seriously, how incompetent do you have to be to release an update that proactively destroys a core feature of your platform? In a world in which apps auto-update without people knowing.

And here’s the best part—do you think they give a crap that they’ve destroyed the curated listening environments of thousands of customers?

They’ll say “I’m Sorry” of course. But will they compensate us where it counts by giving us all substantial credits in their store (since we’re all stuck in the ecosystem, especially me - 14 years in)?


While I’m livid about how utterly poor the new app is, you might find that your playlists are hiding deep in the section called Sonos Favourites. 

The app also doesn’t swap between systems. I have a system at home and one at work. Seems I can only choose one system to use now. 


This is embarrassing for you Sonos 

You just need to use the same HouseholdID and add the various WiFi networks to the App to get around the multi-location issue, but it’s a bit late if you’ve approached the Home/Work setup with different Households. It’s perhaps now easier to maybe use two controller devices instead, I only have the one phone so it made sense to expand the HH across all locations and so I don’t encounter the issue with the new App, fortunately.

Are you able to add or edit wifi settings in the new app? I can’t find it, heard it’s not supported now but maybe just edit? 

No, that’s why I mentioned to @Goose9 earlier, to go with using separate controllers - it’s easier than switching the work system to use their Home HouseholdID (that means resetting the work devices).

In my own case, I had already addressed the multi-location issues, as I already use Sonos products at multiple locations, including when we travel around the UK - so each location we have uses the same Sonos HouseholdID as the main Home, albeit those different locations have different WiFi credentials (SSID/Password).

I already had the various WiFi networks listed/stored in the new App (imported from S2), but cannot currently add a new network - I’m guessing that feature will be added later.

Userlevel 1

Just seen this on the Sonos home page….

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry

Userlevel 2

Der må da være et par teknikker hos SONOS der hurtigst muligt kan få den nye APP. op og virke.

Ellers må den gamle SONOS APP gøres tilgængelig igen.

Hvor svært kan det være?


Userlevel 4
Badge +2

It almost seems that the software development team are not themselves longstanding SONOS users and have little to no appreciation for the existing core features and functionality. Either that or they were specifically tasked with trying to enrage and disenfranchise as many SONOS users as possible, shatter user confidence and irreversibly destroy the SONOS brand. 

Maybe the app update was outsourced!?

Userlevel 3

Just seen this on the Sonos home page….

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry


Userlevel 1

And on my FB feed


SONOS NEEDS TO GET IT TOGETHER. As a custom integrator and lover of whole house music, Sonos was a system I would always present to my clients. I am now completely disgusted. “Courage” is what I will use to share competing products from now on. “Courage” is what I will use to sell my current Sonos setup. 

I have been using Sonos for many many years and this app completely destroyed my system in my ability to seamlessly switch back-and-forth between music, audio, and TV audio. I can no longer control my TV. If it even registers as a device, you can’t control the volume you raise the volume and it goes back to the volume. It was prior. When going in the TV settings, it says plug-in optical cable will just for The heck of it I plugged in the optical cable I tried to calibrate that feature, even though it’s been working for the last seven years… it can’t even find the sound bar. I had to re-sync all my speakers again Although I agree, that iTunes platform is now easier to use this app is complete trash. I have no clue what you guys were thinking by releasing this. I have been an avid Sonos supporter, upgrading my system annually and this is what I get in return. I have switched my TV audio back to the speakers on the TV that’s how cumbersome this app is. 

Userlevel 2

Too late I unfortunately updated it. Worst decision I ever made. It’s an absolute nightmare and not fit for purpose. Who ever decided to release this awful update needs to be fired. I have never seen such an awful update since I have owned Sonos.thats over 12 years plus.

please issue a link to re install the previous version.

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

Too late I unfortunately updated it. Worst decision I ever made. It’s an absolute nightmare and not fit for purpose. Who ever decided to release this awful update needs to be fired. I have never seen such an awful update since I have owned Sonos.thats over 12 years plus.

please issue a link to re install the previous version.

If you are on iOS you cannot go backwards 

I have read several posts that shared that when they did finally get through to support, all support could say was they were aware prior to the update release that not everything was ready. However, they released an update that was known to not be ready for primetime and failed to leave anyone with the option of switching back to the prior version. That for me is what pissed me off. The smart way to release a new update is to keep the last update available for a period as not everyone is going to be ready to update right away. This update almost tries to force you to update.

Thankfully I only updated my phone, which no longer works mind you! But I can currently still use the older version that I didn’t update on my iPad and my office PC.

Userlevel 2

Konklusionen fremover må være:


De gider ikke engang at orientere om deres fejl og mangler.
SONOS 👎👎👎👎👎

Userlevel 1

Completely agree. The most useful feature to me on the Sonos app was queue management (add to queue, play next, rearrange the queue within it) and that feature is just gone. Don’t update the app if you can. The new one has fewer features.

