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new app update is SLOW. SLOW. SLOW!!!!

Before I get into how SLOW it is, let’s talk about the interface - TERRIBLE.  
Alarm - missing.  

Search - terrible.

play list maintenance- missing

i completely regret adding multiple SONOs devices to my home.


hey SONOS -  get your act together and FIX IT!

174 replies

Userlevel 1

The problems with the “new” app were so obvious from installation that I expected they would be fixed within days. Now it’s been months. It’s so bad I have to unplug just to shut off. Does Sonos have a plan or are they simply abandoning the business and their past customers?

Userlevel 2

I agree with most all these posts. The new release is slow beyond use and the interface is clumsy at best.  It’s hard to believe that SONOS has not addressed serious user issues.




Userlevel 1

Can we go back? Can Sonos just publish the old app and give people a choice? The downloads will tell story best. 

Painfully slow. I am so disappointed in the new app and the lag time. Everything about it. Just opening the app takes time to Load. Then it shows the song that was previously playing, not the current song. Looking for a new song to put in the queue takes so much. There’s a delay between songs. Everything action and selection is slow. The app is way too overwrought and trying to do so much. I invested too much money in my system to just go back to analog and vinyl…. But just might.

Glad I found this thread knowing I am not alone... But man what is Sonos doing to us. Absolutely love(d) the systemen, always works flawlessly. But with the updated app controlling our music streams is like h*ll. My goodness…


Please help us out and either revert the 'update' or fix the stuff. Please.

Truly awful new app. Terrible UX, unintuitive. Huge lag in response time, and often volume adjustment seems to reset to previous settings. 

I downloaded SonosPhone and it does what Sonos don’t - it works. No delays when changing volume, songs etc. the UX/UI looks like s*** but I don’t care at this point. The author will probably become a millionaire as a result of Sonos screw up. It’s a joke. 

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

I downloaded SonosPhone and it does what Sonos don’t - it works. No delays when changing volume, songs etc. the UX/UI looks like shit but I don’t care at this point. The author will probably become a millionaire as a result of Sonos screw up. It’s a joke. 

Only for IOS sadly


I downloaded SonosPhone and it does what Sonos don’t - it works. No delays when changing volume, songs etc. the UX/UI looks like shit but I don’t care at this point. The author will probably become a millionaire as a result of Sonos screw up. It’s a joke. 

Only for IOS sadly


😭 that’s to bad. 

When will the app be fixed?

that’s giving the will the change the whole system for a competitor!

This app is such a mess and so slow, too many bugs !

new version should be an evolution! Not going back and to awful and not friendly app! 

iOS user and oh my days, it’s such a horrific experience.  The S2 app was always just about bearable is terms of responsiveness, but now it’s unusable. How was load testing on your new cloud architecture not done and the app just released. It used to be a the case that I’d recommend Sonos to everyone, it’s why I’ve got 8 devices, but I’m now advising friends to choose anything but Sonos. I have to wonder where is the leadership taking Sonos, at the moment it looks taking them into extinction. 

others have already mentioned but publish the old app in addition to the new one, so people can actually use their system, whilst you sort the abomination that is the latest release. 

sonos, please do better, a whole load better, before you go out of business.

@Sonos - when are you going to recognize this as a problem?!

Userlevel 2
Badge +3

I downloaded SonosPhone and it does what Sonos don’t - it works. No delays when changing volume, songs etc. the UX/UI looks like s*** but I don’t care at this point. The author will probably become a millionaire as a result of Sonos screw up. It’s a joke. 

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

Saw your post, spent my £3.99, and within 30 seconds was smiling broadly from ear to ear. What a breath of fresh air! Immediately able to adjust volume without a laggy, jerky mish-mash response and self-adjusting slider button. Have not explored the rest yet, but oh so happy that such a simple task of being able to adjust the volume has been considered and implemented in such a smooth manner.

Might not be too bothered about going back to the SonoS disaster app ever again …..