Sonos, why would you release an app upgrade with so many problems!? Where are my playlists? They're gone! Where are my alarms?  I can no longer edit or save the queue! Where are my albums? I can't change the home interface! I can delete some of the things you guys added automatically but there's nowhere I can see to add anything. What a mess!

Don't you guys check your work? I've been reading some other letters and there are many more problems.


Total disaster… both on my iOS and on my wife’s  Android… totally unusable 

I agree

No Help from support 

Bot is useless 

cannot speak to anyone 

Works from my Windows Laptop, but not iPhone or iPad.

Put this right….or is it built in obsolescence to make us buy new speakers?

Sonos, why would you release an app upgrade with so many problems!? Where are my playlists? They're gone! Where are my alarms?  I can no longer edit or save the queue! Where are my albums? I can't change the home interface! I can delete some of the things you guys added automatically but there's nowhere I can see to add anything. What a mess!

Don't you guys check your work? I've been reading some other letters and there are many more problems.


Absolutely worst app upgrade ever. Thousands of dollars in upgrading to a Sonos sound system seem to have gone down the drain!  DO NOT UPGRADE!

Userlevel 1

New app has made my music library unusable. What were you thinking, Sonos. Self sabotage or what?

New app has made my music library unusable. What were you thinking, Sonos. Self sabotage or what?

Maybe check the type of sharing protocol the library uses. It needs to be SMB v2 or higher. If using a Windows PC for the share (just as an example) then this link explains what needs to be done. I assume it’s a similar thing for MAC OS and usually on a NAS, that supports the various protocol versions, it’s often a case of selecting the higher version of SMBv2+ from a drop-down list.

If using a http or SMB v1 shared library you just need to switch it - you may need to re-index the library too using the Sonos Desktop Controller App which can be downloaded here (if you perhaps do not have it already).

Hope that helps and that you can manage to get your local library back up and running in the new App.

Userlevel 2

This new app is an absolute piece of garbage!  No point mentioning all of the bugs, they’ve been mentioned above.  Everyone please let Sonos know what a sh**** move this was!!!!

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

The latest IoS Sonos app is pure nightmare and brings users to stop using their beloved app.

How dare you Sonos to send out an App Update that from one moment to the other prevents users from some of their principal use cases.

With the new app I cannot anymore:

  • play single songs from my music library and add them to the queue
  • I cannot create any playlists from songs from my music library
  • I cannot find the playlist that I have created in Sonos app and were saved in the app
  • I cannot play all songs contained in one folder of my music library

This app update makes no sense, it killed overnight all the main use cases why I use and like so much the Sonos app. Why did you do this??? Why?

It’s hard to believe it’s not intentional, because someone must have reviewed it before releasing it to the customer base.

I've exactly the same issues... Have you found a way to play all songs contained in a folder?


This morning I discovered that the latest update on my Android phone has ruined my SONOS system.  I use SONOS for 2 things -  BBC Radio and HiFi quality music from my music library.  I do not want voice control, nor any streaming service such as Spotify. 

I now cannot see my music library - SONOS, what are you playing at?  Please reissue the old app so we can choose which we want.

Fortunately one of my devices (Amazon tablet) has not updated, but I'll be stuck if it does.

The local library folders are available in the new App, including the Web App? Ensure its setup as an SMBv2 or higher share over the LAN. Screenshot attached showing it’s available to both.

No local libraries for me. They are gone. all I get is “Recently Played’ (which contains a list of three songs from my local library), “Your Services” (which only seems to include only streaming services) and “Sonos Favorites” (which again contains only web streaming services). How do I get access to my local library back? All the app lets me do is add more streaming services.

The local library folders are available in the new App, including the Web App? Ensure its setup as an SMBv2 or higher share over the LAN. Screenshot attached showing it’s available to both.

No local libraries for me. They are gone. all I get is “Recently Played’ (which contains a list of three songs from my local library), “Your Services” (which only seems to include only streaming services) and “Sonos Favorites” (which again contains only web streaming services). How do I get access to my local library back? All the app lets me do is add more streaming services.

What device are you using to share your local library folders/tracks?

Macbook Pro and two iPhones. All three did connect to my local library with the old version, now only the MBP does.

Macbook Pro and two iPhones. All three did connect to my local library with the old version, now only the MBP does.

I mean’t what device is the library shared from? NAS/MAC/PC? …I don’t know how to switch the library share protocol using the MAC OS, but if you are using that for the share, it’s probably something similar to the steps needed for Windows (perhaps?) and those steps are outlined here…

You probably need to check online how to setup an SMBv2 share.

If using a NAS box instead, then it’s often a quick setting change in the NAS configuration pages to switch the share to SMBv2 (or higher).