SonosPhone is truly the hero we didn‘t know we need. So much better than the official joke of an app. Just look at the recent reviews of the Sonos app and you know this is a systemic issue. What a poor performance. Simple things like stopping music, adjusting volume have 10+ second delay and require multiple attempts. Before those BASICS! are not working as intended, there is no way I will go back nor recommend Sonos to anyone. I have little hope this disaster will be patched any time soon (if ever) and they should really consider a roll-back. What a joke. 

Userlevel 4

Sonos,  im reading users are trying to find an app which is working without lags, problems and errorcodes. Such a shame for an expensive product!

Consider selling all my Sonos systems! 


Userlevel 4

Just installed SonosPhone and i happy spended €3,99 for this. Works much better then the useless app from Sonos. No lags and good response. All my speakers are recognized. Playlists are loaded without problems and errorcodes.


Shame on you Sonos! 

when do we get an update for the S2 as my system is unusable?


Userlevel 2
Badge +3

I thought I would check out the My Music function on SonoPhone, but it appeared that it needed to have been first set up within the SonoS app. Curiosity got the better of me and I opened the SonoS app and looked for the local music library. I was most surprised to see the functionality return, and within a few minutes I had configured access to my network storage and all of MY music was showing.

Straight back to SonoPhone and refreshed the library, BOOM!, My music showing there and all usable too. So, it does seem that SonoS are making some improvements to their disastrous pre-beta testing release, but will it ever be enough to bring the faithful back to the altar I wonder?

Not a day too early. Omg.

when do we get an update for the S2 as my system is unusable?

Note: the older ‘S2 Sonos App’ has been replaced by the new ‘Sonos App’.

The ‘new’ Sonos App is working okay here on my Home Sonos setup, but If you’re having difficulties using the updated controller App, then maybe reproduce any issue(s) seen, submit a Sonos system diagnostic report from within the App (if practicable), note it’s reference and/or gather any relevant screenshots/screen-recordings and contact/chat with Sonos Support Staff via this LINK and see what the Staff can perhaps suggest to help you to resolve the matter.


Certainly better now, but it’s still far too laggy. Changing tracks now “only” takes 2 seconds, updating the track onscreen takes about 6 seconds. Heading in the right direction, let’s hope it actually manages to run fast one day

Unfortunately, it is en of july 22.  The sonos andriod is sooo slow, even after the updates.  Volume... does it go up?  Which number is playing, Sonos cannot tell as it is 10 songs behind... terrible it is.  SONOS get your act together and solve it..

Userlevel 3
Badge +2

The "Apology Letter" from the CEO of SONOS seen in the new app just doesn't cut it! The new app in spite of recent updates, is still RUBBISH! I keep having to uninstall it and use the previous version. The new app takes more than 3 minutes to simply connect to a speaker on the home WiFi network! No way on earth should it ever take THAT long! I use the old app and it just works and has a way better response. The new app is just rubbish. Until they get it working like the previous version it gets zero out of 5 stars. What a complete load of nonsense!

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

The "Apology Letter" from the CEO of SONOS seen in the new app just doesn't cut it! The new app in spite of recent updates, is still RUBBISH! I keep having to uninstall it and use the previous version. The new app takes more than 3 minutes to simply connect to a speaker on the home WiFi network! No way on earth should it ever take THAT long! I use the old app and it just works and has a way better response. The new app is just rubbish. Until they get it working like the previous version it gets zero out of 5 stars. What a complete load of nonsense!

Just checking, did you update your app and firmware to the latest versions released last week (app) and the week before (system firmware)?

Userlevel 3
Badge +2

The "Apology Letter" from the CEO of SONOS seen in the new app just doesn't cut it! The new app in spite of recent updates, is still RUBBISH! I keep having to uninstall it and use the previous version. The new app takes more than 3 minutes to simply connect to a speaker on the home WiFi network! No way on earth should it ever take THAT long! I use the old app and it just works and has a way better response. The new app is just rubbish. Until they get it working like the previous version it gets zero out of 5 stars. What a complete load of nonsense!

Just checking, did you update your app and firmware to the latest versions released last week (app) and the week before (system firmware)?

Thanks for your reply. Yes thanks. App and firmware updated. Using the new app I checked for updates to the speaker and it reported none. Yet still the performance is nowhere near as good as the old version of the app. 
